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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Now you're just conflating numbers to attempt to skew the result. You HAVE to break it down to a pp, or a pp/pd, level so we have an apples-to-apples comparison. You tip $20 after dinner for two, that is $10 per person...easy to figure out. "over $600 in DSC" just sounds so bad, but ONLY because you are multiplying it to make it seem bigger. It is still just $16pp/pd or $160pp for the cruise. You also left out the fare so we really don't see the true tip percentage. Share ALL of the numbers, not just some of them. $16 pp for one day? If all you had were your three meals and the room cleaning, that is just a $4 tip per service.
  2. "through the roof" is an interesting description. Can you provide some context to that? What % is reasonable and not "through the roof"? Just for giggles, I looked at the Norwegian Escape (not too new, not too old) for December 2nd of next year. Balcony fare is listed at $889 pp...just the fare, nothing else. The new DSC will be $20 pp/pd which means $140 for the week. Against that fare, a guest in that cabin is tipping at 15.75%...much lower than the standard 20%. Under the current DSC of $16 pp/pd, the rate would be just 12.6%. Given the current economy, I don't know that a 3% increase is all that huge. Just wondering how low this "roof" actually is.
  3. They can call themselves submarine commanders...still doesn't change what they are. Nor would it change the answer to the TA question, right?
  4. You're actually getting a call from a call center rep...while both can make reservations, PCCs are different.
  5. Actually, that makes it even stranger still. Your TA should be contacting you in place of any PCC. What did the PCC say when you told them that you book through a TA (which they should know as it shows on all of your reservations)?
  6. Strange that "a" PCC contacted you instead of you being contacted by "your" PCC (as in the one specifically assigned to work with you).
  7. It is interesting that you would say this. I'll ask you since you are a parent who will have their kids on the cruise...If the kids club is shut down, will your kids be "unsupervised" and "running all over the ship driving all of the other passengers crazy"? Shouldn't we be expecting parents to actually monitor their own children to ensure proper behavior, or is this simply asking too much?
  8. I'm sorry, but I don't understand how this would work. Could you explain? If the cruise line upped the crew's wages, where would this additional money come from if not "passed on to the patrons"? No matter what, every single dime of every single employee's salary comes from the businesses patrons.
  9. Not sure what point you're trying to make. However, I'd take claims with a grain of salt. You really have no idea if a roll call person did, or did not book with NCL. Nor would you know 100% for sure if they did, or did not, receive a notice. Perhaps they missed or deleted it...you really can't say with 100% certainty. Nor can you say the same for your TA. I'd expect them to say they weren't notified...that way, they can blame NCL instead of admitting that they didn't inform you as they should have. The notice you posted is almost 10 days old. How often does your TA review her site for notices such as this? Especially since, as this one shows, she isn't seeing them in a timely manner. How did this notice get on your TA's site without her becoming informed? If something like this can hit your TA's site without them knowing, then they should be checking for new notices on a daily basis...they owe their clients this much. Welcome to the age of "it is ALWAYS someone else's fault...personal responsibility doesn't exist".
  10. FWIW, since you booked through a TA, NCL will not send you the notice directly. It is sent to your TA and it is their job to then inform you. It is one of the benefits of booking with a TA.
  11. See post #1 for the first part. Don't bother looking for the second part as I said I was NOT teaching you anything. (Hey...there's another thing you didn't understand) As can you, no?
  12. There is no teaching you. You are the one who is not "understanding" yet you feel better complaining rather than learning. You really aren't looking to learn as much as you are looking to whine about what you admittedly do not understand. The fact is that there are many people here and only the person trying to retort and insult is the one not understanding. I'm not trying to teach...I'm happier watching you flounder.
  13. Could also be that the misunderstanding may partially be a result of concentrating on posting retorts instead of reading/listening/learning.
  14. Just another example of how people are too lazy to ask the right questions. When you see "2nd guest sails free", you should be asking "what about guest #1?". When you see "50% off" you should be asking "off of what, exactly?". It has been stated before...some people think that "buy one get one" and "50% off" are different sales.
  15. The letter was actually an announcement that the Jr Room Steward position was being eliminated and that all personnel at that classification would be promoted to full Room Steward...but you already knew that, right? Not doubling down, just wondering why you're soooooo reluctant to just say "OK, I misspoke, no official announement was actually made".
  16. Read it again...they say no such thing. They only that that crew center is reporting not that they (cruise industry news) has or have seen a letter.
  17. NCL won't be officially announcing anything as it's NCLH that is laying off, not NCL. That aside, if you're looking for the announcement on the website, you have to look at the right place. Try https://www.nclhltd.com/investors/sec-filings/all-sec-filings/content/0001558370-22-018672/0001558370-22-018672.pdf
  18. So at least recognize that there has been no announcement, and that you are just assuming that a second-hand report is accurate and official. And whose timing is it that you are stating is "poor"?
  19. Not really a fair comment given that no announcement has been made. This isn't something that upper management released, all of this is conjecture based on a second-hand report from a crew-related independent website. Nothing official has been announced by NCL.
  20. Because the cruise lines aren't the only ones guilty of "nickel & diming". 🙄
  21. Cool idea. Just gotta hope that the employees aren't smart enough to realize that there is an ATM machine onboard that you could walk to without affecting your carbon footprint.
  22. As long as removing is a possibility, people will find ways...even inventing them if needed...to justify doing so. Basically, the answer is "because they can".
  23. And while that sounds good here, how would it work in practice? It is easy for the hostess to understand "Pants=Good, Shorts=Bad", but how are they to define "nice"? And what happens when Karen demands to see the manager because "how DARE you say MY shorts aren't 'nice' "?
  24. You h8ters crack me up as well. Perhaps in the future you can express your disagreement(s) without the use of the passive-aggressive demeaning labels. Can't say...I did not eat in the Manhattan dining room. In my experience, you get better service (and the same menu) by choosing Taste/Savor for your MDR dining.
  25. Physician, heal thyself. Yes, I believe that it was necessary. Who are you to say otherwise? Am I not allowed to have my opinion, your highness? I certainly have asked for recommendations. However, I only ask for recommendations from those who know my preferences, or that take the time to learn them before dispensing advice. It's a waste of everyone's time otherwise. Besides, all of the options are listed on the menus, and those dining can certainly choose what they prefer without anyone here attempting to direct their own personal choice of what to eat. Now, let's allow people to choose what they want to eat, and let's let people post as they see fit...assuming that's OK with the board scold.
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