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May B

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Everything posted by May B

  1. Mr B thinks this is too long to wait. He reported two empty Purell dispensers to Guest Services at 7:50 am. At 8:30, neither of the two had been refilled. He thinks this is too long to wait, especially b/c our sailing follows one where Noro and Covid were prevalent, so prevalent that the ship was visited by CDC and underwent a thorough, and I mean super duper thorough, cleaning before we could board.
  2. See post #1 of this thread to find the CC ones. I haven’t gone looking for any on that other, bigger site. I do, however, have very good friends on the inaugural of Serenity. They were the reason Mr B and I tried Crystal in the first place.
  3. May B

    UMI UMA Returns!

    Nancy, good find! Thx for posting it.
  4. I thought they warned us of the planned purge, and asked us to report any threads we wanted saved. Still, it seems a shame to lose all that history.
  5. Roy, it’s great to hear from you about this! And also about Symphony now.
  6. Absolutely, but I don’t think that was the (retired) Salobs. I could be wrong. It was the Regional at Sea, in the daytime, for sure. They have to be in a separate room from Crystal’s bridge program. In the evening the regional moves into the bridge room.
  7. I was thinking there was a movie in the Hollywood Theatre at 10:30.
  8. There are several who run organized bridge, after blocking space (staterooms, and playing space). I’m guessing I know who you mean, as I can only think of one who is new to the market, and they seem to have taken over for the previous couple. That previous couple had a huge number of loyal followers, b/c they did a beautiful job. I actually stopped in to say hi once, on Symphony. Their game was in Prego! The husband was extremely gracious. One year they went directly from the holiday cruise, ending in Miami, to Australia to board the other ship. I was impressed!
  9. May B


    Also, they help even out the genders in dance classes.
  10. I did get the Jack Anderson email. I don’t care what I receive, tbh, as long as I love the cruise experiences I am looking forward to enjoying on Serenity, this year and next.
  11. Hi Kathy, I agree that Larry Cohen, Robert Todd and Michael Berkowitz are the best-known instructors. However, their cruises (exclusively run by a travel agency I shall not name, b/c I think it isn’t allowed on Cruise Critic) were Regionals at Sea. I expect they will be up and running as soon as their terms can be negotiated. Unless the infamous owner of that agency carries such a grudge against OC that he refuses to book NC. They have a RaS advertised for December on another cruise line. However, Ginny and Jeff were famous enough that bitob was looking forward to cruising with them, and they were running Crystal’s bridge program. I am personally acquainted with five others who directed/taught in Crystal’s bridge program. Four are very experienced players and teachers, and the other one is a very experienced club director.
  12. See what happens when I just take somebody’s word for something, without verifying? Thx for correcting my misinformation. Clearly I was misled!
  13. I believe the recent death of a passenger during turbulence was on a Netjet. I never saw the description of what actually happened. I have been fortunate to go to two BRK weekends. Love them!
  14. I think he and Ginny did a few world cruises. Or perhaps just some segments.
  15. I always did the same, even though I didn’t plan to play in the game. I was just curious! I’m trying to remember a bridge star who might’ve been scheduled to direct. Was it David and Lisa? Their son works with Larry Cohen now on the Regionals at Sea.
  16. Dear BB2014: I shall echo everyone else to thank you for this wonderful trip report. I hope you’re having an outstanding winter in Maui. While I have never eaten dinner at a buffet on any of my 20 Celebrity cruises, I have on occasion had a pre-dinner drink aft outside of the OVC at the Sunset Bar. There’s music part of the time and often a worthwhile sunset. Now I might go back up there after the show to have a mudslide outside. You’ve helped so many of us see new options! The responding posters have done the same. It makes me think the CC gang here on this thread was similar to the group of guests you enjoyed meeting on the Connie! I am thrilled that the Connie crew and staff have maintained their stellar and much-loved service vibe. Your final review of random photos practically brought a lump to my throat. Stay well, everybody. —May B Muriel PS: Go Blue
  17. I’m only up to this far, but I was hoping by the time you finish, you’ll be finding that both sides of the lunch buffet are not identical! I am so happy to have found you, even though I’m late to the party. We are boarding the Connie on March 17th and our 51 y.o. son is joining us for the first time. He found your thread! This is so much fun! Even two months later.
  18. I was just thinking back to the bridge people whose names I recognized. Several are Platinum or Grand LMs. One I played on a team with, and another was my partner when I first realized I needed glasses. I put my Ace of ♠️s in with my ♣️s! That having been said, on our one and only Oceania, Steve Smolen was doing the bridge. It was a very port intensive Mediterranean but I still convinced Mr B we should play one day so I could meet him. I believe that was our first every bridge on a cruise ship.
  19. I think Celebrity has decided to come in at midnight now instead of 6 or 7 am. A few posters also mentioned the same. I hope so! Much better plan than boarding the next cruise at 6 pm.
  20. I wonder how many are on the wait lists.
  21. I thought he bought it b/c he loved owning a cruise line.
  22. I don’t know what happened before I cruised on Crystal, but after I found out about the page that listed all entertainers and enrichment, I always looked to see who was posted as the bridge instructor/director. While more times than not, I didn’t know them, they were always listed, in advance of the cruise.
  23. I agree 100%. I think if the ships were quite heavily booked, the dance hosts were asked to share. I guess if they said no, they had to debark. Or wait for a no-show!
  24. I will cruise Crystal either way, but on the voyages with no organized bridge, it certainly isn’t a bridge program, you are so right! The ONLY live bridge I’ve played since the pandemic was two hours on Symphony in Nov. of 2021. There were two tables, but we didn’t mingle between tables. One table was experienced players, one wasn’t. There was a director/teacher and his helper. They helped the less experienced table, and the other four of us just had an enjoyable time, shuffle, deal, play. With some chit chat thrown in for good measure! That’s probably what we can find in the ex-casino space, but without sorting out who has lots of duplicate experience. For that, we’ll be on our own. I can handle it. I’m guessing New Crystal doesn’t want to give up a stateroom on every single voyage for the two who run the daily bridge.
  25. That implies I can expect more to my liking on NC. Time will tell.
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