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Everything posted by Roberto256

  1. No! It was confirmed on reddit! So, it has all the reliability of anyone who can type, and has an internet connection!
  2. This varies by deck and location. Have a look at this thread:
  3. Unless you need the upper berths, avoid the sidesways cabins with upper berths. They are a huge intrusion.
  4. I thought back in 2018, when this rolled out on a couple princess ships... Passengers were very happy, and there were generally good reports here. Now, it seems like there are only negative reports here. I wonder what happened in the interim?
  5. This only question now is ... how long until this thread is locked?
  6. A few (maybe quite a few) years ago, the bahamian shop keepers were crying that by 1700, all their customers sailed away. The cruiselines said they had to leave, to open shops and casinos. So, the bahamians changed the rules to get ships to stay longer. I recall one day in princess cay where on onboard shops were open before passengers started going ashore.
  7. Except in the bahamas, where they can open if they wish...
  8. It's seems like it would be quite important to always look straight-ahead, and never accidently look down. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
  9. I thought it was plain old telephone service - tech.
  10. If you turn it inside out, it is not nearly as offensive. My local supermarket often sella comparable bag at 2 / $1.00 The bags from the supermarket have square corners, and a paperboard bottom ... so they are easier to fill. I do like the wine bags, as they are a unique size, and very handy for wine.
  11. I have seen this many, many times on princess. During embarcation, some of the elevators are taken out of normal service. They are then run by an attendant, taking passengers to each requested floor; and then returning directly to what ever deck passengers are entering the ship on, and repeat. Sometimes, but not always ... there is a crew member in the elevator lobbies directing passengers coming out of the elevators to their cabins.
  12. Has anyone ever seen the upgrade fairy, and fortuna luck at the same time? Coincidence?
  13. I was thinking unexpected pregnancy. But, yours is way better! I think their slogan was "The gift that keeps on giving" But, I may be confusing that with something else.
  14. This thread has pictures of a medallion being disassembled by a poster here: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2654619-dissection-of-a-medallion-doodad-thingy/ From that thread, this picture shows the coin cell: This page has the FCC approval for the medallion, and thus contains the technical details: https://fccid.io/2ANQX-01042017 Here's a picture of the battery: ...just as Mr. Steelers36 posted. One more tidbit from the FCC:
  15. As a courtesy, I am attaching a few pictures of Virgin crew with time off during Miami turn-around. There were so many waiting at the time I passed by, that they didn't all fit on the shuttle bus. Fortunately, another bus came by shortly after. Even if a crew member is prevented from leaving the ship by CBP, ILO regulations still require rest periods, so no crew member is going to work through the entire day. I spent a few hours with a crew member who previously worked for Princess. Sorry for the delay. I saw the sign as I was driving away a month or two ago, but it took a while to get back to Miami...
  16. Once Princess offered "The Best Sale Ever!" more that a few times, one has to wonder if it really is the best sale ever, or if chicken little is writing their copy. I think a lot of the comments in this thread are really over thinking this. In my opinion, the only thing that matters is yield management. When the ship sales, how can they have extracted the most dollars from the passenger cruise fare. They already have yield management algorithms to change prices a zillion times from when bookings open until sail away. Update it to price upgrade bids. Here's my employee-of-the-month idea: Shove push notifications to the medallion apps of everyone signed up on a particular cruise. "Are you looking forward to your upcoming cruise on our newest ship, the beautiful Revenue Princess? ...would you like to treat yourself to a nicer cabin? Click here!" If princess wants to stay in business, it's probably best if the global experience innovators don't work on it.
  17. This is part 1: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2377812-new-princess-beds/#comment-51140922 I know there was more information about buying a specific Sherwood model that matched the princess branded mattress. Hopefully someone remembers the details, or I will try an find the post. One more tidbit. This sales page for the princess mattress advises the purchaser to contact www.sherwoodbedding.com for issues. That seems to confirm the brand shown on the lables in the above-linked post.
  18. A few years ago, there was a poster who figured out the manufacturer of the princess mattress, and the 'common name' that it was sold under. My recollection: they were very satisified with the mattress, and it was less expensive than the princess branded product. I will see if I can dig up the post.
  19. Can you put me on ignore, too, please? There is nothing I like more than having the last word. Persoanally, I never expect any post on cruise critic to be the word of god. I wait for 3-4-5 posts confirming the same thing before I begin to think it might be true.
  20. I think it will be impossible to get an internet group to follow your rules. That's simply not the way people behave. People post what they want to post. It is unlikely that insulting them will help the situation.
  21. I think that's a good plan. I was going to suggest a travel router... But, it all depends on whether the connection is fast enough.
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