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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. Big day in history & interesting collection of days. I'm with @LambKnuckles saying "yes, please" to Nutty Buddies instead of Hostess cupcakes, but wouldn't turn one down if offered. Would try the wine and meal but pick around the peas (why does turkey taste different when it's ground?); pass on the drink; have had the pleasure of visiting Sydney a few times, most recently Oct '22 (w/DH) & Sept '23 (w/sis). Enjoying all the pictures. Happy Birthday @Denise T to your sister Karen. Prayers πŸ™ for a successful visit at the oral surgeon today @marshhawk & congrats on the sale. 🀞@ger_77 that Mother Nature gifts you a beautiful show tonight. @RMLincoln I'm pretty sure you meant most of this and googly incorrect was at play for part of itπŸ˜‰ I NEVER wanted a rodent, but did end up w/one - a teddy bear hamster that liked to drink tea. Ex would put tea in a saucer & TBH would roll it's little plastic sphere onto the saucer and drink the tea after which I would have to brush out the tangles (they have a lot of hair). UghπŸ™„ Sept 20 '23 was our most recent visit to Sydney. We enjoyed a drive of the Cabot Trail w/this company; they were great and the driver was wonderful. Way too many pictures to share, it is such a beautiful area We stopped for a morning snack & coffee here "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" was the first thought when we stopped here View from our balcony arriving & leaving port Picked up a couple new friends along the way Obligatory 🎻 pic and with our ship in the background Currently 75Β° headed to sunny 84Β°, hoping more of the backyard mush dries up before the rains return on Sunday Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  2. Good to hear you were pleased w/the laundry service - they do a great job!!
  3. I'm not in a position to search right now, but if you do a search for my Live AK review from Eurodam April 29 - May 6 last year, I posted pictures of the cig sale in the Shops w/pricing.
  4. Yes, Neurologist appealed the denial which resulted in a lower dosage being approved; that is the 1/8th dosage he wrote on Tues. I spent 10 weeks trying to get PCP to sign the papers and decided to approach each Dr individually myself hoping one of them would come through. Ortho (shoulder surgeon) says he will sign when it's time for surgery & the dates are in place; that won't happen until the frozen shoulder is resolved. Eye Dr will only sign if "invasive surgery" rather than the 4-part laser procedure she's doing is required. The 3rd party administrator our company uses does not accept chiropractors, so she cannot help. Aren't you glad you asked?πŸ₯Ί yes, there is a lot wrong - thanks for listening.
  5. Disappointing and frustrating, especially since it's not complicated to get right.
  6. Good days today and very important day in history. Pass on the meal but sub broccoli for the spinach & add πŸ₯“ and other cheeses and I'd be in, yes to the drink & wine, not been to the port and am enjoying the pictures. Tuesday neurologist appt was frustrating - he understands why I have not started the med he prescribed but is confused why insurance denied it. He says the dosage he wants me to take is 1/4 the accepted max and it's neither new, experimental nor expensive. So rather than switching to a different one, he cut the dosage in half (so now 1/8 the accepted max) to see if ins will approve; if so, he'll increase it from there. He referred me to OT to see if they can help me learn to handle computer work & get me through a full day. Lastly, he would not sign the FMLA or Accom papers saying I need to get & work an OT plan first and see how I respond to meds. That still leaves me off work w/o pay and my employment unprotected. Ugh. Pharmacist cautioned me that even at a very low dose I should take 1st of the pills at night due to extreme πŸ’€ and to be aware they could make me "loopy." How a person is supposed to work 12ish hours on a computer being "loopy" and fall-alseep-in-your-mashed-potatoes tired is something I cannot comprehend. Hugs @smitty34877 @RMLincoln @Nickelpenny @luvteaching Safe travels @StLouisCruisers. Prayers πŸ™ @StLouisCruisers and others in path of tornadoes stay safe. I planned to make a meatloaf yesterday but decided I didn't want to heat the kitchen up and today is no better, so I have to find something else to do w/the pound of ground beef that is thawed. Currently muggy 81Β° headed to 84Β°. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  7. Oct, Nov & Dec (2 separate cruises) on NS there were 2 singers & 45 min sets.
  8. I had never seen an Entertainment Guide and was not familiar w/it until taking a holiday cruise. The only time I have received one was on K'dam Dec 21 2023 - Jan 6 2024. It was larger than the Daily Guide; tri-fold, I think. Did not receive on 11 day Med/Adriatic Sea NS Oct/Nov "23 nor 14 day TA NS Nov/Dec "23.
  9. @kazu I L🧑VE your Quebec pictures - thanks for posting them w/all you have going on. So sad they cannot afford to maintain those beautiful churches.
  10. Gift cards, specialty dining, spa treatments. And congrats - enjoy!!
  11. Hugs and prayers for you and Houdini πŸ™πŸˆπŸΎ
  12. Happy Heavenly Birthday to your mom @JazzyV
  13. Now that I've seen the price, I'll pass on the wine unless it's a group purchase.🫣 Thanks for the well wishes @smitty34877 yes I have noticed a difference in my shoulder w/the reduced computer time; if that would fix it long-term, I'd never touch another one! @Cruzin Terri your adjusted travel plans seem reasonable & doable.
  14. Good collection of days today. Although I quite enjoy amaretto, I'll pass on the drink (Southern Comfort), yes to the meal & wine, not been to the port. Big day in computer history and all that followed. @StLouisCruisers prayers your family stays safe from the tornadoes. @kazu hope the antibiotics do their job quickly. Today is the 2nd eye procedure & neurologist appt. I wanted to cancel the neurologist since I've not taken any of what was prescribed (insurance denied) but decided to keep it to discuss alternatives. Currently 73Β° headed to 88Β°. Rain has been removed from forecast until Thursday, so the yard may at least dry a little. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  15. You do pay only the difference +18%, so it takes a bit to break even on an upgrade. But you can upgrade onboard so long as you've not used the drink package at all; just let the bar know you want to upgrade.
  16. Nice collection of days. Great quote from Pluto. Pass on the meal (kale), yes to the drink and wine, LπŸ’œVE Bar Harbor (no pictures- they're on computer). Big day in history - job well done, Mr Minuit. πŸ‘ @kazu sounds like the foot nurse is trying her best - hope you can get the testing to identify & treat the source of your pain. YAY Stars 🌟 πŸ’ managed a Game 7 win so they'll be moving on to Round 2. Tomorrow is the 2nd of 4 eye procedures and a follow-up w/neurologist. Today is nothing but relaxing; wanted to pull some pesky weeds, but yard is too wet & pollen too high. Currently 73Β° headed to rainy 84Β°. You'd think with all this rain there'd be no "stuff" left in the air, but pollen is off the charts and making me miserable. Prayers πŸ™ and positive thoughts for all.
  17. Happy to hear you made a decision - welcome to HAL! We're here to answer questions if you have any.
  18. Thanks for bringing us along. AK is my happy place. Bon Voyage!
  19. @Seasick Sailor we use Passport Health in TX for travel shots.
  20. Hope the nurse is able to bring you some comfort. No rush - we'll be here 😊
  21. Welcome home @kazu! May you find the Great Cracker Shortage of 2024 has ended and all is right with cheese plates again.πŸ˜‰
  22. Thanks for letting us tag along and for entertaining us along the way. And supplying us w/great pictures and videos. Hope you enjoy the "new" car🫣 Safe travels home!
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