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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Quite honestly, if you just got off of the Bliss and you'll soon be on the Joy, I'd say that you are in the best position to document the similarities and differences between the two ships. Perhaps you can provide a detailed comparison thread upon your return? It certainly would be helpful for anyone asking the same question.
  2. Smh...hard to believe some people really think that just because they've "never seen" that this somehow negates what is being reported. 🙄
  3. I thought this was weird as well. Like you, I received a reply from a guest relations email address with a case number...which is NOT what normally happens with a shareholder benefit request. Its almost like their email address is being rerouted to guest relations.
  4. Here is a contact form and phone number...you can try these to see if it gets you somewhere. https://www.nclhltd.com/contact
  5. I'm guessing that ANY special interest group would be "VERY happy" if the cruise line catered to their particular special interest. However, I'm not sure that this is how it works.
  6. Sure you can, SAS will take two people from FLL to the MIA port for $15pp.
  7. You can STILL all you want. The topic of the thread is the Dec 4th cruise, I was only onboard for the Dec 4th cruise, and no matter how much capitalization you use, I STILL can't answer questions about what is happening on the ship now or what will happen when you are onboard. Perhaps you should start a thread specific to your question instead of hijacking this one.
  8. I posted the dailies here from my December 4th cruise. It stands to reason that I was onboard for that cruise, and am not onboard now. It also stands to reason that I am answering from the 12/4 dailies as the 12/4 dailies are the topic of this thread as opposed to it being a "live onboard" thread.
  9. All I said was that I could have wine at every meal with the drink package. Outside of that is just arguing something that I never said.
  10. Not that that matters since the drink package will provide wine at every meal.
  11. Not really looking for credit (thanks anyway), but that was me. Original thread is here:
  12. No...just as on every NCL ship, you can Dress Up or Not each and every single night of the entire cruise. And no entertainment in the Observation Lounge this cruise due to the week long Poker Tournament and associated events which were held in the port-side of the lounge all week.
  13. Looking past the fact that nobody said it was a prerequisite, it is a legitimate question. There are, of course, dozens of cruise line boards. If you don't even consider NCL then why would you even look at, much less respond to, posts on this forum? If NCL is truly not up for consideration, then your presence here is similar to someone hanging around someone else after a break up. When its over, its time to move on...stalking is just, well, weird.
  14. So sorry that your mathematic education wasn't up to snuff. You apparently feel apples to oranges is better than apples to apples. The TWO of you actually pay more...in total...but NOT on a per person basis. Sorry, but you can't avoid that fact...math doesn't exaggerate, math doesn't lie. Raising the wages and removing tipping will do nothing. 4 + 1 = 5 just like 5 + 0 =5. In the end, you still end up paying the same. Besides, how could you possibly avoid the "true number"? No matter what the breakdown is, in the end we all see the total cost...which is the "true number".
  15. It is also what I am paying...the same RATE. If I pay $10 and you pay $20 you are NOT paying twice what I am just because you are paying for two people and I am paying for one. It is still the same RATE. What you are doing is throwing out a multiplied number in order to make it seem like you're paying sooooo much more, when you really are not. You don't have to leave multiple tips. Again, if 4 people dine and leave a $40 tip, even though it is just one total tip, it is still $10 per person. Perhaps if you are so fixated on the TOTAL TIP then this is a sign that you are reaching an uncomfortable spot in your budget and you need to reconsider your cost-benefit position.
  16. Well in that case you really need to join more groups on more sites. Like you said, there might be valuable information on one site that doesn't make it to one you are on. It's the grass is greener theory for cruising.
  17. FOR THE RECORD: I'd like to point out that in my post above (and also in post #5 of this thread), I've plainly accused NCL of manipulating people through the bid process just to get more money out of them. Clearly these statements are NOT something supportive of the cruise line, yet many people on this forum still try to label me as a "cheerleader".
  18. If you've upped your bid as a result of the live bidding, then you are already "caught up in the excitement" and you're doing exactly what they want you to do...pay more.
  19. Heck, being literal is the fun of Cruise Critic 😉😲 That is why we analyze and dissect the service charge to the nth degree...over and over and over and over
  20. FWIW, everyone here doesn't really need to keep saying thing like "that other site"...you can say Facebook here (see...I just did). That is OK. The rule is that you are not allowed to promote or provide links to Facebook groups on this site...You can't say "Come join my group on Facebook. You can search for GROUPTITLE or just use my link"...that would not be allowed, but you can say the word Facebook. This is Cruise Critic's actual policy on Facebook Groups: Our Policy Regarding Facebook and Roll Calls Cruise Critic loves Facebook. in fact, we maintain FB pages for all of our sites (Cruise Critic, CruiseCritic.co.uk, our Australia site, etc.). We have many people who participate on both our FB page and our message boards. We have no issues with people linking their own, personal FB pages in their profiles, or on your signature on Cruise Critic forums. You understand that doing so allows our members to know your "real life" name. ROLL CALLS created on FB are not anonymous. Most of them are open to the public. Even if they are private groups, once you are accepted into the group everyone will know your real name. In doing so you have pretty much told all those people -- strangers -- when you will be away on vacation. The fact of the matter is most people do not understand how much personal information they are sharing. On Cruise Critic roll calls, everyone is anonymous. You have the ability to remain as anonymous as you'd like throughout the entire Roll Call timeframe and throughout your entire cruise if you so desire. You can be JoeCruise101 until the day you disembark. The choice is yours, you share as much or as little as YOU choose to; everyone starts out on a level playing field on Cruise Critic. Anonymous user names only. Also, FB Roll Calls have already proven to divide Roll Calls. People, for whatever reason, who cannot seem to get along may open a FB group and then want more people to participate, so they harvest members from the original ROLL CALL. There have been actual disruptions encouraged on FB directed towards our ROLL CALLs. We believe a ROLL CALL created on Cruise Critic should stay here. We've worked long and hard to create this community, and have provided a certain level of trust and privacy for our members. If they choose to participate in a FB Roll Call, they'll have to learn about it somewhere other than Cruise Critic. We request that you not solicit people to your Facebook page on any of our ROLL CALLS.
  21. This is for real and has been going on for a short time (iow, it isn't really "new"). FWIW, the stress you are feeling over this is part of the design...stress will force people to bid higher. When NCL considers accepting bids for cabins, there is an unpublished amount at which they would like the bids to be at or above. As long as the bids come in at or above this level, the automated billing process takes care of everything. However, there are instances where everyone is just putting in minimal bids that are below this unpublished goal threshold. The only way to get people to then up those bids to a level acceptable to the cruise line is through "live bidding". Using this method, they can instill bidders with a sense of urgency and play on their desires by telling them "you have been outbid" (even if you actually haven't). This is solely designed to drive up the bid amounts...its up to you to decide if you're going to let this influence your bid.
  22. So why do two? Why not just pick one and dedicate your time there? As noted before, a time will come when NCL will simply stop all M&Gs because of the increasing number of different sites. Only then will folks start to realize they they are the cause of this due to their multi-site participation.
  23. No doubt that you are correct. Having been here as long as you have, you certainly remember that while CC has always had many different types of posts, there was a time when the main focus of the people here was on the joy of the cruising experience. With the continued rise of all of the different social media sites, CC has changed. We've seen the rise of folks that come here simply because they are perpetually aggrieved and are seeking advice on obtaining "compensation", we've seen the rise of people who embrace the word "critic" and who advocate non-stop bashing (and you're a "cheerleader if you DARE think otherwise), and we've seen the rise of people who, for whatever reason, want to handle their booking(s) themselves despite having no experience or expertise and they rely on this site to be their free "help desk" for every little problem they encounter. These three factions have basically drowned out anyone and everyone who was/is here for the joy of the cruising experience.
  24. You can't see the difference between honesty and dishonesty? If you really feel that there is no difference, then why not just be upfront with the cruise line about the source of your group? I'm sorry, but it appears that my moral compass points in a different direction than yours. LOL, "intrepid" is the aircraft carrier museum in New York City, LOL
  25. No...not better because now you're responding with an edited self quote...which is why your response above is empty. Fail.
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