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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. You could just start researching. You're connecting in Philly. That tells me you have a good chance of being on AA metal. Look at flights on American from PHL to FCO departing on the day you are traveling. Jot those flight number down. Then back track to see if you can figure out what flight on American gets you from RDU into PHL at least an hour or 2 before the scheduled flight you see taking you from PHL to FCO. Then, during off peak hours, call the AA reservations line and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a bored agent who might be willing to give you the information you are requesting.
  2. If time allows, I'd request a "Stay Over" (i believe it's called) If flying BA, ( your airline may allow this also), You can stay over for a limited time with no additional fees. Wife and I did this a few years back when flying to Marco Polo with a change in LHR. We stayed in London for 4 days, then headed back to the airport.
  3. Diamond/Platinum status first Carnival purchased excursions second Everyone else.
  4. It would depend on how your insurance provider defines "Trip Delay". I would also imagine it would depend on how you set the policy up regarding "Begin Date" and "End Date" of your trip. If you put the days of the cruise on your policy as the begin and end date, then those are the days you requested coverage for. So, in your example, anything that occurs after you get off the ship is all on you. However, if you begin and ends dates included your pre-cruise and post-cruise dates, then your example would be covered (probably) under Trip Delay. Most insurance policies reimburse Trip Delay as an "Up to % of trip cost. (For example, my wife and I were returning from Miami. The morning of our flight, the flight was cancelled. We were placed on flights the next day. We had a hotel and a couple of meals to pay for. Our insurance had Trip Delay which paid out at 150% of Trip Cost. After providing copies of receipts and a letter from the airline explaining the reason for cancellation, 6 weeks later we received our reimbursement.)
  5. There's a special deck where the laundry people hang all the sheets and blankets and for 600 passengers clothes just to hang dry.
  6. That's true. However, since it doesn't cost any extra, why not utilize a source that can become your advocate when things go sideways, as they will, and that source has proven in the past to be very helpful and reliable.
  7. If you are walking from the DoubleTree and you have never been to Amsterdam. Pay attention to where you are walking. Stay out of the bike path. You will get your butt run over.
  8. Just asking. Isn't that limited to a $50K lifetime though?
  9. The reason why cruiselines cannot sell the travel insurance to your friends is because all cruiseline insurance includes "Cancel For Any Reason". NY does not consider this as an "Insurance" so by law, it cannot be sold in the State. Having said that, what exactly are they looking to "insure"? Some people are looking to be made 100% full in case of any instance. (which is an unrealistic expectation IMO) Some people self insure the whole thing. (No insurance) Some people (like me) self insure the cost of the cruise, however the thought of a major medical instance frightens me. Therefore, I purchase a plan that provides primary medical up to $100K, Evacuation and repatriation of up to $250K by just declaring that my total trip cost is $500 per person. (I pay $35pp for this plan each trip) That $500pp also gives me Trip Delay up to 150% of Trip cost, the baggage loss, and others. Along with my CSR cc, I'm comfortable with my risks at that point. I use www.tripinsurancestore.com for my Travel Insurance provider.
  10. Wouldn't the passport also need to be a non-expired passport?
  11. Valid concern. However, I'm going to assume that you're not pro human trafficking. Therefore, what would be your acceptable suggestion? Speed limit signs don't stop people from speeding either but it's a deterrent. TSA doesn't stop all things getting thru either, but it's a deterrent. At least police monitor speeds and even they don't catch everyone. TSA has profilers monitoring for suspicious activity at airports and even they miss things occasionally. Why wouldn't someone want an additional deterrent in place to stop child abduction, or human trafficking at cruise ports. Notarized letter requirements could be 1 additional layer to the security. I would also like to see at least 1 or 2 of the port security team be trained in profiling for human traffickers.
  12. 2 minutes times 1000 passengers is not miniscule.
  13. Thanks for weighing in on this. I was hoping to hear that there was some sort of training that goes on behind the scenes that people in your position receive that might help in picking up body language or such for possible human trafficking. I have read that flight attendants receive such training. Or maybe, unbeknownst to us, there are security features in the background that we don't see to help minimize this opportunity. If not, it's a broken link and a wide open portal.
  14. The days of Leave It To Beaver and The Waltons are gone forever. You either roll with the changes or you become stagnant. I grew up in those good ole days also. However, I don't remember them as fondly as others.
  15. I'll disagree vehemently with your thoughts on phones in today's world. Old people moan because kids have iPad or phones with them at informal restaurants. Really, What did mom and dad do for me in this setting? The restaurants provided crayons and paper to color and do puzzles. All in the interest of keeping the child from becoming restless. What did people used to do while sitting out and about before? They used to have a book or a newspaper or maybe their Walkman, or going further back, their transistor radio. Today's phone has only replaced those old and outdated technologies. In my opinion they have improved on those old technologies. To Zits original question, I agree that the phone may not fit. However, I'm wondering about the example. Isn't that just a replacement of the towel or books people use today to save seats that people already complain about?
  16. I’ve been on this board since it was an AOL chat room. I remember a story where an elderly lady purchased her air travel thru the cruise line such as we are speaking of. I believe the flight was on Delta. The plane left LAX but had to divert to Kansas City. She missed her cruise by days because while all the other passengers were rebooked on other airlines or flights, the Terms and Conditions of her flight didn’t allow Delta to rebook her on anything but Delta flight xxx. If Delta had a flight going to her destination but the flight was on DL zzz, they couldn’t put her on it. Have no idea how it was finally resolved. This was years ago.
  17. Why? Cause they enjoy minding their own business? Just a thought.
  18. Would be interesting to hear what Ferry_Watcher has to say about this subject since they actually work the check-in lines albeit at the Seattle terminal. Anybody know how to tag a board member to catch their attention?
  19. In all honest, they just want you off the ship so you are no longer their problem. Having said that, there are a couple of issues you need to think of. Could come back to bite you. Number 1. When checking in online pre-cruise, they usually ask about flights. Myself, I leave that blank. Number 2. If thinking you can rent the car and then file for reimbursement from travel insurance. That is not always a successful endeavor.
  20. Is it NEEDED? I don't know However, let's look at why it is a good idea and in fact in some instances is required. Real quick story. A few years back my daughter came out to Seattle for a visit. I thought a quick trip to Canada would be a perfect get away. Was denied entry into Canada because I did not have a letter from mom. So why would it be a requirement. Trafficking of children. Too many children are trafficked and too many children are kidnapped by a non-custodial parent and taken out of the country. Where this is not the situation in your case, just 1 person questioning the motive could bring your daughter/daddy time to a screeching halt. Get the letter please.
  21. "I've seen several reports" vs. are there any published statistics are very distinct and separate statements and/or questions. So, to answer your 2nd more accurate statement, no, I don't believe there are any published, peer reviewed, statistics. I would imagine that Hank answered your original question not knowing that your actual interest was in published scientific criteria.
  22. What are your sources that are allegedly reporting this? My quick google search doesn't find this number.
  23. Not to be difficult. Just trying to learn the difference. What is special about "Cruise" insurance vs. a regular "Travel" insurance? Or???? is this just one of those corporate policies that makes absolutely no sense, and you just live with it. We have those here in the States also. 😕
  24. Along with what Hallasm is saying, here in the US, we don't buy "Cruise" insurance. We purchase "Travel Insurance". When asking for travel dates, we just put the day we walk out of our door to begin our vacation/holiday, and the date we anticipate walking back in our house. For destination we only need to put 1 country that we are visiting.
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