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Everything posted by flamingos

  1. We're doing the steam train to a mountaintop, with a view of a fjord. It goes until about 1:30, and we're in port until 5.
  2. The worst that will happen is you will donate your sodas to the crew.
  3. What if you want to leave it on and watch the ocean?
  4. https://thepointsguy.com/news/skagway-port-rockslides/ Since then, there have been two additional slides — one last Wednesday and the most recent on Friday. Both caused damage to a dock used by a popular Skagway excursion — a mountain railroad. Friday’s rockslide damaged a container that officials had put in place to act as a tunnel to protect cruise ship passengers from falling rocks. Fortunately, no one was injured in either of the most recent slides, but there are concerns that a much more significant landslide could be on the way. https://khns.org/skagway-declares-state-of-emergency-readies-eoc-clinic-deal-with-searhc-gets-fresh-look
  5. Remember that you get your morning specialty coffees in the Diamond Lounge.
  6. My PCP, my dermatologist, GYN, all of them have never lifted their mask requirement, or their health screening questions. They are allowed to protect themselves.
  7. Beautiful, I was looking forward to your Visby report! They have a free tour every day except Sunday at 11 a.m. at the visitor center, so we are going to do that and then wander on our own. I didn't realize it is a walled city - I love those! By the way, those re-enactors were not in 'costume', they were in garb. Usually it's their own money and their own research and they are as close to period-specific as they can manage. 'Costumes' are when they are wearing the polyester outfit they bought at the Halloween store. 🙂 I live in a town full of re-enactors and have learned the difference. ❤️
  8. I have read that the shower gel/shampoo in the shower is suitable, or you can get something like detergent travel sheets. https://www.amazon.com/Sea-Summit-Travel-Pocket-Laundry/dp/B002BO60JI/ref=sr_1_1?crid=29Q7PXQYXSZVL&keywords=laundry+detergent+travel+sheets&qid=1659827754&sprefix=laundry+detergent+travel+sheets%2Caps%2C112&sr=8-1 We bring magnetic hooks to hang up clothes to dry - bathing suits, and whatever personals we wash by hand.
  9. I tend to think it's 'some', but enough that they have had to change the rules to deal with them. Even during the height of the norovirus outbreaks, there were still people leaving (or trying to leave) the restroom without washing hands - public shaming was in full force anytime I saw someone walk straight to the door. 🙂
  10. I was thinking they would do add the hour at night. When we traveled eastbound, the captain chose to deduct the time change hour at noon, so that staff didn't lose any sleep. So we went from noon to 1 p.m. each day of our sea days.
  11. The Tavern - it sounds like a nice place. Can you get a picture of that? And the towel animals are great!!!
  12. But the refund will come. Again, from the original post, it almost seemed like the original room was gone, the upgrade was gone, the bid was gone, and he wasn't going to even be on the boat. Being in the original room is acceptable. Getting charged for a room he's not going to get is irritating, but it will be refunded.
  13. No, but it forestalls the people who say "but Carnival is doing it". 🙂
  14. I don't know about Galveston, but Canaveral has scooter rentals (ScootAround?) that I was able to pick up there in the terminal. They expedited my security checks, and got me straight on to the ship along with the others in my party. In the dining room, make sure you speak to the desk ASAP to be able to get a table accessible to the aisle. I was able to walk with a cane and a VERY strong-armed waiter assisted me the 10 steps to my seat every night, but you would want something easier to get to for her. The waiter will then drive your scooter away to some nook, and return it when it's time to leave. In the Windjammer, if no one comes up to help, just ask and you'll get someone to assist her with her plates and drinks. Have a great cruise!
  15. I hope you can get it worked out. When is the cruise?
  16. We went on our own, made reservations and walked ~1 mile to Ardastra Gardens, a nice little zoo. It was a very pleasant walk and there were plenty of places to eat, including a food truck area near Junkanoo Beach. It was about 4 hours total. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwNclOKswzYLRSNaiwsDRKM08xMkuxMDA2skhJsjKoME0yNrcwMjU3S0q1MDU1sfQSSCxKSSwuKUpUSAeyUvOKAY-SFA0&q=ardastra+gardens&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS954US954&oq=ardast&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i175i199i512j0i512l2j0i10i512j0i512.3094j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  17. That's an awesome place, I'm glad it's still open.
  18. Use the app, it's easier. And yes, you need to bring the cards with you in any case.
  19. Well, it's been two years in the making after the first two cancelled. We're laying low for the next two weeks to avoid contact, just to be safe.
  20. In my case, it's stressful because if I test positive after I get to Copenhagen, (travel starts 3 days before so any test I take before I leave doesn't count), I can't cruise; and I have to get home from Copenhagen. 🙂
  21. From what I understand, and my experience, they look at the name of the lab, the name of the passenger, the NEGATIVE, and the date.
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