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Everything posted by RTShaker

  1. Diamond + will equate to Elite, so you will get 90 Minutes of free internet, not 2 days.
  2. I would do as @jwlane suggests, but if you both need to use it at the same time, then the 2 device plan is marginally cheaper than each getting your own.
  3. The change will not occur until your cruise is completed.
  4. While that is realistic I don't know why that would stop them. It's not like they haven't done ship redeployments with complete changes in itinerary on relatively short notice.
  5. You pay only the difference plus the 20% gratuity on the difference. So $2 overlimit will net you a $2.40 bill.
  6. My biggest issue with the pricing scheme is that as a solo I could never buy the All Included because their system charges the full supplement on that as well. Double tips, double drinks and double wifi costs. It was always cheaper to pays as you go.
  7. Personally I would never pay more than a 100%supplement because that would make the fare 200%. Sorry, just one of my pet peeves. A supplement is an amount in addition to the original.😁
  8. You need to look at the numbers on the confirmation page. It will show each passengers' fare as well as the applied discount for each ...
  9. No you're not. The published per person prices always have the discount included already.
  10. The memory stick with all the photos is in your hand when you leave the studio but the bonus print is mounted in your choice of one of the 3 or 4 styles. These are not done on the ship and shipped to your address.
  11. We did one in April, but not sure if it was just the basic or one step up. He took pics of us as a couple and a few of each of us separately. We chose 14 pictures which were both in colour and also in B&W on the memory stick. They also included one mounted pic (#15) shipped to our home. That was the only problem we ran in to. It took over 3 months to finally get that one. Even with the E+ discount it was still not an inexpensive endeavour, but we were pleased with the results.
  12. On the Millennium they did set up a green screen by the photo area to add you into the various ports of call.
  13. I did not see any on my two spring trips.
  14. Here;s a previous thread on the subject... Bahama taxes and port fees
  15. Upgraded version = it will cost you more for less to enhance your cruise experience
  16. Was this with the basic? On my April cruise I could see pictures and post on CC while using my premium minutes, but not with basic.
  17. That would depend if you have a refundable or non-refundable deposit. A change in ship or sail date will incur a penalty with a NRD.
  18. If anything, it will get them to completely prohibit doing this instead, given the cost cutting that's happening.
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