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Everything posted by cruisestitch

  1. You have to ask yourself if you would be satisfied with the least desirable stateroom in that category, obstructed view, less desirable location, etc. if yes, then it’s a good deal.
  2. This advice is spot on. here’s what happened to me on the last cruise. I signed up on line. On boarding day I went to Guest. services to confirm and the young lady I spoke to said that they hadn’t received the list from shoreside yet and to check back later. I went back two days later and was told “your name isn’t on the list and unfortunately you can only sign up on day one so it’s too late now”!!!! I protested that I had, in fact, been there on day 1 and had been rebuffed. It took discussions with two different supervisors to fix it.
  3. Fewer chemicals used, for one thing
  4. The Guest Services desk will do it but try to find any other option before you are in need of their exchange. You will pay a lot for the convenience.
  5. Perhaps chose a later boarding time and eat in town might be an option. Otherwise it’s the buffet or Mast Grill.
  6. You will get the package you purchased, which as you noted is not being sold any more.
  7. The OP is not sailing on an E class ship so there is no Le Grand Bistro
  8. As it’s a BOA problem, you will need to call BOA. Do you have a customer service number for them? It should be on your statement.
  9. I was told, and this explanation is a little odd to me, that because the non-alcoholic beers are distributed and sold by their alcohol sources, it is classified as alcohol by Celebrity and is not part of the non-alcoholic packages. Also this means that you cannot bring it on board the way you can bring soft drinks and sodas.
  10. Agreed, they probably won’t let them accompany you since their names aren’t on the Retreat list.
  11. It has been an option as recently as January — one check for $200 (US)
  12. It’s very hard to get advice when we don’t know anything about your likes and dislikes and what you need. Do you have any mobility issues ? are you interested in history or art or scenery or shopping or a Beach Day?
  13. I have seen ship time not match local time on the western edge of the Caribbean and in Portugal, but never seen that phenomenon in St. Maarten. Doesn’t mean it will never happen……
  14. I have seen ship time not match local time on the western edge of the Caribbean and in Portugal, but never seen that phenomenon in St. Maarten. Doesn’t mean it will never happen……
  15. Be sure to read all the comments about beyond state rooms that have unacceptably high noise levels, creaking and popping. Choose accordingly.
  16. The congestion is probably due to people on the “always included” who are getting their pre-dinner drinks. but you aren’t limited to going to a single bar for Happy Hour—-You can get your Happy Hour drinks at nearly any bar on the ship, so if one is congested there are options.
  17. It seems to me that the happy hour has been expanded, not reduced. It used to be that you had to go to One Pacific Place and there was a dress code. Now you can go to nearly any bar and be as informal as you’d like. Yes there are no longer hors d’oeuvres served so I guess that is a reduction, but the ability to have the Elite drinks at a bar with non-Elite friends more than makes up for that to me, especially when coming back to the ship after a day on shore and not having to get dressed up.
  18. no they do not. And as I am sure you already know, personal irons are not allowed on board nor are clothes steamers.
  19. This is a cabotage law, not unique to US. It’s similar to the reason why Air Canada cannot carry domestic passengers from New York to Los Angeles. Nor can United carry domestic passengers from Toronto to Vancouver. many countries have such protectionist laws.
  20. Victoria isn’t a distant foreign port so it doesn’t help.
  21. The passenger services act says that you cannot take a ship from one U.s. port to a different US port without visiting some, and this is important, distant foreign port. The act also sets out which places qualify as distant foreign ports. No place your proposed itinerary qualifies. So you cannot take the ship from Hawaii to Seattle because there is no distant foreign port on the itinerary. Looking at each leg separately, the first leg starts in the US and ends in Canada. PVSA doesn’t come in to play because those are not both US ports. Same with the second leg. You start in Canada and end in the US. No violation. It’s when you put the two together that you run into trouble. By the way, and this doesn’t come in to play on your proposed trip but people always ask, how come you can go from Seattle to Alaska and back to Seattle with only a visit to Victoria. Victoria isn’t a distant foreign port. That’s correct. But those itineraries begin and end in the same US city. To go on a closed loop cruise, which seattle-Seattle would be, you only need to visit some foreign port. Not a distant one, any one will do. sadly, the visit to Canada in your proposed itinerary does not bring it into compliance with PVSA.
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