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Everything posted by sgmn

  1. Similar down here in the South, a little warmer today, but forecast to get around 6c/1c day/night next week with ❄️ in a few days. Gary really feels the cold due to his meds and its a constant battle with him turning up the heating and me turning it down. A couple of days ago we had a day trip to Bournemouth for a walk on the beach and lunch in our fav doggy friendly cafe You can just see the Isle of Wight which you pass sailing from Southampton heres a close up molly enjoying the beach as the sun begins to go down
  2. Same as the old style. I was surprised when I received it how small they are, roughly 4"x3" .
  3. So sorry to hear Greg about all Linda's and yours medical issues. Hope the Dr's can come up with a plan to get you both fighting fit soon 💪
  4. Thank you Bonnie. I did marinated salmon yesterday with potato chunks and veg. It was fine, though the potatoes weren't quite as good as in the oven. The sugar snap peas weren't quite cooked. May need to up the cooking temperature. Learning curve I guess Trying roast chicken and roast potatoes and veg tonight
  5. We received the old style on Serenade in September
  6. Very Happy Thanksgiving for yesterday to everyone on Dani's thread. I hope you all had a lovely day whatever you did. I think it's a lovely idea to have a day to be thankful for all our blessings. Hope everyone enjoys their leftovers today 😋
  7. Ive just bought an air fryer I have no idea how to use it I'm so out of my comfort zone with it. Anyone use it for stew/casserole/pies with mash? Or is it just for pices of meat like Chops, steak, chicken etc
  8. With my second, I was working full time up to two weeks before ( he came early, was due on 24th Dec). I did shifts (airline) and remember picking up my 2 year old at 2pm after an early shift and desperate for him to nap so I could, but he was growing out of naps by then or had one at his childminders. I had to take him for a walk, otherwise I would of fallen asleep with a lively two year loose in the house.
  9. We always do. When my children were small it use to after my youngsters mid December birthday but now we're aiming for the 7th. It does seem to get earlier each year. A few houses in our road have their outdoor lights up already . I'm enjoying seeing everyone's fabulous trees
  10. Agree, it's never made a difference to us, though we always tip for Diamond drinks (plus do the auto tips ). We're not USA based so no tipping mentality here, though we do try to follow the 'when in Rome rules' Hubby still talks about when he was waiting patiently in line at a bar to be served and the barman served the guy at the back of the queue, presumably because he tipped well (bribed). Doesn't sit well with our sense of fairness
  11. If raising grats twice in two years and cutting service on top of sky high prices leads to more people refusing to pay the (optional) grats, then the rises seem self defeating. There will come a tipping point (no pun intended), when the rises are unsustainable because of more and more opting out.
  12. That's what I feel about walking the dog. I read Dani's thread over morning coffee whilst Molly is waiting for her walk
  13. It's £200-300 per month through Boots Chemist online over here. Think you have to do an online consultation first. Through the NHS (free) you would have to get a referral through your GP to a specialist weight management service. I don't know anyone who's done it so I don't know much about it. I would think you would have to have a very high BMI to qualify under NHS. I really strugle to lose even half pound when following a strict weight loss programme and I exercise quite a lot. So it's something I'm quite interested in. Will be interested to hear @brilloheadhow you get on with it. Typical diet for me is one weetabix with a little milk, berries and plain yoghurt for breakfast, home made veggie soup for lunch and a calorie counted homemade dinner in the evening. Maybe a couple of glasses of wine a week and a small sweet treat in the evening with my herb tea
  14. Though its similar to when lounges or areas of the ship are closed for large groups. I remember one transatlantic when the VC lounge was closed every night for diamond happy hour between 4 and 8, just the time when hubby and I liked to go up there for pre dinner drinks and watch the sun set . As we were pre Diamond then, our favourite lounge was denied us every evening
  15. Glad you had a good cruise. I've been looking at other lines (annoyed about being kicked out of crown lounge during HH. If we had stuck with RC we would be diamond plus now but there's always the thought that HH may be taken away from D+ too eventually 🤷‍♀️). What 'experience' did you book. We can't afford the suites but I get confused about the three different levels on MSC
  16. Congrats on the fast mending of your new knee Greg and good wishes for a speedy resolution of your stomach issues
  17. What a wonderful story, you're friend looks amazing. Many Happy Returns for her 100th. What a great granddaughter she has
  18. I made the mistake of letting Gary go to our village butchers to order the Xmas turkey instead of getting one from the supermarket. He's ordered a huge one costing over £100 😳 AND I think number 1 son and family will be at his partners family so it will just be four of us plus baba
  19. It's night time now so you can see there's nothing coming from the panels, but we're using from the grid. The little circles run along the lines in the direction of where the power is coming from. If its a sunny day we should go into the evening with enough stored in the battery to last all night, so the electricity used from the grid is not much. We've just bought an air fryer today. They're all the rage, apparently cooks very quickly and with hardly any power.
  20. So frustrating, tried to book a short Asia cruise on RC and kept getting an error messsge. Gave up in the end, will try again tomorrow.
  21. My first job at age 17 as a secretary was at ICL (International computers ltd). The computer room the operators worked in was massive, with floor to ceiling computers whirring away.
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