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Everything posted by Roberto256

  1. I know several waiters who moved from princess to virgin, so you may see people you know!
  2. And the two previous threads here, which became so big they were closed. Crazy, but true.
  3. ...because princess is inconsistent? Just because I had an umbrella last week, it doesn't mean a passenger will this week. And, if one makes an absolute declarative statement: "You will have an umbrella", a poster will post an exception.
  4. On Emerald, they had some oblong plywood tops that they could pull out and make an 8 or 10-top. In the dining room, most of the tables are bolted to the floor, and can't be pushed together to make larger tables. (you can see this when they hold a silly sale in the dining room) Most of the 2-tops, especially a row where one side is a bench seat can be pushed together. The disadvantage of large tables is that usually, the meal progress at the pace of the slowest diner.
  5. I am sure it will be as big a success at Curtis Stone / Share.
  6. Back in the old days, when I had to eat with strangers... Some rube would often use MY bread plate. I think the corners of that table just about guarantee it.
  7. I would think anything in food service needs to be well maintained. Simple, or complicated. On ships that call at US ports, I think galleys and food service/prep areas are VERY clean, as they have to be ready for a USPH inspection at any time. I know the day/night before US port calls, the stewards use a lot of bleach cleaning, and the waiters have to deep clean each station in the dining rooms. Before they can go off duty, a head waiter comes around and inspects every nook and cranny. People get fired for failing USPH inspection. I'm not worried about the cleanliness of freestyle machine on princess. I AM worried about being behind someone who's vcr at home is still flashing 12:00, and wants to check every flavor before making a selection. Regardless, princess announced it, they should follow through.
  8. In 2020, on a lark, I bought CCL at eight-something. It went to over 30 in 2021 Now, back to $8-9 range.
  9. Several years ago (maybe 5?) princess announced that ships would be getting coke freestyle machines... (100+ flavors) Never happened.
  10. The most amazing part ... cruises shut down for more than a year... Even with a 1-year extension in their development schedule, the global innovators couldn't finish the medallion app.
  11. Good answer! One of the few that actually answer the question asked.
  12. Sure. But, a company can't use the fine print to weasel out of a committment, AND still be the consumate host. I don't even know... Does princess still claim to be the consumate host?
  13. Sometimes,when stocks are 'on sale' ... it's the same sale as day-old bread...
  14. Previously, the sub-forums have been advertising. I seem to recall some one 'official' posting this a few years ago. The 'new' sub-forum, for instance. Most web sites profit by selling ads within their content. The more page views, the higher the ad prices. Lots of posts about problems? Lots of page views...
  15. It should include condolences over being a shareholder.
  16. I see that on facebook all the time. Someone will post something like: "This is the fifth anniversary of the loss of my beloved mom." And their so-called friends will click like. I guess they didn't like the mom?
  17. Last night of any cruise. Just missing the cardboard liquor boxes from the caribbean.
  18. For some reason, that made me think of Yogi Berra ... ...that place is so crowded ... no one goes there anymore. It's good that the regulars have figured out a way to get help on their problems. Might be better if princess figured out a way to fix the problems...
  19. Condolences to your family. Good luck in the after-life, if that is something you believe in.
  20. My internet medical school hasn't covered sleep issues yet... But, I have read that it is possible to have the bed (or one of the beds) replaced with a chair rented from a medical supply company. I would call princess special needs...
  21. I read this yesterday. It expresses concerns about a recession hurting cruise demand. https://investorplace.com/2022/07/ccl-stock-investors-should-let-carnival-sink/ If I lose my 'whole' $800 on CCL, I really hope the governement will bail me out. I worked to pay for college, so I never had any student loans for the government to forgive. This would just be fair! "Cruise back better."
  22. Scarlet Lady entered service in 2020. Princess has been working on their app longer than Virgin has been sailing.
  23. Me too! Me too! I know several crew, including one at fairly high level who left princess and went to virgin. As princess hasn't called them to come back (yet?) ... it doesn't really matter which is better or worse ... no job on princess, so no money. And, having been to Port Everglades a gazillion times, it is really nice going to PortMiami. Who ever dreamed up that tunnel was a genius! I look forward to Mr. Cinegraphic's comparison.
  24. Many years ago ... probably 30+ ... we went on the song of norway. It had a bed that folded to become a setee on one wall. What's old is new! The song of norway's cabins were probably 1/3 the size of virgin today!
  25. So, they had to postpone for a week because it works fine for you? The question sub-forum has 319 posts. Although, obviously not made by 319 unique posters. Grego:1 Questions: 319 I guess they should have just checked with you...
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