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Everything posted by RTShaker

  1. Often 90 days pre-cruise there will be some (not always accurate yet) added to the app.
  2. Different stokes for different folks. I actually prefer the buffet layout on the S class to the M.
  3. Cruise docs are not usually available until check-in is completed. This has been around the 45 day mark.
  4. Absolutely bad etiquette. Solarium and any other public area, indoor or outdoor, should be earbud use only. .
  5. There is no "current" price because there are none to be sold.
  6. Sometimes it is not available at all with the exception of suites, and you just end up waiting in a meeting place instead of the tender area.
  7. When the numbers are very high it only transfers the wait line to the gathering spot instead of Deck2. You are escorted in the order you came, but if so many have the status there is no advantage.
  8. The tender priority is dependant on the number of Elite and above passengers. When the numbers are very high then it becomes a moot point.
  9. Well one place to start is the cabin attendant. They are in every cabin every day and are sure to be able to smell the lingering odours. This could lead to warnings to the offenders. They may be hesitant for fear of losing any gratuities though.
  10. I don't understand the problem. The transfer window was made clear, and you clearly knew the deadline but chose to wait. They should change the requirement due to your timing?
  11. You have classic beverage, basic wifi, and gratuities included, as well a bonus OBC.
  12. I believe the only restriction is non-commisionable cruise fares.
  13. I always enjoy a nearly empty ship in Grand Cayman. No problem getting a chair in the shade and beverages.
  14. While true that it isn't required for leaving or re-entry into the US, that is not to say that it may or not be required in foreign ports. You can take your cruise, but could possibly be denied entry at any port that is non US. The requirement for a passport is totally dependent on the foreign port you are visiting. All that is not to say that it will be asked for, but...
  15. Only you can answer that. Some prefer bed by balcony for the extra room when entering the cabin and some, like me, prefer the sofa by the balcony door.
  16. I made a few of these in the 2015/16 time frame.
  17. From what I recall seeing on the display board on the Millennium the $100 deposit applies only to non-suite categories. Normal deposit amounts are required for suites.
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