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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. why not 2 cabana's side by side. Problem solved. 9 people, I could accept 10 people? a little side eye 14? Now that's getting close to abusive to the neighbors and a sign of entitlement. I'd be talking to someone about it.
  2. I had a claim and it was about 3 months or more before I received my check. My claim was not with AON. I did file a complaint with my State Insurance Commissioner after about 3 months. Having said that, there are many people on cruise critic complaint about delayed claims.
  3. I'll try to help but I really concur with TheOldBear that using a broker (it doesn't cost any more than on your own and they do answer questions, help find the better fit for your needs, and will provide help with filing claims if you need it) I use TripInsuranceStore and if you call them, they are very helpful. To your question. $100K is what I look for. I also choose a "Primary" vs. "Secondary". By your question in general, I will add that even if medical care is needed, in most cases, you will have to provide a credit card to receive care when outside the US. Travel Insurance is reimbursement only. In rare instances, the insurance company may or may not provide a letter to the provider upon request of proof of ability to pay. This is a question that a broker can help with.
  4. If ALL you are concerned about is medical, then an annual policy might be a good fit. Also, there is no absolute requirement that when you declare "Trip Cost" that you cover the entire trip. (Except in most instances where the policy requires this as a stipulation to waive any pre-existing conditions). Even this stipulation may not be enforceable under the State in which you reside. That's where a good broker can be of some help. I purchase a single trip policy marketed to Washington State residents whereas I only claim a "Trip Cost" of $500. I still get the pre-existing condition waiver if purchased in the proper timeframe AND I have $100K Primary medical for a total cost of $35 per person. My Trip Interruption and Trip delay are limited to 150% of "Trip Cost". After 10 years of doing this, I'm ahead of the game should I have to take a hit in the future.
  5. Mine was tied up for 3 months also Maybe be was through a different company. 1 week after I filed a complaint with my States Insurance Commission, I received my check. Coincidence? Don’t know I know I never use the cruise line insurance just due to the low medical coverage.
  6. The OP tried it, didn’t enjoy the experience. Why do people feel the need to defend the experience? OP didn’t attack anyone. Didn’t demean anyone. Didn’t belittle anyone.
  7. And if you tried it and if it’s not your thing,,,, that’s okay. Its okay to be you.
  8. Thanks to everyone. I know have a GED in "Married Segments". 🙌
  9. Understand the frustration. My next step would be to file an official complaint, along with copies of claim and correspondence to my State Insurance Commissioner. Since they regulate who can sell insurance in your State, they may be willing to help. I know mine has helped resolve an issue in the past. Here's a link for yours in Texas. Texas Department of Insurance
  10. In my past couple of trips to Europe using miles from my Alaska account, I have always had to connect to get my BA business or FC seats. Is it really so simple as Alaska wants their piece of the mileage accounting pie? I didn't realize that there was that much revenue to be made when, for insurance purposes and miles accrued purposes, this is a non-revenue seat with $0 value.
  11. So, in the near future, I will be booking a BA award flight from SEA to LHR using my Alaska Airlines mileage program. I've just been doing some basic research on flight availability from SEA, but also looking at connections and what type of metal is running on the long haul portion of the flight. Anyway, I go to look for today and I see that the SEA to LHR direct run is not currently offering Business or FC. Out of curiosity, I change my departure airport to LAS. That route offers me a mixed seating offer of LAS to SEA in coach, but Business from SEA to LHR. WHAT? Just trying to understand the business model between no Business if direct but can connect and book Business.
  12. I not only have GE and TSA Pre-check. I also have Clear. The Pre-check line might be 50 people deep. I bypass, go to Clear which never has a line, then automatically go to the head of the TSA line, get verified that my ticket has Pre-Check on it, and off I go.
  13. It really depends on what you want to insure against. Travel Insurance can be great if something goes TU and it is a covered reason. The biggest complaint about travel insurance is people don't read and understand what is and is not covered. People get very upset when something happens only to find that the claim is denied because it wasn't covered. Example: My wife fell and smashed her face into the sidewalk in Cancun. We had to go to the hospital. We had insurance. I knew that Travel Insurance is reimbursement only, so I wasn't surprised when they asked for $3600 up front. What I forgot (in the heat of the emergency) was that the insurance company required that we notify them before going to the hospital. Claim denied.... (I did have international coverage on my BCBS but after deductibles and Out of Network charges, I only got back half) I recommed Trip Insurance Store.com and if nothing else, read the FAQ. Here's a link Travel Insurance Frequently Asked Questions « Get the Best Trip Insurance Details, Advice (tripinsurancestore.com)
  14. This is too funny. Some people actually think they can walk in to a bank in Nassua, Cozumel, or some other foreign country and just say" Hi, I'm Bob, I want to open a bank account and deposit $25K. 🤣 International and National banking laws don't work that way. Can be done eventually, but I would imagine the lawyers fees and Incorporation fees would tie up a huge chunk. Much more than the IRS.
  15. Doubt you will be covered. Yes, they do cover for medical or death in the family. However, they "may" and can require access to the family members medical history and determine that this is or could have been a pre-existing condition and deny the claim.
  16. Sorry but you are mistaken. If you are a US citizen and win a slot jackpot of $1199 or more (might have just been raised), under US law, the ship is required to report this winning to the IRS. You will receive a W2G either before you leave the ship or it will be mailed to you. You will be required to claim this winning on your end of year tax forms as Earned Income.
  17. Can't guarantee what they may do next year but the option is there for a late arrival and check-in time to ensure there will be no issue.
  18. To be honest, I can't answer that question as a certainty. I have come to learn though that insurance companies are not your friend and give you the benefit of the doubt. Somewhere in the fine print, you are giving them or will be giving them access to ALL your medical records for them to use in an investigation in cases of claims. BTW, I feel your pain. I had a herniated disc at the L4/L5 S1 region. My only comfort, prior to surgery, was to lay on the floor with my feet up on a chair. I lived on Vicodin and muscle relaxer until surgery. My pain was reduced so much, I didn't even use the morphine pump after surgery.
  19. Would you physician put in writing that you are able to travel "Today"? The day you buy the insurance. One of the stipulations with buying travel insurance is that your physical/mental health must be stable enough that you are able to travel on the day it was purchased.
  20. I can only say that as I grow older, my lifes expectations change. 20 years ago, I might have been right in there with the rowdy group. Now? Not so much. Having a rowdy good time is not a new thing in 2022. It's always been there. You have the freedom to stay where you are. You also have the freedom to change your expectations and the brand.
  21. I either search Google or YouTube when I want to try to figure out how to do something on my iPhone. Or, I ask my 10yo grandson How to download files and documents to iPhone or iPad (idownloadblog.com)
  22. Honestly didn't even know there was an app for that. Thanks for sharing. I usually just keep a pdf file of my policy in my iPhone folders.
  23. Ensure I get a luggage tag that will be a very high number, then head to the airport about 10AM. After travel to the airport, checking in and getting thru security, it's 11:30AM. Grab a bite to eat, it's 12:30PM. Boarding is going to start about 1:15PM. People watch in the meantime while you relax.
  24. I "THINK" Trip Interruption also pays (up to 150% of trip costs on most policies) if one is quarantined to their cabin on a cruise. Of course, documentation from the medical officer requiring this forced quarantine would be required. If I'm mistaken, hopefully @iamtrustworthy can shed better information. After thinking about this, maybe the OP is concerned about a trip into some place where the operator is being very specific about "Covid" insurance. Maybe OP can come back and be a little bit more specific.
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