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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. almost all of the travel insurance policies have a quarantine definition under Trip Interruption.
  2. Doesn’t travel insurance cover quarantine? I know many policies do. Just not sure about your policy. Should be defined under Trip Interruption.
  3. with the proper Travel Insurance policy, you sure can.
  4. We'll try this again. Paging @chengkp75 to the white curtesy phone?
  5. Cruise line air can save you money at times. However, the bottom-line price on a commodity is not always the best price at the end of the day. If you have time and want to learn about how cruise line air works, read this thread and then make an informed decision on what works best for you. The thread is long and it is old. But, the information is as true today as it was when first posted.
  6. Before I retired, my company provided BC/BS and it did include an International Rider. However, please understand that once out of the US, if there are any healthcare providers that will just bill directly to the insurance company, I'm not aware of them. YOU pay the bill, then when you get home you file for reimbursement. There is no requirement for them to do that. I've done this on a couple of occasions. BC/BS will only reimburse you at the Out of Network rates also. As a side note, here in the US, your physician and/or hospital direct bill your insurance as a convenience to you the patient.
  7. Nobody carries that much money with them. Many of us have high limit credit cards that we only use for emergencies for just this purpose. I was recently in Cancun on a land vacation. My wife trip and fell while getting off a bus. (She hadn't started drinking yet). Anyway, when we got to the hospital, before any treatment began, I had to run my credit card for $3600 approval. She then received better treatment than she would have received here at home. 7 stitches in her head from a plastic surgeon with no scar to this day. When you ask about UPFRONT and looking for an insurance company. IF the policy you choose does provide this, there will be caveats. Some policies will require that the facility be in THEIR network (which isn't always available in the community you are seeking care) or, they only provide by fax or e-mail Proof of Ability to Pay, which may or may not be accepted by the facility.
  8. Maybe @Cheng75 can help answer this. Hopefully, I tagged him appropriately. He will know or share what that treaty is called. However, As I understand it, there is an International Treaty or understanding that since being medivac'd off the ship requires special equipment and specialized training, this can only be done by a military unit and is done free of charge by that government. There are no private for profit or charitable organizations that provide this service. Where do they take you? To the closest medical facility that can treat your ailment. If there isn't one close enough, you stay in the ships medical center until they do get close enough to one that can accept you
  9. There are various "Annual" policies available. However, they do have some limitations that you may or may not be comfortable with. Many of us recommend working with a broker who ask questions, answer your questions, provide you with the pro's & con's of each policy and then help with the purchase. I recommend Steve at TripInsuranceStore.com but there are others such as InsureMyTrip.com
  10. Don't they offer an excursion where you put the luggage on the bus, and you tour some place, then they drop you at the airport in the early afternoon? Just an option. Not sure if they still offer these excursions.
  11. I have zero knowledge about insurance regulations in the UK. It's taken me 15 years to learn just enough to be dangerous regarding travel insurance here in the US. 😉
  12. Here's is a link from TripInsuranceStore Third Party Travel Supplier Financial Default (tripinsurancestore.com)
  13. I wouldn't be shocked to wake up and hear that Carnival Corp. has suspended operations for reorganization purposes. This is good reason to book thru a TA rather than directly with the cruiseline. This is the definition of 3rd party default according to TripInsuranceStore What most people don’t know or understand is that the Financial Default coverage is for the Third Party. If you book a cruise directly with the cruise line, you are not covered for Supplier Financial Default because there is no intermediary to be the Second Party. If you booked with a travel agent who, in turn, made your cruise’s travel arrangements, the travel agent is the Second Party and the cruise line is the Third Party.
  14. Will the Homeowners Insurance cover this as part of the claim. I don't know the answer, just thinking outside the box. I wouldn't expect Royal to accept any liability. OP chose not to insure the cruise.
  15. Either way, you MUST put down a deposit. You can't just find a cruise and only pay with the credit. Even if the credit has more value than the new cruise costs.
  16. I don't buy it either. However, I do have an example. My BIL was a motorcycle enthusist. He enjoyed cross country riding. Well, he dies in an accident a few thousand miles from home. He had medical insurance, but his policy didn't include repatriation of remains. They couldn't afford the out of pocket to bring the body home. They had to cremate his remains and then they could come home for the final services. Had he had some type of travel insurance or an annual travel policy, things might have been different.
  17. Residents of NY are not allowed to purchase a policy that includes CFAR. That's a NY State ruling. That's one of the reasons why they can't purchase the insurance offered by the cruise line. In my state, I don't have to cover the entirety of my trip to have pre-existing condition waiver. Therefore, I can purchase a policy within the 14 day period but only claim a trip cost of $1- $500 and still have $100K of "primary" medical coverage. If I miss the cruise, I just knowingly eat the cruise cost. After many years of doing this, I'm still ahead financially should I ever miss a cruise.
  18. There are 1000 questions within your question. The most important question is Do You Have ANY Pre-Existing conditions? Anything that you are currently being treated for, or any medications you are currently taking to control a health issue? Or, even any family member not traveling with you? IF, for example, gandma's health declines and you choose to cancel,, well, that could be a covered reason. However, if during the investigation, the insurance company finds a medicine change or anything else during the look back period, AND you didn't purchase the insurance in the proper timeframe to "Waive" pre-existing conditions, they may decline the coverage. Also, along with that, many travel insurance companies MAY require that you insure ALL non-refundable trip costs just to include the waiver for pre-existing conditions. IF you don't include all these costs. they "may" decline. This could also include airfare and hotel under some circumstances. Even if paid with points. Each State is different in how they require insurance companies to comply. That's why you can't get the cruiselines insurance in NY. Travel insurance is great, until you find out you didn't have a true understanding of what all the fine print is about. I highly recommend that you use a broker. It's doesn't change what you pay. It changes because they have expertise and can guide you to what will work best for you and fit your needs. I recommend TripInsuranceStore.com. However, there are others like InsureMyTrip.com
  19. It's a VERY important part of the cruise industry for the millions of people who cruise and don't live near a cruise port.
  20. This is easy. Taking inflation into account, an economy flight from NYC to LA would be around $3000 each way. A 7 night cruise in the 70’s was still only about $500 but in todays $$$, that equates to around $3500 today.
  21. I don't insure those items either. I know that my miles will be rebanked or I will be issued future flight credits. I don't insure the cost of the cruise for a few of reasons. 1. The money is already spent. 2. After 20 or 30 land vacations/Cruises, the money saved on not insuring that portion means that if someday I do have to absorb a $5K loss, I'm still ahead of what I would have paid in premiums. I do ensure that I have Medial coverage though.
  22. I'm also confused. Cancel For Any Reason, is just that. You can just call and cancel for ANY reason. However, there are some caveats to that. 1) You have to formally cancel before a certain time frame. 48 hours before trip departure in this case. Did you meet this criterion? If so, then they owe you a future cruise credit for a % of non-refundable trip costs. The % amount is based on what policy you purchased. If Not, then you didn't meet the terms and conditions. Now, if you were filing a claim for what you perceived was a "Covered" reason, (Cancelled Flight/Missed flight/Trip Delay) this has nothing to do with Cancel For Any Reason. Total different ballgame. Just to add to the confusion, if you filed a claim, and YOU filed under Cancel For Any Reason (while the real reason should have been Trip Interruption or Trip Delay) then it's possible they immediately noticed that you weren't covered for CFAR and immediately denied the claim. However, you could file a new claim under the proper procedure and might find a more satisfactory outcome. You have the option to appeal the denial of coverage and/or you can request help from you State Insurance Commission. Since you are from Texas, this link will take you there. Texas Department of Insurance
  23. I think they were being excited that they now have much faster speed. My daughter lives in rural Missouri. The Best they could get was DSL at about 1.5Mbps download speed for many years. Finally, Starlink became an option in her area and they are now running between 80 and 120Mbps. That is a giant leap. I expect the ships to be able to throttle the speeds down to 5 to 10Mbps based on the pricing levels and your loyality status. I know at my highest loyalty status hotel, regular guest get about 3Mbps whereas if you pay extra (or free for status guests) you get about 10Mbps
  24. maybe it will work, maybe it won't. If your work requires you to VPN into the internal network, your experience might even worse. Not sure if Voyager is part of the Starlink network yet. If so, then your experience will be valuable to share.
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