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Everything posted by cruisestitch

  1. Well yes, but that’s a river cruise which is an entirely different kettle of fish. As to wheelchair accessible Cruises, so many of the places that the ships visit have cobblestone streets and steep hills, and they simply aren’t wheelchair friendly.
  2. Boarding seemed to go very smoothly. Friends on board were going to drop their luggage and then go out for a coffee while they waited for their assigned time, but the staff in the terminal said that since it was no line they could just come right on. And that seemed to be the pattern for others as well.
  3. There’s no salt in the ship’s tapwater nor is there bleach. Look for posts from our knowledgeable and helpful ship engineer who often posts here on Cruise Critic and he will explain the process whereby the drinking water is made.
  4. Suggest you start monitoring the weather channel or some other app for the big picture. I can tell you that it was 77° with on and off showers in Sydney yesterday but that doesn’t tell you anything about what you’re liable to encounter in other parts of the country. As the southern hemisphere enters winter, I expect very chilly weather in the sounds. I just came back from a New Zealand cruise on ovation. We had very choppy seas going to and from New Zealand. Could happen again for this cruise.
  5. The real answer is that the Captains Club host can allow it or disallow it. Some let you bring a cabin mate some don’t.
  6. See this thread, among many on this topic
  7. The conditions are not negotiable. You can transfer the booking to a travel agent but you only have a limited amount of time in which you to do that.
  8. There’s no “out there” if you have an infinite verandah.
  9. I would wonder if the TA knew for some time that money was owed on the fare. If it was owed on a short excursion, it seems like Celebrity would’ve just cancelled the excursion not the entire reservation. I think the TA might have made a mistake and was trying to blame Celebrity.
  10. So you are mad that your travel agent called you at lunchtime? That’s not Celebrity’s fault, is it?
  11. I just did New Zealand a couple of days ago on Royal Caribbean ovation OTC and we had some pretty rough seas. Not unexpected. The eclipse itinerary includes Napier which suffered a lot of storm damage. Some cruises have been unable to visit it so I will be interested to find out on boarding day, tomorrow, if it is still on our schedule or not.
  12. Are you cruising out of Fort Lauderdale or out of Miami?
  13. After two back to back cruises on Royal Caribbean Ovation of the seas (two big a ship, too many people) I now have three days in Sydney at the Marriott and then will have the 11 night cruise on eclipse going to New Zealand. I don’t plan to create a daily log but I am happy to answer any questions you might have.
  14. Continental means no hot food. You pay the service charge if you order from the extended menu any hot foods like eggs or pancakes. If you just want a pot of coffee and a pastry, there is no charge.
  15. The caller’s room number will show on the phone. They have security on the ship for a reason. It’s their job to deal with it. Call them at once
  16. When was this? The post was from 2022 but was that when it happened?
  17. There are no signs of it returning in Florida and of course Celebrity does not reveal its plans regarding Luggage Valet.
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