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Everything posted by Princessfan20

  1. In many countries in Europe and other parts of the world restrooms are privately owned and the payment to the attendant is more for the service of being able to use a freshly cleaned restroom and not considered a tip.
  2. Except for what the IRS took or is going to take. That is what happened to us when we won the Snowball Bingo jackpot on last cruise and they were right there with the IRS form for us to fill out. 🙁
  3. This was the same experience with our family contacting Covid on the Ruby earlier this summer. Very little contact once in isolation and we all are still waiting for FCC for those days we missed of our cruise while in isolation. We think it is a broken promise now and lost cause. Unfortunately we are disappointed in Princess because of this treatment.
  4. Tipping is such a personal matter there is really no right answer. We tend to be very generous tippers because we feel blessed in life and are grateful for everything and do not mind spreading it around. We have learned and experienced that what goes around comes around.
  5. So true and also we tire of the fact that people disapprove of people being able to choose to pay for different experiences. We are quite happy to be able to pay for Princess’ upgraded experiences. Life is not always fair it seems even on a cruise ship.
  6. Actually says nothing about the real situation, says nothing about what Princess is specifically doing to stop the spread of Covid on this ship and is just corporate white washing. I believe the media as has often been right in cases with Princess and the reporting of diseases on their ships. I am sure we have all been on Princess ships when letters like this come from the Captain and the situation was worse then let on even though they say not to worry.
  7. The genie is out of the bottle and there is no way of putting it back. We have sailed a number of cruises using Medallion when it first came out and how it is now and it is basically more of a convenience than a threat IMHO. Every keystroke a person takes on a computer is stored somewhere and traceable and trackable. It is just the way the world is now. We are always being monitored whether it is by our telephone, car, television and internet service, bank/credit card company, local store and so on.
  8. Good grief. Funny how certain requests Princess makes of passengers are OK to totally ignore but things like the proper time for reserving pool chairs, wearing masks, formal night dress codes and not saving theater seats are all sacred cows and never ever are to be ignored?
  9. For all the reasons stated that is why it is just easier to reserve the Sanctuary for the full length of the cruise and not have to put up with the Lounger Games/Hassles on the Lido deck.
  10. Wow. The perfect chair caper. The criminal mind always think it is very clever and innocent and will not be caught. Trespassing is still trespassing no matter how you try to rationalize it or dress it up. Entitlement runs wild on the Lido Deck and CC.
  11. Really think you nailed it! I totally agree with your interpretation of the vigilante chair interlopers.
  12. You are still invading someone’s space, removing private property without their permission and creating a possible conflict and disturbing the peace situation.
  13. Really. Remember this crock that Princess used to push bookings: "Cruise with Confidence We love connecting our guests to unique destinations but understand concerns about booking a cruise right now. That’s where Cruise with Confidence comes in. It’s our way of reassuring guests that when they’re ready to sail again, we’ll make sure it’s as safe as possible. And guests can book now with even greater flexibility and travel protection."
  14. Some people do get really sick and need help even though they have been vaccinated and boosted. It is not like a cold or flu for everyone.
  15. That would be a very easy, helpful and practical thing for Princess to do. However, they really provide very little information. They suggested taking a Tylenol or DayQuil. When we inquired about Paxlovid they said you had to be seen by ship's doctor and that the visit and prescription could easily cost $1,000 and that some insurances do not cover the costs at that time. Also, our Doctor will not prescribe it unless you are sick, tested and seen in person by him at his office. As other have mentioned food ordering and delivery took a long time and options were limited. You basically learn fairly fast that you are on your own and alone and it is not easy for family members to know what is happening either. Disembarkation is a whole other issue with Covid.
  16. Although you will not probably get much sympathy from some on CC you have ours. This was our experience in July with our whole family. It is unbelievable how inept Princess is in regard to Covid and that was when they were supposedly "trying to help" as opposed to now where nothing will be done as they go to the Wild West of cruising without protocols. The lack of documentation for us was frustrating too. If they do not provide it it is hard to have insurances cover it. Makes since because Princess Vacation Insurance is tied to them. Also, they lost some of our luggage which was over $1500 and they have never found it and no claim has been ever been paid yet and probably will not. Many people really do not understand what can happen to you on a cruise ship when Covid strikes. Princess has turned into an absurd cruise line when it comes to dealing with passengers who they helped get sick on their ships. Sorry for what happen to you but it sounds about right for Princess. And remember this was when they promised "cruise without worries". Come to find out now they were the only ones not really worrying because they did so little and could care less evidently.
  17. Oh my fault. I was trying to learn if going to the ship's medical center for a quick Covid tests is grounds to lose your chair especially if you are back in 20 minutes and than whether you tested positive or negative would result in some kind of consequences for using the chair?
  18. I agree with you fully. After my family and myself caught Covid on a Princess ship it is hard to understand all the elation that masks are no longer needed on Princess ships where many more passengers will get sick on their ships again. At least before you had to have vaccinations and pre-board tests and still plenty of people got sick and isolated but now nothing. Good luck with that. Princess is trying to put profits over health and safety but they are going to soon be sailing into some pretty strong recession headwinds. Also, it will eventually be back in the media to avoid cruise ships as a form of travel. They might as well take their little hand washing stations out of the buffets lines because if they are not concerned about Covid how can dirty hands be a big concern?
  19. I think you are spot on. The LA Times had an article today that the dropping of Covid protocols is not the time now to let our guard down. They said it is giving a false sense of security and that new Covid variants are on the rise, winter is predicted to be epic for flu and Covid and 2500 Americans are still dying a week from Covid. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-10-20/covid-variants-winter-vulnerable-populations
  20. Which is worse. The chair hog or the chair thief? It all comes down to values.
  21. You always see the best of mankind/womankind on a Princess cruise. The LOVE BOAT. Just feeling the love.
  22. Our experience is that Covid is really only problematic on cruises longer than 10 days. Those are the cruises where when Covid breaks out people are put into quarantine rooms. Cruises less than 10 days passengers have reported developing the symptoms of Covid after disembarkation and arriving home. Non the less it will be interesting to see how the winter cruises go for Princess with projections of a Covid and flu surge in the US. I am sure there will be lots of crew missing from service because they live in such close quarters and will infect each other. It seems chair hogs may be the big concern of some passengers and not a life threatening virus now. Dress code arguments soon to follow.
  23. The real nightmare is when you or your family members get Covid on a Princess ship, get put in quarantine, are given little information about what is medically happening, luggage gets lost in the process and Princess said it got left on the ship and after the next cruise it would be returned which it has never been found and compensation has not happened yet from Princess or the insurance company for their mistakes. There is a little bit more to things that SUPPOSEDLY suffering for having to wear a small mask. Welcome to the new world of Princess cruising.
  24. Princess keeps changing the goal posts but it is still dealing with a lot of Covid on their ships. Having gotten Covid along with my family on a summer cruise with many health protocols in place I cannot imagine what is now going to happen to passengers and crew with NONE. With the latest new variants coming from Asia and Europe that evade our defense systems it is hard to believe that cruising is going to be a really relaxing time this winter with all of the coughers and wheezers who will probably be walking the ship. There will be probably be a lot more infected staff and service shortages too. Obviously, the viruses are way smarter than us. https://news.yahoo.com/covid-variant-shaping-d-j-000431613.html
  25. When you are notified of your bid win is your credit card immediately charged for the upgrade or do you still have the opportunity to accept or reject the bid?
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