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Everything posted by BklynBoy8

  1. We boarded in 23 minutes and in our cabin.
  2. I am not sure what ports you are visiting in Canada but we have had our Port of Call cancelled for Sydney NS on the QM2 due to severe damage by Tropical Storm Finona. We are not sure how it will affect Halifax which also sustained damage and is our last Port of Call to visit. Sydney is heavily damaged and in recovery mode and other parts of the Canadian Martimes are also affected and in recovery mode. Communication with the Ports are at times in questions.
  3. We are on the QM2 and do need the Proctored Observed test and ArrivCanada for our whole trip.
  4. Sydney is Out Tomorrow announced by Captain Hall - 10AM. Due to the severe damage and weather conditions to experience the Port of Call Sydney NS. In communication which is very difficult to maintain with Sydney a decision made to call the visit off as they are in severe recovery mode at this time. Two other ships are also not calling at the Port. There are not other Ports we call on at this time since that also takes time to arrange at this time on our voyage. Passengers are being refunded for the 7 tours that were supposed to be offered. Not mentioned but must see if Halifax will also be questioned. We also know one of our tours arranged for Quebec was Cancelled and soon be refunded.
  5. We will use sea days till Quebec. If no good news. We don't know anything about Halifax also as our last POC for trip. They got really bad too. This is a Sailing to have patience and keep calm. We already got our Sydney refunded thru Concierge. Have to see if Tour Office has a long line tomorrow.
  6. As posted on our Roll Call... Questionable if QM2 will Call on Sydney NS due to Damage and expected weather... We are departing Boston after a full day here. Part of the day was with good weather but now raining on our leaving the Port. We have been notified over the last two days of the destruction of the Canadian Martimes from Hurricane now Tropical Storm Fiona. We had a feeling the Sydney our next Port of Call could be questionable due to the massive damage done by the Storm. Well before our steaming away from Boston, Captain Hall notified us that the Port of Call can be questionable due to the conditions from the storm and also the weather we will face there. If it does not look safe we will be cancelling the Port of Call. Also the weather also may factor the chances of Calling also safely. A final determation will be made of the Call at Sydney with contact with official at Sydney. If not favorable will remain for an additional day at sea added before arrival at Quebec. Have not left the cabin yet but will see the reactions of those on board for the next few hours and day.. Will post final decision when announced..on reading local reports in the press. We personally planned to cancel tours..
  7. I prefer Octopus Grilled in a restaurant with a open flame grill. Properly seasoned and marinated before grilling. First time I had it I was shocked how good. I would never get it myself, a friend introduced it.
  8. Ditto, We were on QE2 once at the tail end of a Northeastern and it was interesting. It started to get worst before Lunch. It was fun but more interesting to watch those with trays of food balancing themselves to their tables. This also included us. We did eat and finished. We were lucky to have been given after lunch a tour of the Bridge at 1PM. When we walked into the bridge and thru the front window the swells were a picture to take. Yes they did not think to cancel tour yet. We walked to each side and the way the nose dipped down in the front. We thanked them and proceeded to our cabins. Well my DW felt herself not feeling well and and the swells outside the cabin balcony was growing. I told her I would go to the shops and get the nausea wrist bands. Walking in the hallways I was the only one in the hallways with the rest in their cabins. I got to the shop and the clerk was shocked I made it up there. I proceed back to the cabin. Now I saw people sitting on the steps of the staircase but unable to walk. On my deck I saw passengers sitting on their backside and sliding on the carpets to get to the staircase of elevator. Please believe me this is true! The right of the hallways empty. Getting back to the cabin I gave my DW the wrist bands and now I didn't feel well. Well I took care of myself and slept it off after taking some meds. It around dinner time all calmed down and my parents and DW went off to the Britannia Grill on the QE2. After waking up, I got dressed and proceeded to the restaurant. It was funny when i came into the restaurant some people clapped and heard someone say "Hey another one just came out of their cabin". I proceeded to the table and felt like a Million Dollars. That was some storm.
  9. We are on the sailing and look forward to a wonderful voyage. Getting reports from on board and nothing too interesting at this time in the past few days. We too are watching the weather reports and the real activities will be ahead of us. Maybe the first day which we in NYC are being warned like Rip Currents at the highest class along the shore. We were on two before on the QM2 and even QE2 and made it thru.
  10. Remember it come with either Medium or Spicy Sauce. Others just like it with Marinara Sauce with their added heat added with Hot Sauce.
  11. When you come to Sheephead Bay in Brooklyn you have to know how to say it the RIGHT way. people who say “galamad” are those of italian descent who live in places like stated island, lower brooklyn, nj, & LI. REAL ITALIANS SAY 'CALAMARI,'” another explained. Others, however, praised the videos, claiming that Staten Islanders pronounce calamari “the right way” — or at least the way that's true to their borough
  12. Typical 5PM but with tropical activities still affecting the ocean not sure. We are getting reports from Onboard crossing and hope she isn't going to come in delayed. That would a whole ball of wax to deal with. Have to see getting closer.
  13. We have the same problem at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal Friday so expensive. 20 dollars for 14 days WOW!
  14. We are in NYC and leaving on the QM2 Friday and we are a Go. But watching all reports She's a Cat 3 and may feel effects around 2PM to 8PM Friday with distance affects to Eastern Coast - NYC... We will have affects
  15. Thru the on-board browser.. Cunard website has full instructions and section on My Voyager..
  16. Going on in a few days. I downloaded it but can't use till Onboard.
  17. I personally make my liver from chicken liver sauteed in butter. Jewish delis use chicken fat. With sauteed white onions. Then when hand grate it with quartered boiled eggs. S&P to taste. The local Jewish delis can not use chicken due to parents. So they used beef. Never would think mayo at all. This a deli with real Jewish rye and raw onion which made the beef chopped livers favorable.
  18. QE2 has Steak, Mushroom and Suet Pie. I also think Cottage Pies use dice.
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