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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. Do you have anything in writing from the TA? If so, ask the TA to pay the difference with the written word as leverage. If nothing is in writing, then nothing was ever said, and you need to pay the difference and learn from this. And change TA for next travel opportunities.
  2. This entire thread could have been posted 20, 30, even 40 years ago. This thread will be repeated 20 years from now. The only thing that has changed is the ability for people to express themselves. People who didn't have access to wide range of audience now have immediate access. Kids haven't changed, parents haven't changed. Communities have had curfews on and off for 50 years.
  3. Many of us forego coverage for cancellation. The money is spent and/or is planned. The real odds of having to cancel are slim. If something should occur and one loses a couple thousand, well, it might be painful but will not put you into financial default like a $100K unexpected medical bill might. So, I self-insure the cost of the trip.
  4. I’m sorry. Did I say anything about the curfew? Project much?
  5. Dang kids these days! Where have I heard that before? Oh yea. I heard my grandparents say it. I heard my parents say it. As a parent, I probably said it. As a grandparent, I don't say it. I think todays kids are much better behaved, more mature, and more responsible than any of the previous generations. How can they not be! Every move they make is recorded, on a camera, and/or posted on social media. Maybe some of us prudes need to remember back when we were kids. I thank my lucky stars every day that social media wasn't around when I was a kid testing boundaries.
  6. This is what I'm hearing from the original question. I tend to get sick when I ride in cars. So, I'm looking for opinions as to which route I should take to get from Kansas City to St. Louis. If you tend to get sick, the route isn't going to make one ioda of difference. You're still going to get sick.
  7. Interesting thought process. I might learn something here. Whom do you expect to reimburse you? Share what you find please.
  8. Of course they should incur a charge to gain access.
  9. Maybe is about the best answer I can give. I sailed this ship earlier this year and the internet speed and connectivity was sporadic at best
  10. I don't recall seeing a policy that includes "friends" traveling with you or "friends" not traveling with you. I have seen policies that cover "Family" traveling with you and/or "Family" not traveling with you. But, I have been known to be mistaken once in a while. 😉
  11. You're from NY so, Cancel For Any Reason is out of the question.
  12. How far out is your cruise? It may come back but for now, FTTF hasn't been made available since the return from the Pandemic shut down.
  13. I'm just happy that the world is back to some form of normalcy. Even knowing that this virus will never be eradicated 100%. 2 years ago, the world was hit by a virus that very few people had immunity to. We lost millions of friends and family members. Thru valiant efforts of our scientific community and extreme measures put into place by various entities, the virus is no longer as deadly as it once was. I'll be happy to be able to visit/sail with friends and family without having to first weigh the risk of said visit.
  14. Our 2001 3 day Fantasy cruise used the current card key.
  15. Well????? Personally, I might have taken the risk and kept the FCC and used it depending on the value, and then if questioned, played dumb and offer reimbursement if ever questioned. However, since you have now gone public, in writing, on a public internet forum admitting that you know what is happening is a mistake not of your own making,,, it would be wise to not accept the FCC, send it back to the cruise line indicating you have already received reimbursement from the insurance company.
  16. I put this notice right up there with the warnings placed on electrical appliances that they shouldn't be used while you are in your bathtub. Just a legal liability warning. Maybe Carnival just got a new batch of lawyers out of college, and this is their attempt contribute to their corporate career.
  17. However, those satellites don't have the hardware, firmware, or software. All of that is coming with the version 2 satellites, which have not launched yet. The current version 1 satellites have basically only provided proof of concept. The future has amazing opportunities.
  18. It is exciting to see what the future will bring technology wise. It will probably be 10 years before us T-Mobile customers actually experience this on the ship as well as I do at home. (I just tested my 5G connectivity SpeedTest on my iPhone here at the house 485Mbps download with 83.6Mbps upload) But, we can see the future. No more $50 a day for crappy internet on the ship.
  19. After a couple of failed attempts, I've decided that the money saved by buying booze and then trying to get it safely home exceeded the effort taken and now don't even bother.
  20. UK resident 7 night cruise to the Caribbean sailing from Bermuda? All Inclusive? I'm not sure it's realistic to check all the boxes. You may have to break it up in some way.
  21. If the ship internet for public use is not available on the ship, then you are pretty much SOL until you get into port. Once in port, you can either use your cell service ($$$$$) or look for some place that offers free wifi.
  22. As has been mentioned, Priority Pass can be hit or miss. Priority Pass does not have their own lounges. They contract with various lounges around the world. Many times, I have attempted to enter a lounge when there will be signage indicating that the lounge is not accepting Priority Pass members at that time due to overcrowding (Due to the lounge being full of those particular airlines club members). I've had better luck when traveling internationally of being able to use my Priority Pass membership. Not so much when flying here in the States.
  23. If you had Carnival insurance through AON, that insurance policy has a "Cancel For Any Reason" rider. You can cancel at any time prior to scheduled ship departure time and receive a FCC for 75% of what you paid for the cancelled cruise.
  24. If when you cancel AND if it’s determined to be a “covered” reason, you will be reimbursed at the 3rd person rate. Many insurance policies do cover family members not traveling. However, it does sound as though there are pre-existing conditions involved. The insurance company will require access to his medical records.
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