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Everything posted by cruisestitch

  1. Every time this question has been asked the answer has come back the same, they do not carry it in part because it needs to be prescribed in conjunction with your regular Doctor Who knows your medical history, since there are potential side effects. If anything has changed recently I’m sure someone will correct me
  2. I always have them skip the morning and just do the evening, which works better in my schedule
  3. As the OP can I please ask that gelato/icecream etc be taken to another thread. You’re making me hungry for things I can’t have.
  4. Nine times out of ten, port side. But if there are high winds or bunkering is taking place, they move it to starboard side.
  5. But often that is exactly what happens in Australia. If the first cruise in a back to back sequence is all within Australia, no problem. But if the first cruise took you out of the country, it is highly likely that you need to pack your stuff, take it to shore, go through customs, and then drag it all back to the ship. Seems to be an Australia thing.
  6. It is highly likely that you will not have to leave the ship at all. Look for a letter in your state room giving you instructions for how to get your new Seapass card. One important thing to be aware of is that if you have any unused onboard credit from the first cruise, it does not roll over into the second cruise. Each one is a separate booking.
  7. Where is the cruise? There are different protocols if you are in the US versus out of the US.
  8. Here’s a place where the Americans and British are speaking different languages. in Britain, a cordial is a non-alcoholic fruit syrup in America, a cordial is an alcoholic beverage.
  9. On equinox, at the muster station we were asked to show our seapass card and our boarding documents both. Bring them along with you just in case.
  10. Classic 10% discount select 15% elite, elite plus & zenith 20%
  11. A sundress would be fine but sometimes the public rooms are kept pretty chilly so I would take a sweater or a wrap of some type
  12. The problem is dinner, not lunch. Those photos were of lunch.
  13. page 252, post #6298 of this thread https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2752347-captain’s-club-power-up-points/page/259/#comments
  14. Often they are retired priests who no longer have their own congregations. We had one at our table years ago and he said he always signed up and generally was chosen.
  15. Since she is under 21, she is too young to bring the alcohol on board even if the intent is to give it to you.
  16. The beds will split. You will need to book adjacent rooms. They don’t need to be connecting rooms just adjacent to each other
  17. Isn’t ice wine a dessert drink? The Elite drinks choices are meant to be pre-dinner beverages.
  18. Celebrity makes no guarantee that there will be any clergy on board. And there isn’t any way of telling at a time if there will be someone who can celebrate mass on your cruise. Sorry.
  19. The elite happy hour is no longer an exclusive event. When you go to a bar and order a drink from the happy hour menu, others in that same location will be on beverage programs and there’s really no way of telling who is who. So there is no one going to stop you if you take a drink or a glass of wine with you into the dining room
  20. You can absolutely take your drink to the dining room from whatever bar you order it in. Most of the people who answer the phone have never actually been on a cruise ship and don’t really know how it works. Back when they used the sky lounge as the elite happy hour location, there was a door keeper and they stop you from taking drinks out as you left. But now that you can order the drinks at virtually any bar on board, there are no restrictions anymore and you can take your drink from the bar to the dining room.
  21. No worries….I know you’re just trying to do the best thing for your dad on this cruise.
  22. I agree that it is very confusing and frustrating. If you show up at the main dining room with your aqua colored room key, they politely tell you to go to blue, your assigned dining room. And the advice to make the earliest possible reservation for the three of you once you are on board is spot on. As the night goes on, The Dining Rooms fill up. Arrange for the first possible time and you’ll be able to walk right in.
  23. I think you will find that the MDR reservations have been canceled if you are in an aqua state room. I know it doesn’t look that way, but that’s what happens. Blu does not have reservations. It’s all open seating. And that is your assigned dining room if you have an Aqua stateroom.
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