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May B

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Everything posted by May B

  1. Any movement is progress, as far as I’m concerned!
  2. Goodie, deck three is “mine”, lol.
  3. I agree. But I think there’s an option for Wash Only, although not sure how that would help if you DO want to dry SOME of your wash. I guess the other option is to stick around and watch when it goes into Dry mode, and pause it to take some items out.
  4. So you can wash your britches with similar colors only? Or perhaps all by themselves!
  5. Extra ones? I don’t remember that part. There are still parts of my very first visit to WDW (when only the Magic Kingdom existed) in summer of 1976 that I remember vividly.
  6. May B


    You should go into Wikipedia and fix those errors.
  7. Just to clarify: the detergent is added automatically as long as you deal with the gizmo on the wall properly.
  8. I don’t think I’m the average luxury cruiser, as I’ve only done Crystal. Despite everybody saying it would spoil me and I’d never do other lines, I’ve done quite a few Celebrity and a few Royals, many for cncenience. Coincidentally, my first Crystal was in 2015. I always remind myself to go with accurate expectations, as much as possible.
  9. So shall I hit the Like button or the Laugh button? And I think they have a new ocean ship debuting soon, too. They sure figured the whole thing out, somehow. They’ve only been on the ocean since 2015. And they’ve been in a few oversold positions lately, offering bumps. Mr B and I just discussed what we’d do if we’re offered a bump for our cruise on Viking Jupiter this June.
  10. I recognize that stop! It was on our first river cruise. It’s the place with the cute sculptures with the street sewer covers. It would be good if I could remember its name. But I’m happy just to recognize it. Oh! Bratislava?!
  11. I really hate that one. I wish I could unsee it. And now two of us have reposted it. What could we have been thinking?
  12. Scary! Or something like that, anyway.
  13. May B

    Second Favorite

    The ship somebody reported having “no” entertainment on was Viking, not Oceania. That having been said, though, I must tell you I remember ZERO about the entertainment on the one Oceania cruise we took. I remember plenty about the food and about the ports we visited (Mediterranean, so of course very port-intensive), and even about the bridge game we enjoyed. That was 2014. We had a fun post-cruise trip to Cappadocia.
  14. May B

    Second Favorite

    WOW I actually feel sorry for her.
  15. May B

    Second Favorite

    Yesterday somebody told me that a third party (she claimed she couldn’t remember who it was, so I have absolutely no point of reference) thought their Viking stateroom was a big disappointment, and there was “no entertainment” on their Viking cruise. I said this person clearly had inaccurate expectations, and I can guarantee there was not NO entertainment on the ship. Obviously the cruiser had incorrect expectations for the entertainment, too. But I don’t think either of those incorrect expectations would’ve come from marketing. Am I wrong? They also said, “Viking doesn’t have a casino!”. I said, don’t tell me this person expected a casino! Oh, no, no, the other one said. 😳
  16. Hi Jim, nice to be chatting with you here. It sounds like I have missed something. What is Manfredi’s private room?
  17. I did not think private messaging has been activated. Please advise.
  18. Best wishes to you and to your sister for the best possible medical outcomes.
  19. I didn’t know that was an option! Thank you, Roy!
  20. We loved the Palau de Musica. Tours are available in English but sell out in advance. I’m guessing it would be nice to attend a performance there, too.
  21. May B


    This reminds me of the Blind Men and the Elephant. Actually, we also know every once in a while there’s a one-off on a cruise line we usually love. Frustrating, but not the end of the world, thankfully. Sometimes even worth laughing about … later, anyway.
  22. Pretty soon, the rest of us are going to abandon ship and leave these threads to the naysayers.
  23. Nobody wanted to watch the lecture on t.v., later or the next day? Must’ve been a wonderful lecturer! And I guess if people were willing to take three hours for dinner (color me skeptical), they didn’t care about the evening entertainment. Or perhaps they changed their plans, after the first time they went to a full dining room at 7:30.
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