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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. UGH to the 5pm. But at least on Deck 7 you can "roll your own".
  2. At this time just US and Canada get shipping. Whether free or paid.
  3. $25/day for full voyage for a single device usage. $300 for you. $600 for both of you. $45/day for full voyage for 4-device usage. $540 for you both. Single day is now $30/day. Up to 10 days worth you are ahead. PS - You can have one plan and share access.
  4. You can be a walk-up on any Princes ship.
  5. This is something PCL could provide to all guests who may be interested in tracking their shipment.
  6. Twice you mentioned Cagney's. Probably another cruise line as no such thing on Princess. Did you mean Crown Grill perhaps?
  7. This is an old process rule that Princess has been negligent (IMO) to change. They used to ship via courier in the beginning. Now that postal service is used, there ought to be no reason to exclude a PO box. Maybe folks like you need to complain to PCL and ask them to explain why a PO box is excluded.
  8. Which has a tracking number. Clearly, PCL has not implemented a process whereby the guest receives the CP tracking number.
  9. Yes, but you are not the only one reporting the system wanting to charge you in error. Either you wait and get a rebate on-board (OBC) or call Princess and get a rep to order the Medallions for you if they cannot fix your data issue. Also, have you actually submitted the order? I have seen several posts in the past where US members reported seeing the charge listed, but their credit card was never charged.
  10. It is too bad no one seems to have an explanation from Princess as to why this multi-segment voyage was treated differently. I do not have an answer. Not aware of any difference in counting cruise credits for Australia - same as anywhere else.
  11. I have not read about a situation where a couple share the same birthdate. Presumably, the Medallion Net help desk could come up with a workaround.
  12. Medallion shipping to Canada costs $20 US - not $10 that is charged in USA. If guest is booked in CAD, then the shipping charge is also in CAD, so $20 USD X 1.35 (PCL current cnvn rate) = $27 CAD.
  13. Could have been a system issue. Seems to me could have been appealed to Loyalty Mgr. I am wondering if the impact was due to the voyage change from North American market to Australian market once the voyage began from Auckland.
  14. Yes, but also earn 2 credits if book a B2B as a single "logical" voyage.
  15. Not true. Cruise credits are the same no matter how booked.
  16. If you book with a discounting TA who likely also has group OBC, you can easily offset the $50 SHOBC variance with some extra group OBC.
  17. What you mention is irrelevant as to how a guest is booked... presuming you have booked into the same cabin on both legs.
  18. If shopping soon enough, you can also get the same cabin when booking 2 x 7-nights. With separate bookings, you can book one-way air using EZ-Air and a lot easier to jump on price drops that might only affect one direction. Same with PCL price changes. Often not much price difference (sometimes I have seen none). Might get more OBC if booking with an online discount TA. I always book separately - unless for some reason there is a real big price difference. I'd rather have them separate for several reasons and don't worry if I "lose" $50 in the process.
  19. It is not an airline prerogative to offer priority security screening. The government agency CATSA (a.k.a. Canadian version of US TSA) is in charge of that. AFAIK, the only priority access at YVR is something called YVR Express where you can book a time in advance. I have no idea how much time that might save. At YYZ (Toronto), I believe AMEX has an arrangement where certain cardholders get a level of priority. The best priority access is for Global Entry or NEXUS members. CATSA also has a Trusted Traveler program now which you could look into for future.
  20. For those concerned about providing a credit card if using the new App, quite a number of guests have reported in this forum in other threads that they found their existing credit card setup for booked cruises had been populated into the shoreside CC field. This means PCL apparently did so in the central database as part of implementing the new App. Remember - no actual cruise data is stored in the App on your phone. It seems simply ignoring the new App for pre-existing bookings does not necessarily mean nothing is entered for Shoreside. This has been my impression from reading recent posts. Also, see Post #44 for the best workaround available at this time.
  21. A lot have reported this is no concern at all.
  22. My understanding (from another thread on excursion refunds) is that PCL will first "refund" to OBC is any OBC was used to pay for ANY excursion - up to the amount of OBC used - and only then issue a refund to credit card for any excess.
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