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Everything posted by PATRLR

  1. Thank you. FWIW that document is old (11/2021). The one I pointed to is newer (12/2022). I can't find that same section in the 12/2022 document (which quite frankly surprises me). When I have a few more minutes I'm going to see what my latest reservation has for T&Cs.
  2. You aren't alone - I agree I've read "it's in the contract" many times myself and just accepted it. And I believed this one too but started wondering if they could downgrade you within a class (e.g. higher balcony class to lower). I then started wondering what the wording was and could they even move you from, for example, a balcony down to an inside or something silly like that. So I broke down and read it. It's annotated so easy to skip over irrelevant sections. I couldn't find where it says they can move me, other than upgrades.
  3. Search this forum for posts with Prima in the title, you should stumble on some reports from the ship. There will be menus in those reports (look for reports from @BirdTravels.)
  4. Well, You seemed to know the contract, that is why I asked you specifically. I've since gone and read the contract and I don't see where it says what you claim it says. So, I will ask again, seeing as you seem to know the contract so well, can you point me to where it says what you claim it says?
  5. A bunch of you claiming to know that the contract says NCL can move you. I've looked at the contract and I can't find anything other than they reserve the right to UPGRADE you. Not move in same category. Nothing about move in same category becuase youroom sleeps three and your party is only 2. Can any of you point me to the language that supports your claims? I'll help.. Here is a bunch of terms: https://www.ncl.com/downloads/docs#traveldocs This is the Guest Contract: https://www.ncl.com/sites/default/files/NCL_Guest_Ticket_Contract_12_2022_FINAL.pdf
  6. I may be using the wrong category, but, there is a category where you get all the FAS perks but don't get to choose your cabin. I thought that was BX (for balconies). I am not trying to say OP was downgraded to Sail-Away. If Sail-Away balcony is BX, then, my bad.
  7. There is no way our cabin attendant spent 20 minutes in our cabin each day. 10 minutes, tops. 20-25 may be the hospitality average where bed linens are being changed and such, but, not what's going on with any cruise I've been on lately. And where did the 22 assigned come from?
  8. Well seeing as you seem to be so familiar with it, does the contract allow them to downgrade me with no compensation? If I book a BA, can they change me to a BF? How about a B6 down to a BA, can they do that? If so, then I guess they can down me to a BX. But, if BA to BF is not allowed, then neither should BA to BX.
  9. The fact that it generally sells out tells me that quite a few people disagree with you. I am one of them. Vibe is worth every penny.
  10. My last Carnival cruise in 2017 (I think), they had gone to 1/day service and we had a choice of morning or evening. I assumed NCL would do the same, I hope they do the same.
  11. Everyone keeps saying they can move you to the same cabin category. But, just the fact that they are picking your cabin for you seems to me to be a cabin downgrade. I can book a "guarantee" category and let NCL pick my cabin, or, I can book a higher category and pick my own. As soon as they decide to move me, without allowing me a choice, I think they've downgraded me to "guarantee" and I think they owe me the difference. The problem of course is determining what that difference is, unless you captured that information at the time you booked.
  12. Suggestion: Be very brief. Facts only, no opinions or sensationalizing. Clear statement of exactly what you want. Like it or not, be aware that you will get at most 10 seconds of attention from whomever gets that e-mail.
  13. No, no, no, no. Not going to blame this on the guests. This is just one more example of NCL's core competency (nickel and diming). Have you seen how small the appetizers have become?
  14. I suspect the city excursion is NOT something that would sell out, therefore I would ask at the excursion desk once you are onboard. They will have best insight into how both excursions operate and if what you want is do-able, or not. I've done multiple excursions in the same port but I've had a couple hours in between them.
  15. Most reports are that non-refundable OBC can't be used in the casino. However, one poster today claimed that he did use non refundable in the casino but he also claimed he had both types so I am suspicious of his accounting. Until proven otherwise, I'm believing that non-refundable OBC can NOT be sued in the Casino.
  16. Massage/Spa? Any need for high end binoculars? I know on Bliss in Alaska they had some fancy things that I would have liked but couldn't justify the price of. I suppose I'd be looking at the various technology they have, it's overpriced but your OBC I assume was free so who cares if you buy something at inflated prices.
  17. Wow, I missed that thread. Thank you.
  18. I don't doubt you were told that, but, the fact remains you can get multiple aps/deserts and they don't charge you. We experienced this first hand on Encore in November. If a server tried to tell me differently, I'd proceed with my order and ask them to check with their superior. you won't be charged.
  19. Are you sure it was NON-refundable OBC that you used?
  20. Agreed. But, NCL being NCL, I can't help but think it's only a matter of time before they extend those Latitudes terms to FAS too. So, I give @fethiyeden the benefit of the doubt and ask for the actual FAS terms they were referring to.
  21. Can you point me to those T&Cs, please?
  22. If you are using Free At Sea, you get multiple aps/soup/salads, 1 entrée, multiple sides, multiple deserts. I hear that if you are suing a Latitudes meal, you may be restricted to 1 of each.
  23. So what that your pasta course, or, your entree?
  24. Or maybe the only thing that mattered was that in did indeed open. I'm with you, I have no idea which way it opened either. But unlike OP, I didn't have any problem putting our luggage out and I know now that our doors did indeed open outwards.
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