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Posts posted by Nickelpenny

  1. ScreenShot2024-06-07at08_06_37.png.49fef6bd9bb1fe97d581cf636fc99049.png

    TGIF everyone!!  (that "joke" never worked in the Middle East - their weekends were Fri/Sat and the Chinese couldn't really understand it!!)  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  OMG, a VCR!  I don't think I have seen one in eons.  Everyday should be Caring Day, and food safety is so important.  Sometimes I wish I had recorded my life so that I could remember both the milestones and even the unpleasantries that happened.  I love the recipes and the Black Widow!!  No to the wine and have never been to Bermuda.  Vatican City is an absolute treasure to visit it is interesting it will be 100 in 5 years.




    What a crappy day yesterday was!!  Well, not the whole day but.......  I received my research study materials from Rush so went through all of that and downloaded the app needed.  We will see how this goes.  Then I got ready to go visit the plastic surgeon for my ear; of course, I wanted to go early even though I was warned she tends to run late - thank you @Sharon in AZ.  Thank goodness I did; why I drove the route I did, I have no idea because I normally don't go down this main street.  Anyways, there is construction on the road - one way each direction - and wouldn't you know it, an ambulance was coming behind us.  I tried to move over as much as I could and I didn't notice this large "hose" (around 10 in diameter?) on the side.  I ran over it and then when trying to get out, my car got stuck on one of the couplings and - you guessed it - it ripped up my R front tire and the cardboard (?) housing.  I just sat there laughing and shaking my head in the 110F heat and cars going by looking at me.  AAA and Dr's office called and 45 minutes later I was on the road again with a donut on the car.  I was only 20 minutes late for the appt and she will do the repair in August as this is not an urgent matter.  So I will have to go get another tire; as I am not driving much it is not something super urgent.  So today has to be a better day though it will be hot!




    @Haljo1935 While I have never had kidney stones, I have taken care of patients in the ER who have and I just have to give you a <<<<HUG>>>>!

    @aliaschief I want to thank you for allowing us to follow you on your journey.  It was amazing!

    @marshhawk Thinking of you!




    Cheers for those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone!!




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  2. 1 hour ago, 0106 said:

    A quiche has a (pie) crust; a frittata does not.

    How do you get involved in these focus groups and I believe you have also posted about medical studies.  It sounds very interesting.


    I forgot to mention that we are lucky enough to have Benji’s Drive In about 30 minutes from our house.  Makes for a fun summer evening. There are no longer “speakers” you hang on your car window.  You tune your radio into the audio.  

    Thanks so much for that information!!!! 


    On the studies - I usually find focus groups on FB.  I have done 3 focus groups and one mock trial (a 2 day in person affair that paid $500 and it was sooooooo interesting.  I want to do another one; I was picked for another one but it was on a day I could not participate).  I am in the database for polling organizations such as Nielsen and they will send me email "invites" to fill out a qualifying questionnaire.


    For the medical ones, I look at ongoing research studies on the NIH site and/or see about stuff on FB and then research from there.  Plus I am in the database for several research centers here in Tucson, Phx and Calif and if I seem like I might be a fit, they give me a call.  


    It all started when I was a ginny pig for the Moderna vaccine.  That got me so interested in doing studies and the rest is history!!!  LOL!!!

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  3. ScreenShot2024-06-06at06_40_43.png.9449ac407bebbe5c37cc7e3b2311cfc7.png

    Such a significant day in history!  Thank you @0106 for the explanation of Creative Educators, I won't be doing gardening exercises and I remember going to drive-in movies in high school.  Funny quote, I will pass on the frittata (how does it differ from a quiche?), I tried a Negroni when I dined in the Pinnacle Grill last cruise and I liked it, no to the wine and I haven't been to Tracy Arm.  




    Well today it will be blazin' hot and we are under an Excessive Heat Warning until tomorrow at 8pm.  We won't be as hot as Phoenix but then whats the difference between 106F and 111F ???!!!??? But I do need to go out to the plastic surgeon to look at my torn earring hole and see if she can repair it - and if I want to pay to have it done.  We will see.




    I think I overdid it Tuesday as I was "achy" all day (and maybe that is why I didn't sleep that well Tuesday night) so yesterday I chilled most of the day.  The focus group yesterday was VERY interesting; this is the second one I have done about politics/policies.  It is funny how they start discussing one thing and then the discussion morphs into what they are really targeting.  I had to constrain my talking as I could of taken over the conversation - LOL!!  There were only 10 of us - all females - from battleground states.  So interesting.




    @Seasick Sailor I am so glad you went to the doc!  I was worried.  Speedy recovery!  @Cruzin Terri I hope your vacation gets better. 

    I heard about the tornados in the DC area last night and @rafinmd I thought about you and @0106.

    @Haljo1935 I haven't had knee injections but both knees have had meniscus tear repair.  Personally, I am glad I did it.  

    @marshhawk I am glad you have a plan for your DH.  Thoughts and hugs.

    I know I have missed someone so I apologize in advance.  




    Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a fantastic day!




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  4. 5 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


    @Nickelpenny, Pennie, will you sub for the two schools on a part time or full time basis? I admire your energy. 

    I sub part-time on my schedule; I pick and choose when and where I want to work.  There is an app that the jobs post when the teacher requests a sub or I get a message from my friends.  It comes out to about 110 schools in the 2 districts combined but I really don't like elementary so that limits the schools I am willing to go to.  I aim for about 8 days/month but I have done as much as 15/month and as little as 2.5/month; last year I subbed for 75.5 days between the 2 districts.  I love it!!  

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  5. Happy Hump Day to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  As a Baby Boomer, I will raise my 🍺!  Thanks @grapau27 for the explanation of the day and I have a couple of friends who have lived with HIV for years.  I resemble the quote, no to the drink and wine, never been to the port and, while I don't like eggs, I do like deviled eggs and make them frequently with different recipes.  Good day in history.




    I am up early as I woke up around 0215 and couldn't get back to sleep.  I never toss and turn; if I don't fall back to sleep within 5-10 minutes, I will get up.  And I don't nap (I get horrible headaches if I sleep less than 5-6 hours) so it will be interesting to see what time tonight I will go to bed.




    The big news all over the news here is the high temps coming our way.  And in looking at the forecast, it will be a tad warm with no rain in the foreseeable future!  LOL!!



    I have a couple of errands today and then a focus group at 1430 for 2 hours.  It should be interesting and I am looking forward to it.  




    @JazzyV and @dfishGood luck on your doc appts today.  @Cruzin Terri sorry to hear about your DH's fall.  And I hope @Seasick Sailor leg is better.  Take it easy @kazu Jacqui!!




    Cheers to those celebrating and everyone have a great day!

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  6. Good morning and thanks for all contributions.  I wish I could hug Martina but........ and I detest that adults do not think of innocent children.  My hats off to all single women (not old maids!!) whether they have been all their life or not!  I have been single (not married) for 40 years and I love it!!




    Why is Fields telling my cooking secret?  LOL!! I do like omelets (about the only way I eat an egg) and what is the difference between a bloody Mary and a bloody Maria?  The recipe looks very similar to how I concoct my bloody marys! No to the wine (white), never been to the port, and I just don't get golf.




    "Plans" for yesterday never were accomplished but that is ok.  I was sent a slew of things (uploading documents, watching videos, etc) to do for onboarding as a sub for TUSD but the "contract" listed was when I worked for them as a Registered Nurse.  Sent an email and didn't really receive a satisfactory response but it did say they will reach out when the first orientation will be scheduled.  Hmmmmm.  So I did cook a very nice meal - filet mignon with parmesan/garlic mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, and sautéed mushrooms.  I was stuffed!!  I usually only eat once a day and dinner is usually my meal that I like to cook.  I find it fun.




    Received an email last night about an itinerary change and I thought it was for my upcoming TA.  No, it was for next year's.  They are very similar so that is why I was confused.  I am sort of glad of the change as the port would be a repeat of a port this year.  So the change is good!




    Today?  Enjoy the day and maybe get something done.  


    I hope everyone on the care list feels the virtual hug given and cheers to those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone!



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  7. Good morning!  First week of June.  How time flies! Very strange days to commemorate but, hey, why not? The quote gave me a chuckle, the meal looks delicious, no on the drink and wine ($), and never been to the port.  Interesting day in history.




    The sun rises early now (~ 0515) and makes for a nice start to the morning.  I listen to birds chirping away as I drink my coffee and all is well with my world.  I just noticed the hummingbird feeder is empty so that task must be accomplished today.  Yesterday, it was nice to get out and about though the only thing I bought was groceries.  




    I did get notification that Tucson Unified School District "offered" me the sub job for next year.  Seemed like such a ridiculous process since I had to "work" for a staffing agency for 1 year because of the retirement rules; they never have enough subs.  So for the next school year I will sub again at TUSD and Flowing Wells.  Funny how much I enjoy doing it and will miss it this summer, though there may be some occasional chances to do so.  




    I have to go check on the spouts for my misting system on my patio so that I can sit outside.  Right now they kind of spit out tiny drops instead of mist.  I don't mind but........  Plus I really need to start on figuring out if putting my HAL tiles on my hutch will work.  I have taken the cork backing off of many of them in prep for whatever I plan to use them for.  Or I may find that I should go back to my original plan as a side tabletop.  




    Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!



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  8. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Gun violence is just too pervasive in this country!  I like a rotisserie chicken and I will raise a glass to St. Erasmus.  Sentimental quote, no to the drink/wine and never been to the port (but I want to go so bad but the cost for one + flights?????!!!!!!????).  But the tart!!!  Hmmmm, I will have to get a tart pan!  I saved the last recipe as I not sure I want to try the other 2.  I have watched the Marconi presentation twice now on a BHB - interesting.  Queen Elizabeth was such an amazing person but I was not even a twinkle in my parent's eye on her coronation day; they weren't even married yet.




    Another warm day in the desert and it looks like it won't let up.  it is already 75F at 0720 in the morning heading up to maybe 100F.  Humidity is low at 16% so I may need to start up my humidifier to get it close to around 20-25% in my living room.  I cringe when read on here about the high humidity others are experiencing.  I just couldn't handle that.  An excessive heat watch was just issued for this coming Thursday - temps 105-110F.  




    I had some plans for yesterday but, true to form, I never left the house.  I seem to do that a lot; when I lived in Dubai, I would pack up stuff to go to the beach, put on my swim suit and then never leave my apartment.  Sometimes it takes a concerted effort - albeit necessary one - to leave my humble abode.




    So today, I will force myself to go out.  Grocery store and probably the farmer's market.  I may even buy something.  Maybe I will find a tart pan!!




    Bon Voyage @luvteaching and Happy retirement to @Horizon chaser 1957 DH.  @kazu Jacqui your flowers are beautiful - both in the vase and outside.  Thoughts for all who are experiencing challenges and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day!  Now I got to get moving!!  LOL!!



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  9. ScreenShot2024-06-01at06_03_33.png.93db8d1c86bca69475be19f1749a550c.png

    Three great days to honor!  I will pass on the meal (eggs!!) and the drink and the wine and never been to Kos.  A very deep quote that I seem to not have in my life.  But that is ok!!  I am a great Simon and Garfunkel fan.




    Great day yesterday as my surgeon was very pleased with my progress.  In fact, we will skip the 6 week post op and I won't return until August.  I confirmed with him that I still can't bend, lift or twist until 6 weeks nor can I go back to the gym and that, yes, the entire spinous process on L2 was removed (so I sort of have a "hole" there in my spine 🥴).  And he took out the stitches from where the drain was.  Thank goodness as it was irritating me!!  After the 6 week mark, I can slowly increase what I do as long as I feel comfortable with doing whatever it is.  I may wait to return to the gym as I am a little gun shy that I might screw things up.  But walking or maybe even some easy hiking might be on the agenda.  3 more weeks!!  To be honest, this back surgery has been the easiest of the 3 that I have had.  I am surprised - very surprised - and I think I was worried for nothing.  But I prepared myself for it so diligently - increasing core and leg strength - as much as I could.




    The call from the insurance company was a "how are you doing after surgery" call and wanted to know if I needed anything.  I told her I had been thinking about the 30 days of meal delivery right after surgery since I was admitted but decided I would not take advantage of that perk as I don't need it.  It was a nice call.




    It was in the news yesterday, 2 more young children (< 5yo) nearly drowned just hours apart in NW Tucson.  CPR had to be done on both and they both are in the hospital.  You can't take your eyes of children around pools or spas.


    @StLouisCruisers so sad about the inside job.  I understand the betrayal as my youngest did the same to me years ago.  Without going into it, after she finally stole my car and I found her 6 months later, that was the last straw.  I pressed charges and she went to prison for a year.   Drugs will do that to a person.

    @Mr. Boston Bon Voyage!!  Have a great time!!

    @Vict0riann Sorry to hear about your biopsy results and hope that all goes well with the removal.

    @kazu I hope your foot is getting better.

    @grapau27 Those are lovely poppies!!!!




    Everyone have a very nice day.

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  10. Happy Friday and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I can't believe it is the last day of May!  Three good days to celebrate and I am a wanderer - I like to explore and find new and interesting things.  Not sure about the "meal" or the drink, no to the wine and I never have been to the port.  Interesting about using "fools gold" - iron pyrite - for paving the streets of London.  




    We probably will hit over 100F today but as we jokingly say - "It is a dry heat".  I love it!!  I rarely use my AC as I find it too cold.  Door and windows open with ceiling fans and stationary fans going is the way I like it.   Today is my first post-op appt and I hope to find out the plan for the future - when can I start twisting and working out again.  I went to the gym yesterday morning to say Hi and my trainer was surprised I could walk so well.  Now, if I could just get my R knee fixed, I maybe all set and won't think about the more extensive back surgery that might be in my future - or not.




    Unfortunately, I read about a 3yo child here who drowned in a community swimming pool a couple of days ago.  It is so sad and regrettably will probably not be the last one of the summer.  I was a lifeguard (and competitive swimmer) in my teens and taught babies as young as 6 months old to survive in water.  It just wrenches my heart to hear of these tragedies.




    Happy Birthday @Vict0riann DH!  Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!



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  11. Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I think I am creative, I overwater flowers and they die, and MS is such a horrible disease.  Agree with the quote, the meal and drink look tempting, no on the wine and I don't think College Fjord was on either of my 2 AK cruises.  I am not a race car fan. 




    It is a nice start to the morning with 65F and low humidity (18%).  We will head up to mid to high 90s with lots of sunshine.  Did some cooking yesterday - chickpeas in the instant pot and then coated them with spices and air fried them to make a crunchy snack.  I "think" they would be healthier than some other things.  And a nice spaghetti with meatballs for dinner.




    I rarely answer my phone but have been doing so the last couple of weeks.  I am glad I did as yesterday I was chosen to be in an online focus group next week (a nice $150!!) and in a remote Rush University study ($250!!).  Cruise fund!!  🙂 This morning I think I will go to the gym to say Hi to the ladies I work out with.  Can't do anything and tomorrow is my post op appt with the surgeon; we will see what he says about doing "stuff".  I feel great (though the numbness is still there; he didn't think this surgery would fix that) and I just feel like my back is "tight" but I think I can walk further without pain.  I want to be able to twist but I don't think that will be allowed for a while.  




    Thanks to @Sharon in AZ for the doc recommendation!!  I have an appt with her next week and the projected cost is lower so we will see what she says.  Happy Birthday to @kazu Jacqui and @GTVCRUISER!  Both of you have a great day!  Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!!  Have a great day everyone!!





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  12. 29 minutes ago, dfish said:

    I refuse to do those memory tests.  I told them they can figure out if I am oriented to time and  place by carrying on a conversation with me, but I refuse to engage in those games.  They understand.  A lot of that is mining for more diagnoses.  The more complicated you are, the more money they can charge.  

    When they ask me if I have trouble hearing, I say "What???" and that elicits a laugh!  My inner voice tells me to me nice - NOT!!  LOL!!

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  13. ScreenShot2024-05-29at07_35_03.thumb.png.dd490c71211c6e945921c080234b7896.png

    Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Peacekeepers have had a lot of work to do lately and a 529 plan wasn't around for me or my kids.  Now composting - I need to learn about that as I think it might be an interesting thing to do.  Twain's quote is true, yes to the meal (and reminds me to cook some chickpeas in my instant pot) and wine, no to the drink and I have been to Anchorage many times but never from a BHB.  A momentous day in history.




    My bathtub/shower faucet is fixed!!  No more constant dripping.  I wonder if that will reduce my gas bill - which is rather low to begin with - but we will see.  And I got rid of my shower chair!!  A friend is having lapiplasty next week and, since she can't be weight-bearing on her foot for at least 4 weeks, she needs one.  I refused to have her pay me for it; I was glad to give it to her.




    I keep looking at the HAL website looking for another cruise to book but nothing seems to hit my fancy.  I need to go on the NA, as it is the only BHB that I have not been on.  Plus I need to use my free bingo cruise!!  It is itching in "my pocket"!!!  I tend not to go to the same places I have been in my travels so that limits me tremendously - as well as finances!!  LOL!!  It is hard as a solo cruiser.




    Happy Birthday @cat shepard and Happy Anniversary @Horizon chaser 1957@Cruzin Terri safe travels home and hugs to anyone who may need one - stated or not.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



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  14. Happy Tuesday and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Three good days to celebrate but I don't think I will have brisket and hamburgers on the same day.  True quote and, while I love tofu, they should not be in tacos!  No on the drink and wine and I have only been to Norfolk driving.  Cheers to Turing!!




    The ice broke on the Santa Cruz!!  It only stayed at 100F for 1 minute and then dropped back down to 99F.  Summer is here!!




    I ended up taking a drive down to Madera Canyon and then made a loop back up to Tucson.  Saw one deer, lots of blooming saguaros and hawks.  The canyon was around 85F but no water in the creek.  It was interesting to see how much Tucson has grown on the east side.  It was a nice 3.5 hour jaunt.




    The plumber should be here today to fix my constantly running bath/shower faucet.  Sometimes it is hot water coming out (I can't seem to get it to the cold water dripping) so maybe my hot water heater won't keep turning on.  Not much else on the agenda except maybe for some cooking as I have finally finished my pre-surgery meals I prepared.




    @grapau27 Sorry to hear you and Pauline are not feeling well.  Sending good vibes for @Vict0riann and I am glad @Cruzin Terri made it to her destination safe.  Everyone in the path of storms today stay safe; the pictures of destruction are horrific.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!



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  15. Good morning on this Memorial Day.



    I think I will give @Mr. Boston my grape popsicle, love old-time player pianos and I never wore sunscreen growing up (false belief that I had more melanin and that protected me) but I do now.  Lovely John Lennon quote, a rousing yes to the meal with a just as enthusiastic no to the drink and wine.  Never been down glacier alley, and what a momentous day in history.




    It has been officially one year since I "retired" and I still haven't gotten into a routine.  As I am presently sort-of stuck at home and can't do what I normally do (sub, go to the gym, etc), I am bored stiff.  I may just pack up a lunch and head up to Mt. Lemon to sit under the pine trees!!  Or maybe Madera Canyon. We will see what the day brings.




    @RMLincoln I "lived" in Lead, SD for almost 10 years - physically only a total of ~2 as I left to travel the country and then the world for 15 years in 2001 - and worked at both the Deadwood and Spearfish hospitals.  Such a pretty place up in the Black Hills and a dramatic change from Tucson but I got used to.  Such history in Deadwood!!




    Gosh, I hope anyone who is in the path of storms stay safe.  @Cruzin Terri safe journey.  Cheers for those celebrating and have a great day everyone!



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  16. Good early morning (for AZ) and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I never succeed at making paper airplanes, I don't dance, and I have usually used hospital tape because they were always in my pocket when I would come home from work.  The quote is so true, the meal looks good, no to the drink and wine, and never been to the port.  My mother worked as a black jack dealer at a casino in Deadwood, SD called Tin Lizzie.




    Another beautiful day here in the neighborhood.  At ~0600, it is presently 60F climbing up to mid 90s under sunny skies. It is expected the "ice will break on the Santa Cruz River" in the coming days (first 100F recorded at the airport this year).  Of course, no rain in the forecast probably until we get the monsoons around the end of July.  I do love the smell of the desert when the monsoons hit.




    The NP cancelled yesterday so it was nice to free up the afternoon.  A friend, who has been checking up on me, asked me out for a beer.  We met at a local restaurant/bar and had a nice 2.5 hour chat.  She is one of the 3 women I work out with - all teachers - and we chitchatted and caught up with the goings on while drinking and eating chips with guac and salsa.  It was such a nice time!!  She is a little younger than my daughters but I enjoy her company greatly.




    Tucson was one of 2 cities in AZ who was listed as a top city for roach-infested cities in the US!  What a distinction!!  We have a joke - even the best restaurants have cockroaches.  I lived in an apartment once on the outskirts of town that when I went outside to go to my car, the ground was covered in them.  It was the same apartment that, unfortunately, 2 havalina came into my apartment when I left the door open because I wanted to take a picture of them (it was a mom with 4 kiddos - 2 probably from the last year and 2 from the present year).  The don't bother me and I keep drain covers over my drains.  Ok, TMI!!




    It is nice to see the care list shortened and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



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  17. ScreenShot2024-05-25at08_15_58.thumb.png.0cdad26b0031e7a6dc99ad954a4870f7.png


    Good Morning to all and thank you @richwmn for the daily and fleet report (I don't thank you personally enough!).  I try to not overdo plastic anything and I never really brown bagged it during my working career as I rarely ate lunch but I remember my mom would pack me a lunch - frozen 1/2 skim milk/1/2 powdered milk (🤢) and something like a peanut butter & honey sandwich for school. When I went to catholic school that was fine as they only prepared lunches on Tuesday and Thursday.  But when I went to public high school, I would ditch the packed lunch after "stealing" $0.25 from her purse to buy 2 taquitos with a guacamole sauce from the high school lunch counter!  Oh, the memories!!  It is always sad to hear about missing children; I was in Portugal when Madeline McCann was missing and there were pictures of her all over.  




    I agree with the quote.  My take on the quote - when you try to achieve your dreams, your life is more difficult - and rewarding - to achieve those dreams.  If you just skip along with life and no dreams, it is easier.  Meal sounds good, I love a Crown Royal Manhattan but very, very light on the sweet vermouth, no on the wine and never been to the port.  I was young when Kennedy made the promise.




    I had a nice visit with my PCP.  He affirmed my incisions look good; it was funny when he asked if they were looking good.  I said - How can I see them?????  We had a good laugh.  He did confirm I have a stitch or 2 in this one area that I wasn't sure if it was a scab or stitches.  It was where the JP drain was!  Duh!!  SMH at my stupidity!!  Today will be the visit from the NP; not sure what to expect and it seems like a waste of time but, hey, it is a perk of my insurance.  




    When I went out yesterday, I realized my installation of the lock on my gate won't work as I won't be able to lock it when I leave - too far down on the inside!!  So I will have to move it to a place that will allow that.  SMH - again!!




    I won't get into a diatribe about US healthcare BUT - 2 bills (hospital and anesthesia) have been posted on my insurance website.  The contracted cost is only about 20% of the bill.  No wonder many docs/facilities won't take Medicare patients!!  I haven't seen the doc bill but so far the bill is over $63K.  So expensive!!  I am lucky to have the insurance I do - no deductible and my portion for this procedure - $100.  I am so glad I decided to work at the high school when I returned from overseas as they participate in the AZ State Retirement System and, when I retired, I took the insurance they offered.  I am truly blessed!!




    Happy alternative birthday @ger_77 and Bon Voyage @MrSnuffleupagus@kazu take it easy on the foot.  Those in the path of storms - stay safe!!  @dfish Addi is adorable!!  Everyone have a fantastic day!!

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  18. 23 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

    Wow, one hour since I posted this and no one has made a comment about my Morse code message. It is a real message. Don’t worry, it will not get me band from the cruise critic and it is not a, “you maybe a redneck” joke.

    Ok, challenge accepted:


    Thanks for the fleet update and general info from all contributors - CM




    - .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- --..-- / .-. . -.. -. . -.-. -.- -... --- -... -.-.--

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  19. ScreenShot2024-05-24at06_22_05.png.7770e066e03e49a5eaba5d5ae2b30916.png

    Memorial Day weekend is here - Whoa, where has the year gone?  I have 3 brothers, my tiara is crooked and tarnished, and my last husband was a radio operator in the Navy and he knew Morse Code.  He was also a ham radio operator and I can remember he would occasionally use MC to "talk" to others, though mainly I would hear "CQ, CQ, CQ". Funny quote, don't like German Chocolate Cake (shredded coconut), no to the fake Margarita, too expensive wine, and never been to the port - 100% no to everything!!  LOL!!




    It will be a beautiful weekend here with the possibility of hitting 100F on Monday (or getting really close).  All under wonderful sunny skies with no rain in the forecast.  @Heartgrove Happy Birthday!!




    I have been amazed by my medical insurance and my PCP.  Firstly, my PCP called (well, his MA) to see how I was doing and asked if I want to see him (transition of care).  So I will visit him today.  My insurance has called twice to see how I was doing and also 1) schedule a home visit - which will happen tomorrow - and then 2) speak with a "provider" on things I might need. I have never had this much attention after a surgery - well, once when I had a hernia surgery at the small hospital I worked at and the doc called me that night to see how I was doing.  But we were a small group that all worked together and I chalked up the call to that. 




    My construction went sort of well yesterday as I was able to get the lock on the gate.  The light - well, I thought I would try it in a different place to see if that would work.  The wood was VERY hard, and to make a long story short, I wasn't able to do it and now the base is stuck on the wood.  LOL!!  I will figure it out. 




    Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great Friday everyone! 

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  20. I forgot about this; I have my own day:


    May 23, 2024

    May 23 is National Lucky Penny Day. Because metals like copper have intrinsic value, finding a penny has long been considered lucky. Nowadays, even though a penny doesn’t have a lot of buying power — to the extent countries including Canada and Australia have ceased minting them — it’s still fun to talk about and think about lucky pennies. It’s so much fun, in fact, that there are a lot of songs that mention pennies, lucky pennies … even a bad penny now and then.

    Given that it’s Lucky Penny Day, it’s only fitting we ask a penny for your thoughts, and you can share your two cents’ worth.

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  21. 8 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Good morning and Happy Thursday. It’s a lovely sunny day. 

    Terry @smitty34877 please forward this:

    Happy Birthday Tana!  Enjoy your special day!  

    @MrSnuffleupagus — Bon Voyage!


     I was never fond of taffy. Turtles should be celebrated. The MOD sounds good and so does the wine. I’ve never been to Baie Comeau. 

    Not sure where the day went yesterday but I did have DGD overnight. She left about noon. It used to be that she spent a lot of time with us but now that she is almost 17 only comes every other week or so, mostly for a good meal. 

    Craig is still in the White Mountains and today they are driving to Pie Town, NM. Yes it’s really a place. There is a famous pie restaurant they have been wanting to visit for a while. Not my idea of fun, driving 2 hours just for pie, but they all enjoy driving. 

    Pennie @Nickelpenny, I admire your fortitude and do it yourself-ness. I’ve had mornings when I wonder what day it is and worry if I’m supposed to be somewhere. If you would like the name of the doctor please email me and I’ll give you more info. 

    I am thinking about making a spinach quiche today. I think I have all the ingredients. I’m sort of home bound, Craig doesn’t want me driving the old car anymore d/t all the repairs it needs. I could walk to the grocery store but don’t really want to. I think I’m also going to watch Call the Midwife today. I have saved it just for a day like today. 

    Jacqui @kazu, I gasped when I read Ivan was attacked by another dog and shocked that the owner was so rude to you. I hope he is okay. Also, I’ve been praying about your foot and hope things improve. 

    Gerry @ger_77,  great news about Maurice!  Also I’m not surprised about the antibiotics and dental work. Any amount of dental work “kicks” up all kinds of germs and can cause infections, especially dangerous for people with heart issues. 

    Have a great day!


    email sent.  🙂 

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