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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. Is anyone really good at colors. Decorating isnt my forte. Sure anyone can hire someone to change out countertops etc but I dont have a artistic flair. My painter wants a color of "white" so he can go in this week and paint. I cant make up my mind. Yesterday I wanted heron plume, today I'm back to alabaster. This shows the color of the cabinets and the granite countertop. My real estate agent and this guy are both pushing for new cabinets. For sure new appliances so ignore appliance color. If I get rid of cabinets, I'd lose the granite countertop. Right now I need a paint color. One thing at a time. . .. anyone have a preference?
  2. My oasis cruise I wanted the earliest time but I checked in at midnight texas time, not florida time. By the time I checked in as people were posting their times, I had to take 30 minutes later from all the rest of the group. I forgot it was midnight for the time zone the ship leaves from. Not my time. Each to his own. I did want the earliest time.
  3. I just posted this on another thread. Tuesday at midnight when they change the price it was 27.99 on harmony. Wednesday at midnight it went down to 25.99. So I jumped to purchase the extra day plus used my coupon and bought "for the rest of the cruise". I wait for midnight since I'm doing for the rest of the cruise .. but daily went from 27.99 to 25.99. Dynamic pricing?
  4. I've never gotten charged 18%. For wifi. Here is my last purchase of a extra night plus my free 2 nights (till the end of the cruise). No 18% has ever been charged for my wifi.
  5. Yes royal does it at midnight 45 days ahead. Be there at midnight ship time to get the earliest time. Goes fast.
  6. I'm assuming typo. You booked the NCL breakaway .. not the RCL breakaway. I did this ship and loved it but it wasnt recently. Good cruise and I enjoyed the food.
  7. No trash cans where? Wow I dont remember this. Is it just family harbor? I thought suites got free bubbles on mardi gras. Assumed jubilee too.
  8. Are you booked this xmas on adventure? There is a roll call not sure if you joined. Xmas day I think they have a special more expensive meal they sell and this is only a 6 day cruise. I'm on the leg before adventure dec 13 I think, the 8 day before and we can buy dining but not the 6 day over xmas. Lol I have 2 excursions booked including a coastal cruise in labadee. Hoping things get back to normal. Idk if anyone can give you a answer about UDP.
  9. I hardly drink but I'm D+ on rcl. They have the best perks so I wish I had concentrated more on rcl pre covid. I currently get 5 free drinks a day and 2 days of wifi. I let them bill me the $18 per day, doesnt bother me. Isnt ncl $20 a day? For me I'd rather wifi than the drinks pkg. When I order drinks I tip a bit extra, and maybe $10 cash tip for a pay restaurant even though I do understand they already charged me 18%. Doesnt feel like a tip. How much anyone tips probably depends on their style of cruising, what they like to do. Some drink, I'd rather eat. I bet asking 10 people you get 10 answers. Maybe it comes doen to what you want. I'm doing a long TA and then a 10 day leg and sure want wifi, but not quite pinnacle. So wifi big for me too. I've been splurging a bit and adding a extra day once onboard to the free 2 days even with 7 days. 13 and 10 days .. wifi would come before drinks. Drink in the ports?
  10. Maybe they couldn't use chat feature if child was under 13. Not because of how the cabins were linked.
  11. 10 years or maybe longer ago msc didnt think ice was needed in soft drinks for instance. I hear this is european or maybe that too has changed. MSC was different from carnival back then. Desserts were less sweet. I think they finally have come around I hear these days.
  12. In Galveston once I called 2 taxi and both werent available then. The old terminal has a line of taxi cabs but not the new terminal. Maybe the new terminal wants too much money idk but they arent there to grab so people call uber. I've seen rates on uber as low as $10 ish one way from my hotels. 15 ish for a xl size. Though I guess prices are going up monthly.
  13. It's up to you. I carry my luggage on all the time. Once my suitcase was put on the wrong deck and it took me walking the decks for quite a while to find it. I'd rather carry mine on.
  14. They wouldnt bill for the extra if they reroute you but you also may not get a refund if port fees are less. Rcl says their policy is each ship can decide if it wants to refund any overage of port fees. ..I wrote and asked their policy. Oasis had a extra sea day.
  15. Your cruise week went by so fast. Who was that singing in your cabin? Someone from a group onboard?
  16. He didnt say when just that he only operates Monday afternoons. That's why I'm assuming 1 or 2 weeks apart, idk. 2nd eye not scheduled yet. Lol so I ran out and got coffee creamer. Cant do without coffee and i dont like it black. Now i can stay home after the surgery. I have noticed at night i have trouble reading the signs so it's better to do before i drive across the country and get stuck driving at night in a strange town. Fingers crossed it's a success.
  17. Maybe because you spend more you have found royal to be accommodative. Imo after covid they were until the new ceo came in. I havent seen any examples since then they are accomdative. Personal experience included. OP said he threatened them to get their attention. So they would negotiate. Imo royal doesnt make exceptions and negotiate on prices.
  18. Then we do the other eye though. Next monday or Monday after next. Oh my. I guess I need to get my butt to the store for coffee creamer and such I cant do without. It doesnt say dont bend over, it says dont bend. I am getting a ride there. Thanks for the tips. I'm a bit nervous.
  19. I am comparing FULL price of those restaurants. Read again. The FULL price of some restaurants is less as I've noticed for quite a while. I booked bogo and pay full price and I book lunches. I last did Jamie's last dec. I can also grab a screen shot of adventure and it was also $2 less for jamies vs harmony or oasis class. If you cant see the FULL price as I said it is crossed off but you should be able to see what the full price is of both. I can pull up adventure and I am 100% sure full price will be a couple bucks less for lunch vs a oasis class. I booked for all of 2024 as far out as i can. Thru xmas. Seems to be a lot of people who either dont purchase pay meals or unobservant. Of course I said look at the crossed out amount in my post to see the FULL price and you come back about how I cant compare dynamic pricing. I wasnt.
  20. Here is a screen shot of harmony lunches and mariner lunch. You can see what full price is on both, even though its crossed off with a sale going. Chops lunch full price is $3 more. And even more of a difference with this and other sales. But you can see same exact restaurant is less comparing full prices of lunch. I paid $2 extra for all my oasis class lunches I booked is why I was sure. I see now they raise izumi hibachi so both ships are now the same full priced, though mariner is always offering me the better price. Idk someone would notice $2 if they dont cruise a lot but also the unlimited dining was also lower.
  21. Yes as a matter of fact for sure they are less. Unlimited dining was much less. Jamie's for instance was $2 less full price than oasis class. I can show you the difference but there is a difference. Lunch on 40% off 14.99 plus tip on harmony vs 12.99 on mariner. Same sale. Full price as I said is $2 less, so is sale price. I guess some people dont care about small differences but I cruise enough I notice. Oasis class has more choices for dinner and costs more.
  22. I had one of each. One lounger and one upright. Mine was a regular balcony, the 2 corners arent JS. Long walk back there but worth it for aft view.
  23. I've got my eye out for balcony furniture. I'd like something more comfy than what royal offers. This balcony looks like the lounger has a cushion. Some cushions you need to bring them in out of the weather I have been told. I'll need some other furniture too. Saw this article that 2 calif towns had decreases in price in the top ten. Lol and miami is #1 decreased prices. Some deals to be had. ..but I wanted water and walking trails and a quieter way of life. Downtown miami isnt it .. but probably good investment. 1. Balcony lounger 2. Condos glut in miami. If it isnt really single family houses or miami beach .. downtown condos are down even more than the % shown.
  24. I'd grab one. My favorite. I had the corner on deck 9. I have pictures somewhere if you want them. The door is regular and heavy and a window, not a slider. The balcony is pie shaped, very roomy imo. I would love to book one but the group rates dont include the aft facing cabins that I'm booking under. I hear the lower decks like maybe deck 7 have larger balconies but you need 3 to book them.
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