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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. That is what we have experienced on our longer cruises.
  2. No problem sleeping here. Just woke up and enjoying my first cup of coffee and reading the Daily. Watching weather report last night and we had around 16 days in February that had record high temperatures. Maybe another one today as we are already at seventy degrees Fahrenheit. At some point I need to take some time out from my tremendously busy schedule to get a haircut. If I could just wean myself off from perusing Cruise Critic I could possibly find some time. Tomorrow is my annual optometry appointment and I have no clue why I scheduled it on what will be my birthday? We have two large Maine lobsters ordered which will be my celebration dinner. I do think tomorrow’s optometry appointment will show it’s time for cataracts to be removed. Thanks for all the reports and post. Have a great day. Bruce
  3. We have done six repositioning cruise from Canada to Florida and one from Fla to Montreal and yes we have experienced some rough seas on a few of them. Keep in mind that Fall cruises can also experience hurricanes. One year, the old Maasdam was affected by an early rare spring storm on it’s repositioning from Florida to Canada. One never knows or can predict rough weather and seas.
  4. In 2017 while cruising around the Polar Ice Cap on the MS Prisendam we came across these two well sated Polar Bears who had been dining on a beached whale! Fellow cruiser took this picture.
  5. Good morning. Slept until 7:30 Central. It’s already sunny and seventy degrees. Azaleas are almost full bloom, Amaryllis are booming as well as other flowering shrubs and trees. Feeling like spring but still waiting for the long leaf pines to spread yellow pollen all over the area. It’s laundry day but just one load of clothes as I did bulky towels and other items yesterday. We watched a movie last night starring Dustin Hoffman and Sissy Spacek in Sam & Kate. Turns out Sam’s son in movie is Dustin’s real son and Sissy’s Daughter in the movie is Sissy’s actual daughter. Dustin is now 85 years old and Sissy is 73. One more coffee and it’s time to get moving. Thanks for the Fleet Report and postings. Have a great week. Bruce
  6. Totally agree with @kazu if you know what table is yours just go to it.
  7. Good morning. Slept late then it was a rush preparing for church services. At least I had my priorities in the right order. Beautiful sunny day with temps hovering in the mid seventies. We had our neighborhood couple over for dinner last night for a nice Italian themed dinner of raviolis in a garlic cream sauce and cannoli’s for desert. Wonderful fellowship. Maybe later we’ll put the top down on the Spyder and go for a ride enjoying this beautiful day. Maybe watch NASCAR race if the weather in California allows. Thanks for all who contribute to our Daily. Have a great week. Bruce
  8. One industry that really took a hit during the Pandemic was the private tour industry. Hopefully, it will gradually recover to what our experiences were before Covid. My thoughts is that has also affected cruise line excursions. Do hope the post pandemic recovery does bring back enlightening, vibrant and knowledgeable excursions and invigorating adventures. Patience prevails but our time is limited by age.
  9. Bon Voyage! Thanks for sharing your cruise experience.
  10. It was fun watching you sailing away. Have a great time. Bon Voyage!
  11. It has been a milestone day here as we have added appliance consumer reviews to the Daily! We are expanding!😀
  12. Good morning. Weather is a repeat of yesterday with dense fog, cloudy and temperatures in mid seventies. Doctor’s appointment went well yesterday and I will have to await a week for lab work to be returned. Really took it easy yesterday as I had some back strain which occurs a couple of times per year. Believe I got ahead of it by treating with heat and medication and today seems pretty good. Hey! No pain no gain! Reminder of what I used to do for a living. We have been to today’s port of call, may open a new bottle of wine tonight and mashed potatoes are always welcomed. Thanks Sandi for taking on your new job. Yes, for as much as you contribute it does take a lot of your time. Very much appreciated. Thanks also to Vanessa, Ann and Debbie for your Daily contributions. Enjoy your weekend. Bruce
  13. I was wondering the same thing. Happy Birthday Roy if it is your birthday,
  14. Good morning! Currently 69 degrees and will reach 78! Yesterday’s high of 80 F set a record. Right now we are in a very dense fog that should clear by noon. Glad I’m not flying today. This morning I have my annual medical visit to check if I’m still cancer free. No reason to believe I’m not. Me and my bride have no major plans for the weekend. Well every day is a weekend these days but it doesn’t take much to entertain us. One thing that I attribute to sleeping well is to shut off the phone, I Pad, games near bed time and that helps my transition and prep for resting. So now it’s time for the hardest moment of my day. Choosing MeMe’s!🤔 Enjoy the day and thanks for stopping in an posting on the Daily. Bruce
  15. It’s obvious to me you didn’t sleep well last night but thanks for the chuckles.
  16. Always hard and so sad. Feel for you as it never is easy. Sorry for your soon to be loss. Oh what wonderful memories.
  17. Your free! Go out and treat yourself to a fine dinner at a favorite restaurant.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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