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Lois R

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Everything posted by Lois R

  1. Hi Liz, if you check in, hope you are having a good cruise.🙂 Fiona is long gone........we are looking at Ian now but he is not near you.
  2. I have seen news where it said 3 cruises that are now out at sea have already changed their itineraries. The Capt of each vessel certainly does not want to put himself or his passengers into the eye of anything and will do what needs to be done to keep everyone safe. Right now, Tampa, St Pete, Sarasota, etc........all those Gulf areas are having big evacuation orders.......if the port needs to close? It will certainly do so.
  3. There are several threads about this topic on the "Canadian Forums" too. IF anyone is interested. I am sailing out of Quebec on 10/22. So looks like no test and no Arrivecan will be necessary😃
  4. Really? I always see people with their phones, for reading, taking pictures, etc.
  5. The 30th? That is this Friday. From what I can tell with all the news, Ian is going to be up my way which is Northeast Florida but if you are driving? To be honest with you, I wouldn't do it.......we are going to have BIG rains and you are going to have drive through them.......You have to go through Jacksonville to get to Miami via 95. I agree with the previous poster, driving through something like this? Not for me and I wouldn't recommend it.
  6. Thanks TB, appreciate it. And hope your daughter and friends will be safe as well.
  7. Glad you are ok but if you saw any news today, this storm is getting stronger by the hour and is at least 300 miles wide. Your neighbors across the state are really in for it (Tampa), already started evacuation orders. Pressure numbers continue to drop, which makes it worse.
  8. As Woody mentioned in post #12, check with your cruise line but that press release sure made it sound like Canada will no longer require testing.
  9. We haven't needed a test to enter the country since July.........those requirements were lifted back in the summer.
  10. Hi Nicole, that is not how I interpreted the release.......I am sailing from Quebec to NYC..........we don't need to be tested upon arrival now. Looks like the testing is going away for Canada as well. "Cruise measures are also being lifted, and travellers will no longer be required to have pre-board tests, be vaccinated, or use ArriveCAN. A set of guidelines will remain to protect passengers and crew, which will align with the approach used in the United States"
  11. I am reading the press release......Am I missing something? Where does it say cruise requirements will be lifted? I am sailing out of Quebec on Oct 22nd. Will I need to have a Covid Test before my cruise? (I am fully vaxxed 4 times).
  12. As you can see from the replies everyone has their own way of doing things. I never carry a purse while on deck. Someone earlier mentioned their clothing having pockets and that is me as well. I am a minimalist and don't like having to carry much of anything, especially during the day while on deck. For evenings, I do have a small crossbody D&B bag, if the outfit needs it.
  13. We here in Florida are all just in a waiting game to see where Ian will hit............hoping he will move further west before he gets up here by me. Will know more tomorrow and Wednesday........if ya'll could send a good thought this way, it would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Good morning JP, sorry I mis spelled that name.........thought I would post a picture of the bottle.
  15. No, no....hoping he will move west before he gets this far north.....will know more tomorrow and Wednesday. As for keeping anyone in line? LOL.......not me....we solos just have to pick up our big girl pants and move on (Oh big boy pants to keep it all even LOL)
  16. Hi Melody, what if I told I only use a non-electric can opener?........many cans have those pop tops and when I need to open something else, the can opener is right there in one of my kitchen drawers🙂
  17. Hi Kat, thanks for the storm advice but I have no gas to turn off. My appliances are electric. I always have batteries but will recheck how many at the present time. I have a Dr's appt on Friday and will just have to play that by ear.
  18. I know many, many, MANY folks sail from all over Florida........and we do have those of us who live here too. Just wanting to say I hope EVERYONE stays safe as this week approaches They are not sure where Ian is going to hit yet but he does look like the state is going to be hit. I am in Northeast Florida and we won't know what will happen for a few days but if you are down in the Gulf area and/or South, just want to wish you all the best as well!
  19. Hi girls, well, looks like things may be changing later in the week (weather wise) around here. Ian is coming for Florida but of course at this point they really don't know exactly where he is going to hit. I have plenty of water (already decided to buy it)....have 5 1 gallon jugs.......I always keep canned goods in the house that don't need refrigeration but decided to get some extra tuna/salmon/chicken. Have some snacks too.....nuts and stuff. It really depends on the next few days before we know if my area is going to be hit. They call it the "CONE OF UNCERTAINTY" how far and wide the storm will be going. Today is beautiful.......sunny and warm. If you didn't know it is the middle of hurricane season, well you would never know LOL....... Cynthia, I know your folks live here.........hope they are safe and secure!
  20. Hi folks, hope all of you are doing well. JP, AND whoever else is interested, I tried a new Gin today called Bar Hill. They are out of Vermont and it is really good😀 The restaurant is a local place I patronize and the drink is called The Bee's Knees, gin, honey and lemon juice. (Drink of the day). Delicious.😀
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