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Posts posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Had to batten down the hatches yesterday with driving rain and 50mph winds. Some trees and wires down in areas, but I was ok. I moved my strawberry pot into the garage to protect it. Still 40mph winds today. The grass is getting really high, but it will be a dry weekend so I can mow then.


    Good days. I recall planting trees as a kid on Arbor Day. I appreciate a good hairstyle and I'm a jazz fan.

    I like the quote.

    I like the side dish and don't know the drink. I'll take the wine. I like Roy's meal as well.

    I haven't cruised the St. Laurence River. Appreciate everyone's pics.


    @ger_77 I hope DH's back feels better. I'm having back issues too when I stand even a short time. I just started a Medrol dose pack (steroids) on top of the Prednisone I take for my eyes. Oy. I'm trying some stretching too to see if it helps.

    @NextOne Prayers for DH's upcoming surgery. It's good your son is still there.

    @Vict0riann I'm glad the biopsy was ok. Sorry about the cruise. I'm not ready to even think about cruising until next year, with my medical issues.

    @Horizon chaser 1957 Sorry to hear about DD and DH's brother. You have a lot going on. (((Hugs)))


    Prayers for the care list (and Israel) and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask when appropriate.


    • Like 14
  2. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days.

    I'll pass on the nachos, but like the drinks. I like Roy's meal.

    I've not been to today's port. Thanks for the pictures from those who have been there.

    It's gray and rainy here today; it's good for the lawn. I'll work on my eBay stuff I think.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone!

    • Like 16
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily Rich.

    Good days and good quote. Alas, no mate to kiss.

    I like the meal and wine. I'll pass on the drink.

    I've cruised in Alaska but I don't think to Tracy Arm Inlet. Thanks for the great pictures!


    It's sunny and warm, but they are calling for thunderstorms, 60mph winds and perhaps hail later today. I need to move a couple of potted plants into the garage so they don't get pummelled.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone!




    • Like 14
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    For some reason the site wouldn't load on my PC earlier.

    A good collection of days, although I am not a prime rib fan (I prefer a filet mignon or ribeye).

    Rolling my eyes over the quote.

    I like the meal (and Roy's) and drinks.

    I have not been to today's port, so I will look at others' pictures.

    It's sunny and almost 80°F here today.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Everyone stay safe!






    • Like 18
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the daily.

    Good days. Virtual hugs to Australians, I like German pretzels, and hope no one needs to know the Richter scale readings.

    I like the meal and Roy's. I'll pass on the drink, but yes to the wine.

    I've been to Picton.


    @dfish Happy Birthday!

    @ger_77 What a great celebration day for your DH!


    Prayers to the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone!


    A few pictures from Picton (m;y first HAL cruise in 2006 - Auckland to Sydney).

    Approaching the harbor and docking.





    The war memorial (plus christmas decorations)



    Mabel Island from Bob's Bay Track, another view from the track





    Ships docked (including the Statendam)



    Sheep being transported


    • Like 20
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days. Love Penguins and saw many in Antarctica and the Falklands. It's also ANZAC day.

    Classic Hitchcock!

    I could go for taco salad today. Also like Roy's meal and the drinks.

    I exited the Panama Canal at Colon/Cristobal on my last cruise (Nov 2019). No pics of Colon/Cristobal as I was on the other side of the ship taking pictures.


    @kazu Congrats on your "jab".

    @ger_77 Happy Birthday to your DH!

    @Seasick Sailor Me too on the Hitchcock movies! I never watched The Birds, as just snippets of what I saw on TV scared me. Psycho too, even though I knew the blood in the shower scene was really Hershey's Chocolate Syrup!

    @mamaofami I think you made a wise decision on the party.

    @lindaler Safe travels


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe all and wear your mask.


    A couple of pics from Bluff Cove, Falkland Islands







    • Like 23
  7. 5 hours ago, fatcat04 said:

    Pot Roast is a fav around here. I need to try one in the Instapot. Yes, I finally broke down and got one and I love it. I have used it almost everyday since it got here. Flo Lum on youtube finally convinced me. I enjoy her video recipes so I just had to say yes.


    Thanks for mentioning Flo Lum. I looked her up on YouTube and like a lot of her Instant Pot recipes. I'll definitely be trying some of them.

    • Like 9
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days. I used to love spending time in bookstores in the past.

    I like a pot roast, but don't make it often. I like Roy's meal. I need to cook some pork chops I have so I think it's pork and sauerkraut in the Instant Pot tonight, with mashed potatoes.

    I haven't been to today's port.

    It's a bit warmer today, but clouds have moved in.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Be safe everyone. Wear your mask.





    • Like 14
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    All good days.

    Not having ham right now as too much salt. I like Roy's meal. The chocolate drink sounds good.

    I haven't been to French Polynesia. Thanks for the pictures.


    @cunnorl Happy Birthday!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe all. Wear your mask and social distance.



    • Like 18
  10. Good evening. Thanks for the Daily.

    I'm late today as I've spent all day at doctor's appointments. Rheumatology this morning - they are managing the immunosuppressives for my eyes. Then Ophthalmology for my eyes. Now I have to see a Neuro-Ophthalmologist.

    I appreciate Earth Day, as well as Girl Scout Leaders and Jelly Beans (on occasion).

    I like the meal (and Roy's) and drinks.

    I haven't been to Maine either by land or sea.


    It was cold here today with freeze warnings for all the gardeners. But by Tuesday, 82!


    @cunnorl Early Happy Birthday!

    @kazu Congrats on getting scheduled.

    @Horizon chaser 1957 Congrats on your shot!

    @fatcat04 So sorry for the loss of Houdini.


    Hopefully no big typos. My eyes are still dilated and it's kinda hard to see.

    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone and wear your mask.

    • Like 16
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, dfish said:


    Oh, my gosh we're twins!   I'm heading to the dentist to have my temporary crown glued back on.  They just don't make things like they used to.



    Just back from the dentist. It turns out it was a porcelain onlay, rather than a crown. It has been there since 2009. He was able to glue it back in place, but said if it come out again he'll need to remake it.


    @bennybear Happy Anniversary!

    • Like 16
    • Thanks 1
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days, although I mainly drink coffee and not much tea (mainly bottled peach tea).

    I like the meal  and Roy's meal and the wine. Not sure about the Martini drink.

    I haven't been to the port of the day.


    Last night I felt something funny while eating dinner, and realized a crown was loose. This morning it fell out. I had been afraid that would happen during the night and I might choke on it or swallow it. Off to the dentist this afternoon.


    It was snowing when I woke up. Mainly just sticking to the grass, not the roads. It will be gone by this afternoon. I worked hard to get yard work done and mowing yesterday, knowing this was coming.





    @sailingdutchy Happy Birthday!

    @mamaofami Wishing you quick healing. Glad you're feeling a bit better today.

    @durangoscots So sorry to hear about the loss your beloved scottie.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe everyone and wear your mask.


    • Like 19
    • Thanks 2
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    It's nice today, so I need to get the grass cut. Snow tomorrow! Only about an inch, which should melt by tomorrow afternoon.

    Good days although I've never had cheddar fries. I like the wine; the drink is too sweet for me.

    I have been in the Bay of Plenty during my first HAL cruise. It was on the Statendam and we sailed from Auckland to Sydney.


    @superoma Wishing you the best outcome with your radiation treatments.

    @mamaofami Good luck with the procedure.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask.


    As we sailed from Tauranga to Napier (2006), we were in the Bay of Plenty. The only thing we saw was White Island, which had the volcanic eruption in 2019 killing 22 tourists.


    White Island






    White Island Volcano



    Smoke from the volcano1963137378_132-SmokefromVolcano.thumb.JPG.a05e4fd22e0eaf2e087a1e13d27c0202.JPG

    • Like 21
  14. Good evening.

    I'm really late today. Errands in the AM and trying to take advantage of the weather and do some yard work. I finally had to stop as my back was killing me. Not sure what's going on with that.

    Good days. I went to school in Boston and the Marathon (on Patriot's Day) went by my apartment. Growing up we didn't have a dryer and hung clothes out on the line.

    I like the quote.

    I'm not a cornish hen fan. I'll take Roy's meal. I like the drinks.

    I've never been to Suez or the canal.


    @rafinmd Glad you have a plan. We'll be praying for it's success. Good going on the walk!

    @DeeniEncinitas Beautiful painting!


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your masks.


    We've had 3 foggy mornings here the past few days (pic below).





    • Like 20
  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days. I also heard on the news that it's Lineman appreciation day; we have lots of transformers blow here, so I do appreciate them getting the power back on.

    Happy 148th birthday HAL!

    I'll pass on the meal, but I like Roy's. Drinks sound good. 

    I haven't been to today's port.


    It was below freezing here this AM! I never plant much until Memorial Day. It was also very foggy, but now it's sunny and in the 50's. Getting laundry done today.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Everyone stay safe and wear your mask.



    • Like 17
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days - no husband to appreciate though. I saw bats in Mammoth Cave NP, although they were very concerned about white nose disease that is killing the bats.

    I didn't appreciate it when a bat got in the house years ago. I woke up to it in my bedroom! I opened the door and it went up to the 3rd floor, where I closed all the room doors until a trapper could come.

    I like the meal and Roy's meal. Cuba Libre was my drink of choice in college and in later years Rum and diet Coke when watching carbs.

    I haven't been to the port of the day. Look forward to pics.

    It's another cool, chilly day here. I'm watching the service for Prince Philip on TV.


    @NextOne Sorry to hear DH is back in the hospital. I'm glad DS will be with you.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask. 

    • Like 21
  17. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days. I can take or leave mushrooms and eggs benedict.

    Olives are one thing I don't eat; I've tried them in Italy and Greece thinking maybe they'd be better, but I just don't like them. The chicken itself is ok. I like Roy's meal.

    I do like the drinks.

    I've been to England several times, but always a land trip, not a cruise. Thanks for the pics!


    It's a grey, rainy day here, with temps in the 40's.

    I got my lab results electronically this AM and all is well! I was worried a bit about the blood sugar with the pandemic weight gain.


    @kazu Hoping your appointment goes well.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Be safe and wear your mask. Numbers are going up, sadly.





    • Like 19
  18. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    All good days. I can do the alphabet in ASL, that's about it.

    I like the meal (and Roy's) and drinks.

    I have been to Gatun Lake Panama on my NCL full transit of the canal LA to NY in Nov 2019. Didn't get off the ship as no excursion were offered. Nor rolls that I recall..

    Having my coffee late today, as I had to go for blood tests this morning, for an upcoming doctor's appointment. It's chilly here, with possible flurries tomorrow. Better than the foot of snow predicted for parts of the Northeast. Come on Spring!


    @baltic17 Great news.

    @rafinmd Sorry to hear you didn't make the trial. Hopefully the alternatives will do what you need.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe all.


    Cocoli lock at 1:30AM. I had to go to sleep after, couldn't stay up.



    Centennial Bridge



    It was rainy and foggy intitially as we were transiting.



    Gatun Lake




    Agua Clara Locks Control Tower



    Agua Clara Locks and Atlantic Bridge



    Atlantic Bridge which we squeaked under.



    • Like 21
    • Thanks 1
  19. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

    Interesting days. Never had a spouse, so no ex. We all need some laughter in our lives every day!

    Good quote.

    I like the meal sans artichokes. I think Roy's meal is more my style. Haven't heard of the drink.

    I' haven't been to that Fjord. I'll live vicariously through others' great pictures.

    It's nice hear today, but potential snow flurries on Friday. Ugh.


    @Horizon chaser 1957 - yay on getting an appointment!

    @St. Louis Sal - hopefully you get the real drug, and get switched to it later if you got the placebo.


    Prayers to the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask/social distance.





    • Like 16
  20. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days - I like plants, peach cobbler and scrabble. Besides my cacti, I've been trying my hand at orchids. I did get one to rebloom. Just lost one, but the 3rd one is hanging in there.

    I like the quote.

    Good meals and drinks.

    I have been to Fairbanks, although on the land part of a cruise/land package. Took a train from Denali to Fairbanks. We did the river boat ride on the Chena River and stopped at an Athabaskan village. Also saw where Susan Butcher raised her Iditarod dogs; her husband gave a demonstration with the dogs. Then stopped at the pipeline and went panning for gold.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list. Congrats to those getting their shots, and prayers for all with medical issues.

    Stay safe and wear your masks.


    Today's bread baking



    The eaglets growing up



    HAL train car



    River cruise in Fairbanks



    David Butcher with the Iditarod dogs



    Chena Village demonstration of Alaskan Parka


    • Like 23
  21. 55 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

    I have a question for those working with cactus - how on earth do you ever manage to transplant them?  They look super dangerous!


    I either wrap them in thick newspaper or use tongs. I also have some gloves that are pretty resistant to the the needles. I also have two cacti that are night blooming - they get one bloom a year and open around 10PM. Sadly the pretty flower dies in about 24 hours.



    • Like 17
    • Thanks 1
  22. 1 hour ago, Overhead Fred said:

    So here are pictures from a much warmer spot; Cholla cactus near my folk's former place in Green Valley, Arizona in 2003-



    On a 2016 National Park driving tour, we stopped at Organ Pipe NP and pieces of cholla stuck to our clothes. We kept them (shh) and tried to grow them at home in PA. Here is mine.


    Just planted in 2016


    Today. It spends the summer outside.


    • Like 21
  23. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

    Good days except for big wind, which can do so much damage. I've lost some shingles this year and need to get the roof looked at.

    I like the meal and drinks.

    I have been to Santiago, as it was the start of my 2018 SA/Antarctica cruise on the Zaandam. We left from San Antonio as there were issues in Valparaiso. 


    It's chillier here today, with off and on showers so no yard work today. I just shaped 2 loaves of sourdough bread and they are in the fridge for a slow second rise. I'll bake them this evening.


    @baltic17 Keeping good thoughts for your DH on Wednesday.

    @rafinmd I hope they can find a workable solution that preserves your functional ability.


    Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

    Stay safe and wear your mask. 


    View of Gran Torre Santiago



    Mary Statue, San Cristobal Hill, Santiago



    Monument to the indigenous people, Plaza de Armas, Santiago



    Christmas tree in Plaza de Armas, Metropolitan Cathedral in back



    Funicular San Cristobal Hill



    The Zaandam in Santiago




    Leaving port

    051 - 12.17.18 Port San Antonio, Chile.jpg

    • Like 27
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