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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. If you just "No Show", you can't Then cancel and expect to be reimbursed
  2. Alaska Airlines in Seattle required us to show the completed ArriveCan app before allowing us to board the plane.
  3. I'm thinking HS students deal with it MUCH better than so called adults.
  4. My wife received her e-mail of acceptance about 5 days prior to the cruise. It took another day before she could print out new luggage tags with the updated room number and location.
  5. Going to Alaska's website and using miles as the search feature, it appears the equipment change is "currently" scheduled for December 1st. If I can't get the SEA - LHR route on BA48 in the -10, I'll just look for seats from LAS in the A350. My preference is to not have to sit in the reverse herringbone configuration.
  6. Pre-Covid, BA48 was scheduled to transition from a 787-9 to a -10. However, that was delayed for various reasons. Covid and Boeing management sucking being a couple of reasons. Do any of the knowledgeable people here have any idea when BA is going to transition BA48 from the -9 to the -10?
  7. Agree. Then again back in the "good ole days" the adults would be reading or talking to each other or drinking their beverages, while the kids would be coloring or doing puzzles provided by the restaurant because children were meant to be see not heard. As I remember it, the "good ole days" were not really THAT good. Just different and how some are accustomed
  8. My wife and I used to follow the rules and take original bottles with copies of original prescriptions. However, after never being questioned, we just take the weekly pill boxes. However, just because I have gotten away with it doesn't mean you will. None of my meds are life and death medications. Just maintenance meds. I can miss my current meds for a couple of weeks if necessary if confiscated. On the other hand, if they throw me in jail for drug running, I may be in a little trouble. I'm still too cute for jail. 🤣
  9. Did you have 3rd party insurance? Or did you have Carnival's insurance? I ask because Carnival's insurance includes a Cancel For Any Reason rider which allows you to cancel up to scheduled ship departure time. If YOU formally cancelled because you were advised by the cruise line, then you should be eligible for a 75% FCC for the cruise portion. If YOU didn't formally cancel, then you could be SOL on that point also.
  10. Cruising out of Southampton next October. Invited a British couple with us. Her first words were, No way was she sailing the Bay of Biscay in October. I had never heard of any such issues until she said something. Then, I googled 😲 Tell me your Bay of Biscay stories
  11. Doesn’t surprise me that these are your feelings. That people who use technology are idiots. on another thread, you have indicated that you are fine catching a highly communicable disease and would rather spread it to other people on a cruise and an international flight than voluntarily isolate yourself.
  12. Don't cancel a thing until you hear from AON. Also, if there are ANY issues regarding medical coverage and getting 100% refund, don't forget that the policy you purchased has a rider called "Cancel For Any Reason". It allows you to cancel the trip for any reason up until scheduled sailing time. You will only receive a 75% FCC and not a 100% full cash refund but better than a swift kick. Sorry to hear about your dad!
  13. Unfortunately, you're probably right. Trip Delay usually has a clause that you have to be delayed more that X number of hours. Some 4, some 12, some more. Trip Interruption usually has a clause whereas you are required to do everything possible to get to your destination (and in the case of a cruise, catch up at a distant port). Again, unfortunately, you took the word of a cruise line agent and stopped your trip without first calling the insurance company for their advice and/or consent. You may be royally screwed, but there are many lessons in your story for others to learn from. * Cruise line air - Don't buy the marketing literature. What is in the legal documents? * Trust but verify - When in a jam, call the TA or cruise line for advice, but also call the travel insurance company so they can advise. They may agree with previous advice, but they can also advise what documents you may need to help your case. (I was denied a medical claim once because I didn't notify the insurance company prior to going to the hospital. I knew I needed to do that but my mind was a jumbled mess during the emergency that I forgot. However, that's on me) Good luck with your FCC from the cruise line.
  14. Yes, it is reasonable. It is reasonable to expect a human being to sacrifice themselves for the good of others. It has been happening in history since the beginning of mankind.
  15. Selfless is not a word to be used to describe some people. Deplorable is a good word. .
  16. Carnivals insurance includes cancel for any reason. You can cancel up to scheduled sailing time. A 3rd party cancel for any reason is an add on cost and for most policies you have to cancel 48 hours before Trip Departure. That’s important because Trip Departure means the time you walk out of your front door. Seldom is Cancel For Any Reason a viable add on, but, if it’s important to you……
  17. I stand corrected. I guess if I don't know for sure, I should stay out of the conversation. Have sailed on Allure and Symphony, but stay away from the pools.
  18. Yes. I can only think of 1 cruise line that has fresh water pools.
  19. well, that's how pandemics start. When infected people don't give a damn about others and only worry about themselves.
  20. So, what I'm hearing is that it's more about you and the other 2500 passengers and crew can fend (or not) for themselves.
  21. I can only share my experience. I had a claim (it was not with a Medicare Group) and my claim took about 6 weeks to resolve. My wife had a claim (and Medicare was involved) and it took about 4 weeks to receive the denial letter. In this case, I knew that the claim would be denied, and I requested expedited denial in the claim. In another instance, in this forum, someone had been waited 6 - 8 weeks for AON to process the claim. In most cases, I would refer you to your State Insurance regulator because they establish time limits as to how long an insurance company can screw you around before processing your claim. However, you're dealing with Medicare and UHC, so, good luck.
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