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Everything posted by VMax1700

  1. BA do allow up to 23 kg (=51 lbs), but there is a size limit too, which is strictly enforced. ( I do gasp at some of the 'carry ons' at US airports). I really doubt you could pack 51 lbs into the specified size. Up to 56 x 45 x 25cm (22 x 18 x 10in) Up to 23kg (51lb)
  2. You would appear to be eligible for compensation under EU261 as the flight was cancelled between 7 and 14 days before scheduled departure. (I am really not sure how the time differences work or even if it makes any difference. It is probably based on the time the email was sent to you and that probably originated in Europe.)). Here is a link on the KLM site about cancellations etc. I have posted it, because if you scroll to the bottom of the page there are option to contact them by 'whatsapp' or 'messenger' which may be useful for you. https://www.klm.ie/information/travel-alerts#amsterdam-airport-schiphol-operational-issues-are-causing-long-waiting-times
  3. @*Miss G* sorry for your family's loss. Your flight DL9648 is a KLM flight. Did you try your booking code in the KLM my trip? https://www.klm.nl/en/trip As a replacement flight did you look at Easyjet? Their flight leaves at 09.55 which is 10 minutes before your KLM flight was scheduled. Just double check baggage allowances etc. https://www.easyjet.com/en/buy/flights?isOneWay=on&pid=www.easyjet.com
  4. Found it , thank you! It is also in the 'tab' and is easier to read in the tab.
  5. Is there a way to discover the 'voyage number' without a booking? I do not see a voyage number mentioned on the website (eu site) so the protocol tool cannot be used to check status prior to booking. i.e. to know the protocol before booking.
  6. Good morning Jacqui, Would you please add Ellen and myself for a 'Bon Voyage shout' for Rotterdam, September 23 - October 7th, 2023 14 day Jewels of the Baltic (without St Petersburg 😢). Another short flight to Amsterdam to board! Thanks take care, Colin
  7. On Rotterdam recently they had a 'Send a message to the Hotel Manager' form and mail box beside the front desk. I don't know if Testerdam has a similar facility but I know if it did, I would be filling out a lot of those forms and stuffing his mailbox with complaints.
  8. Due to DW's health situation we did nothing exciting or spectacular. In Invergordon we took a HAL tour to Lough Ness and we had a stop in the village of Beauly, where the old priory was interesting (but there was a downpour at the time, however DW was fascinated by 'man in kilt who sounded like Sean Connery' 🙄). Invergordon is a lovely Victorian sea-side town, however we were there the day aft QE2 died, so we did not venture into Edinburgh, as we have been there numerous times and didn't want to risk getting caught in security nets.
  9. HAL have obviously changed the information that is presented on the Boarding Pass. When I look back at the Boarding Pass for our cruise in June it states on page 2, 'Number of Gala Nights = 2' . For our cruise at the end of August, this information is not present.
  10. These are the 3 MDR menus from the dressy nights:
  11. terrydtx was 2 x 7 day cruises B2B. On our Rotterdam 14 day Northern Isles cruise there were 3 dressy/gala nights.
  12. Did you book in the UK (direct or through a travel agent)? The UK phone number tha i use is +44 23 80650 5000 followed by Option 1, then option 5. (so 023 806505000 should work for you). I have found them quite responsive. Or try: resaccounting@hollandamerica.co.uk
  13. Is that the one with two Scottish ports of call? Invergordon and South Queensferry? If yes, then there will be shore ex posted soonish! We were there a couple of weeks back and there were plenty of tours available also there is a bus service in South Queensferry to Edinbugh on cruise call days. https://www.lothianbuses.com/news/2022/05/cruiselink-x99-returns-to-queensferry/
  14. I have not seen a discussion and it certainly is both interesting and welcome, specially the para about using 100% biofuel. However, is it a real test? During the test period (20 days ending on September 7th) did Volendam put to sea or was she still moored in Rotterdam?
  15. We disembarked Rotterdam on September 11th and by that evening we both had received the surveys. We even got a nudge reminder on September 14th.
  16. Did the bartender say 'who' had the expectation? The particular bartender? Bar staff in general? or HAL? Did he say why they had that particular expectation?
  17. Thank you! It was a genuine enquiry for the sake of clarity! 😉
  18. I do not have a problem with the Crew Appreciation fee, but I do baulk at 18% on drinks. And then giving more......there is no drink or service in the world that could entice a further tip from me. The drinks are expensive enough already.
  19. All the HAL ships that I have been on, have a 'Late night snack' normally between 10.30 pm to 11.30pm in the Lido.
  20. Did you bring water and Red Bull onboard? Congratulations on winning the cruise!
  21. In Rotterdam (boarding Rotterdam), the procedure was - Passport Check - physical passport presented, then Security line, then direct to the Verifly lane. No paperwork needed (but we did have paper copies, just in case!). Apart from the initial traffic jam around the passport check area, it was a very quick boarding.
  22. November 1st is 'All Saints' Day' and families visit the graves of their deceased loved ones. You will find a few bars and cafes open but most things will be closed. You may find a local shopping centre open, but many of the stores inside will be closed and probably only the 'anchor tenant' i.e. supermarket, open.
  23. Hasn't Koningsdam been sailing from San Diego? Next summer she is sailing Alaska from Vancouver.
  24. An absolute gem of information. To be remembered for the next "I pay cash to those who look after me" threads. Thankyou!
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