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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Once again, the fox informs that the grapes are sour.
  2. There are four factors to be considered: The payment must be made free from compulsion The customer must have the unrestricted right to determine the amount The payment should not be the subject of negotiations or dictated by employer policy The customer has the right to determine who receives the payment If all of these are met, then the payment is a tip/gratuity. If any one of these are not met, then the payment is a service charge.
  3. In as much as this is a forum to discuss cruising, and not really the NCL help desk, judging by the screen shot you provided, one could only guess that the 15 yo is the ONLY person to have a vibe pass. Did you intend/try to purchase vibe passes for the adults on the reservation? Does the 15 yo have the app on their phone where they could have done this themselves? You really need to contact your PCC/TA to discuss/remedy the situation.
  4. I don't understand this statement. It is the TA's JOB to answer your questions or, if they don't know, to get you those answers. Why are you not insisting that they do their job to earn the money that they are being paid?
  5. While it is very nice that you care, the folks who are vegetarians should choose something that THEY like, not what some stranger on an Internet forum liked. Different people have different tastes. Trust that they can choose something to their liking.
  6. Neither being a cruiser or being on cruise critic are required to understand basic math.
  7. To borrow from the thread title, what is really amazing is that FDR was up front in announcing in 2015 that NCL would be moving from price-to-fill to market-to-fill, and here we are...on the precipice of 2023...and the educated cruisers of CC are STILL evaluating things from a price-to-fill mindset. Of course, given that NCL implemented freestyle more than 20 years ago and we still discuss formal nights, maybe it isn't so amazing after all.
  8. You seem to be confusing priority check in (where you stand in the lines) with priority embarkation (where you actually walk from the terminal to the ship). Priority embarkation refers to the fact that: Haven boards first Second is those needing assistance (wheelchair, etc) Third is priority latitudes...no boarding group number needed Fourth is Group 1 Fifth is Group 2 Sixth is Group 3, etc.
  9. Once again people are "amazed" to learn that there is no difference between buy one get one free and 50% off.
  10. It really isn't all that hard to grasp...you "might dress up if you want to" on any night of the cruise...you can dress up one night, two, three, or all nights...if you want to. It is never required, nor does any venue have a different level of dress required than on any other night.
  11. Speaking of "misinterpretation", where did someone say that freestyle was "ONLY" about a dress code?
  12. It really depends on what you are referring to. If you paid NCL to book airfare for you (referred to as NCL's Premium Air service) they will assist you in getting where you need to be. However, if you are referring to the air offered through the Free as Sea promotions, NCL is only purchasing airfare on your behalf....after that, you are on your own. In either case, travel insurance is always available and without it, you are basically assuming the risk yourself.
  13. Hold your cards....we have a BINGO! You are correct...it was nothing to do with the dress code, but with the hypocrisy of claiming to "never pay attention" while reading & commenting...which is obviously some level of "attention". Or, put another way, a lesson in why one shouldn't speak in absolutes.
  14. Well, I was on the Encore just this month. Surprise of surprises, there are camera stations set up each and every day...no special day required. Not only that, but since they now have the perspectives studio, one can arrange of those special photos whenever they choose. BTW...Freestyle cruising's dirty little secret is that EVERY day is designated as "Dress Up or Not" day.
  15. Maybe, but your perspective of NCL is skewed negative to the point where you won't cruise with them again. So your viewpoint is biased negative, and that bias has to be considered along with the advice you offer. Dress UP or NOT really is misleading and irrelevant, no? The dress code, fwiw, is the exact same each and every day on NCL. You can dress up or not each and every day as you see fit. There is no restaurant or venue on any ship that changes their dress code based on a "dress up or not" schedule. It has been two DECADES since NCL did away with the "traditional" dress codes and moved to freestyle. Its about time we, as guests, move on from the pointless "formal wear" debates.
  16. You obviously never watched "How I Met Your Mother" 😉 (BTW...you can buy them on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Mother-Black-Pajama-White-Medium/dp/B0085NX5GU)
  17. No, I understood. What you fail to understand is that I didn't just ask why you read/posted this thread, I asked why you did so since doing so was in direct conflict with your "never pay attention" claim. It is that conflict which you continually fail to address. All you've done is point out how you try to clash with the dress code that you "never" pay attention to...yet, another glaring conflict.
  18. Maybe, but IMHO that carries a lot more weight when you aren't scanning, reading, and posting to their boards. Doing so is like stalking someone after a break up. When it's really over you simply just move on.
  19. As do they know that "cheerleader" is a passive-aggressive insult toward anyone who disagrees with someone who just has an axe to grind. If a point is valid, it can be made without resorting to demeaning labels. You simply can't expect 100% of the people to agree with you 100% of the time. This is a public discussion forum...not a support group.
  20. But you didn't...if it actually amused you then, by definition, you would have paid attention to dress, which you are now trying to claim that you "never" do. Gotta pick one.
  21. Being that your claimed position is that you "never pay attention" to how others dress, then why would you come into a thread just to brag about what you wear in a specific restaurant? As far as you know (since you NEVER pay attention), everyone else is dressing just as you do which negates your reason for bragging.
  22. Except, of course, that his comment wasn't about caring, it was about "never paying attention" which is exactly what he was doing by clicking, reading, and commenting.
  23. Well, by clicking on and posting to this thread, you've now paid some attention to the topic. So much for the "never".
  24. Needless to say, if NCL doesn't know "why" then how could you expect anyone here to know "why"? Again...they don't inform us of the "why" behind their decisions. If you don't like the answer you get from the crew onboard, then perhaps you should go up their chain of command until you find the person who can explain "why" in a sufficient manner. And please, while it is Cruise Critic, I'm sure you could offer more than that tired old "if you don't hate like I do, the you're a CHEERLEADER" argument. Logical fallacy aside, it is really a lame point to try to make. And while the site is named Cruise Critic, that is "Critic" as in: "one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique" ...it does not mean "Critic" as in: "One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder".
  25. No, of course not, but when you do, they go on first. Also, if a lady decides to go "commando", please remember to avoid the glass stairs in the atrium. 😲
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