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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. EXACTLY. I've also seen places that won't take $50 or $100 bills either. Doesn't mean that there aren't places that will take them. Doesn't mean that they aren't a valid form of currency. Just means that some bills are not as widely accepted as others.
  2. And again, you're being so myopic that you can't recognize the fact that your experience doesn't mean that someone else is guaranteed to have the same experience. The fact that you "never" has absolutely no bearing on the experience or the truth of others. I've never caught COVID on a cruise ship. Never. Not once. That doesn't mean that others haven't. Nor does it mean that it can't happen to someone else.
  3. Meaning what, exactly? That somehow, someway since YOU haven't had an issue that means that it isn't possible that someone else has? Or is this some sort of "Never have I ever..." game?
  4. This is the kind of thread that shows what an amazing place Cruise Critic can be. Bring up the DSC and you get endless posts from people dissecting it from endless angles all while tripping over each other in their quest to brag about how their list of ways to avoid paying it...including the infamous "NCL should just pay their people so I don't have to tip". Then you start a thread about $2 and all of a sudden the excessively generous people come crawling out of the woodwork. NCL might be cutting back their entertainment, but Cruise Critic certainly isn't.
  5. Dude...you started an entire thread to talk about what you tip. Keep your business to yourself. BTW...noticed that you've referenced the $2 bills as being "banded" and "brand new" a number of times. However, you have a MOV link in the first post where the cashier takes out the CLEARLY UNBANDED $2 bills and then fans them showing that the serial numbers are NOT SEQUENTIAL as they would be with brand new bills. Not sure how you missed that, but the spin should be fun.
  6. But were you not free to dress up or not on any night of the cruise before? And now? And in fact, have you not been permitted to "dress up or not on any night of the cruise" since freestyle started? "Norwegian's night out" was a theme party...nothing more. There was NEVER a dress code for this party that was any different than any other night on board.
  7. Given that a tip is already paid as it is included in the cost...whether the cruiser is on a drink package or not...the extra tip is, as noted, is simply a "pay attention to me" device.
  8. Easy...the "giver" isn't intentionally trying to make things more difficult for the crew, given the "uniqueness" of the $2 bill, it is used as a tip in order to make the "giver" stand out in the eyes of the receiving crew member. It is nothing more than a way for the "giver" to call attention to him/her self. This is the same "trick" used by tipping in $1 coins instead of $1 bills. Personally, I don't understand it. $2 won't even buy a soda anymore. It is a very low-level tip. If anything, it will just make the "giver" remembered as being cheap.
  9. To answer the question posed, NCL hasn't changed anything. You are free to "Dress Up or Not" on each and every single night of your cruise. YOUR CHOICE. Dressing up will never be required. Ship's photographers are also always available to capture a portrait if you desire. Many ships now even have a dedicated photography studio for those portraits or you can still find photographers stationed around the ship.
  10. There are two angles at which you can approach this with Latitudes. #1 - If a guest can't have an account until they are 18, then they can't enforce a 12-month rule until the account is created at 18. Without an account, you can't verify that the history is correct...thus, they can't have a 12-month verification rule until an account can exist. #2 - Show them YOUR account information, along with a copy of the booking. If the cruise shows in YOUR account, then you have ensured that Latitudes is aware of it and it is on THEM to ensure that all guests on the reservation are credited...not just one. If you have ensured it shows on your account, then they should have applied it to all accounts on the reservation. There is no rule that allows them to be selective. In this case, the 12-month rule should not apply since the cruise DOES appear on YOUR account...correctly including all guests on the reservation is on THEM, not on you.
  11. What you have to ask is how long until they receive a response when it is not "normally"?
  12. I know, right? I also hate the ones who try to throw random pointless stuff out there just to stir the pot. You can always spot them cause they run away as soon as anybody asks them anything about their comment. Its easy to explain an important post, but nobody can explain the crappy ones. Oh...I almost forgot...I also hate the ones who throw out passive-aggressive insults like "why can't people be nice"...as though that is a nice thing to say in and of itself. You know, cause just posting to say people aren't nice (as though this is some sort of support group) isn't really saying something nice either. Just pointless, right?
  13. It isn't a comparative basis unless you provide the context for the comparison. So what comparison are you attempting to invoke? Is your point that the prices should be identical between the cruise lines? Is your point that the prices should be different between the cruise lines? You are correct, you didn't bother to mention operating costs...something HUGELY important in any company creating a price at which they sell an item. Why didn't you mention them? Do you think they are identical and thus don't matter? BTW...if you think the biggest operating cost is fuel, you may want to season your foot so that you'll enjoy the taste.
  14. And? Are you trying to infer some equivalence here? Are we to think that the operational costs for Oceania are equal to those of NCL? Hmmmmmm.
  15. There is a chance because: --Some people may get on the ship and ask to cancel a pass they purchased online thus making it available --Some unsold passes may have been held back and are available (people have said they save some, and other people have said they don't and neither has been officially confirmed) So it doesn't hurt to ask. I would also advise that if they tell you there are no passes, that you request to be added to a wait list for the passes in case a cancellation causes one to be made available.
  16. To answer this question, and to ask the same for another port: --Go to the NCL website --Under "Explore" at the top of the page, click on "PORTS" in the dropdown --On the Ports page, locate the desired port in the dropdown or use the "Type to Find a Port" search --When the port page opens, click on VIEW CRUISES to see all scheduled cruises that will access the desired port.
  17. If your question is some variation of "Why doesn't NCL _________?" it likely is best to ask NCL. We don't know the "why" behind what NCL does, and believe it or not, they don't come here and explain "why" either.
  18. I know, right? It's sort of like school where you got an "A" for 90%, but if you did better...say a 93%, 97%, or even 100%...you still only got an "A"!!
  19. FWIW...This should shed some light on the nature of the OP's concern: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2905444-free-style-daily-on-ncl-sun
  20. The accurate answer to this question is YES there are seats outside of vibe that anyone can use, but NO...not like on the Norwegian Bliss. Here is a screengrab from the previously posted video. I've marked the chairs that are outside of the Vibe...looks to be about 14 loungers outside of the Vibe entrance. On the Bliss, there are chairs outside of the Vibe, but the area (and thus the number of chairs) is larger than on the Joy.
  21. That is not accurate. The Good to Know page changes daily. I posted the Dailies from my recent Encore sailing (https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2900487-freestyle-dailies-encore-12422) you can compare and see that they do, in fact, change.
  22. Given that the OP failed to mention which cabin, I'm not sure how exactly we can plan ahead.
  23. You should probably be more specific as the Good To Know pages changes according to the ships schedule. There is one for a Sea Day, one for Embarkation Day, and the page can vary on Port Days depending on the arrival/departure times. Have you tried posting this to the Roll Call group for your sailing? Likely someone there will have the actual page from the desired day on your cruise.
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