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Everything posted by sgmn

  1. I'm no expert but football is close to a religion for an awful lot of people world wide, especially in Europe. The Champtions League is the top four teams in each country's league in Europe play a knockout until the final. So in theory the final is between the two top teams in Europe UEFA Champions League https://g.co/kgs/99y7MZ
  2. Thank you @blondcatfor a great blog. Glad you and your mum had a good time. The beach photos look fab and has got me rethinking our stop in Kefalonia. I agree I wish the beach tours had longer at the beach
  3. Originally they seemed to have a dedicated covid floor with pax being moved to OV (even if they were in suites). Recently there have been reports of people being left in their original rooms, not sure if that's because the dedicated covid rooms are full or a change in policy
  4. There is more that could be done by the cruise lines. At the moment it seems like they are trying to deny its on board and cruise like its 2019 When Omicron reared its head in Dec/Jan they should of listened to the science that it is way more transmissible and kept the numbers on board at a lower % instead of ramping up. This would also of helped with staff shortages. IMO masks should still be mandated in theatres and on buses (tours) The dinning rooms are not full, why then have two top tables with only a 12 inch gap between them. Space them out, even if just a little bit Have more 'parties' out on an open deck Etc etc. Didn't Royal have a special medical group put together in HO to manage protocols? Eventually rates will start to go down as long as there isn't another variant.
  5. Nope Canada, hubby has duel British/Canadian nationality and has lots of Canadian friends. So Stratford in Ontatio has a very famous theatre festival each year
  6. I'm inside 180 but outside 90 (had it19feb). Though all our docs say 180, I've decided to take a test to be on the safe side. The only place I can see 90 days is under the health button on the app, the emails they are sending say 180days 🤷‍♀️
  7. We paid equal shares towards my sons wedding. It was delayed by a year due covid, this gave Alex just more time to think up stuff 😁 My son put his food down at ice sculptures. We had a violinist at the wedding and pre dinner, a harpist before the speeches, live band and DJ between the band sessions . And fireworks enough to keep the whole county awake. And a mini casino!!! But it was fun fun and more fun and I loved every minute of it ......and now there's a baba on the way 💕
  8. The good thing is that there's a tipping point in the population when it seems everyone's had it and rates start to go down again..................until the next variant 😬
  9. And download plenty of books in case you have to isolate
  10. If you've had it once, chances are you won't get the same variant again within a few months
  11. Cruises out of the UK seem to be booking to near capacity
  12. You can test negative four or five days after infection. I did and tested every day because I knew I had been close to someone who the next day tested positive. I had a cough but each test was negative until the fifth day when it was positive. Though testing is somewhat helpful its definitely not 100%
  13. Mmmm, doesn't work like that anymore with boys Debbie. These days the wallet is just as open but you don't get a lot of say. 😏 Though to be fair my DIL did involve us in a lot of the preparation
  14. Back in the 1980s Garys best friend was studying stage management and lighting at the Banff school of performing arts. He's worked every year at the Stratford Festival season since and is very senior in the backstage team now .
  15. So sorry @molly361 Hopefully it's not too bad and now you've had this Omicron variant it will give you stronger immunity for your next cruise Stay strong 💪
  16. Agree, impossible to find a seat there on Silhouette a couple of weeks ago, but cool weather cruise so most people were inside Some people were playing card games and there for the long haul
  17. I agree that cruising with reduced capacity and with the indoor mask mandates helped reduce the spread of covid. But I think another big game changer is Omicron. This wasn't around last Summer/Autumn. It's extremely easy to catch and difficult to avoid. A lot of people who caught it on these boards have said they were careful, masked indoors and avoided crowded lifts etc Unfortunately the best protection seems to be if you have caught the current variant in the last few months. There are not many cases of a person who has caught the same variant twice within a few months
  18. Thanks, had a feeling it would be for EU seniors only
  19. Does anyone know if shops/sites like the Acropolis museum still require masks and/or proof of vaccinations. We will be travelling in mid June Thanks
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