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Everything posted by kelkel2

  1. Oh man, I totally missed this whole thread. I’m gonna have to go back and binge the whole thing! Thanks in advance megan for another awesome review!
  2. That’s terrible. I’m a Green Bay fan, ride or die. That’s like me not knowing the Vikings or bears are in the NFC north. Now, you don’t have to be a football wiz, but sit down and keep your mouth shut. Here was my view this year.
  3. Do they have the Green Bay game on anywhere? Not that we’ll win. But I still would watch!
  4. Thank you!! The timing REALLY helps me! We have 2 kids with us, so although the kids can manage their own luggage they cannot manage down the stairs. So we’ll just plan additional time to wait for the elevators and some extra patience!
  5. Did you do self assist? How was the whole experience? We’re not plat/Diamond but we do have a suite and are hoping to do self debark in January. Did you struggle to get an elevator? What time did you get off the ship? Im just trying to get an idea. We’re supposed to meet our shuttle at 8:30. Thank you so much for your awesome review!
  6. For a lot of people it’s price point. Balconies can cost substantially more and if it’s between not cruising and cruising in an inside room a lot of people would choose the inside room. I’m claustrophobic, so I don’t know if I could.
  7. I cannot believe they found him alive. I remember reading the article yesterday and thinking what a tragedy… they’ll never find his body. I would love to hear the details of this story. I feel like it should be documented on that tv show “I survived”
  8. I’m glad to hear it! We’re in 14410 in January! I was a little worried about it being far from entertainment, but it’s close to the lido!
  9. We have a suite and I don’t think it’s worth booking FTTF. The priority boarding and having the room ready would the the main reason I would want to book it and we’re already getting that.
  10. I’m absolutely loving your review! Thanks for doing it!
  11. I think some of this depends on where you plan to spend the majority of your time. Casinos, restaurants, bars.. I wouldn’t upgrade. But pools, waterworks, lido etc I’d move to 14. We have a suite booked on 14 and we picked it for location and closeness to the pool/water works for our kids.
  12. I’ll be following along! It’s a great way to count down the days until our Mg cruise on 1/21!
  13. But can you still do a mock booking for your cruise on the Carnival website? Dry dock sounds unlikely given when the ship last had one. But maybe they plan on moving the ships around? It can’t hurt to call.
  14. I’m not particular to one side or the other but I guess I seem to book port more often. We’re Port on the MG but we had to go with the location of the 4 person cabin category we wanted.
  15. Honestly, if we weren’t cruising with our kids I’d book one in a heart beat.
  16. Yeah, that’s too bad. I know at one point it was a nice hotel. But they have to keep up with it. I’m kind of a hotel snob after working for hotels through college and I just won’t compromise or take a risk. It’s too bad really..
  17. I’m so looking forward to this review!! I’ll be on MG in January! And now I’m very glad we didn’t book the Raddison!
  18. Right?? I can’t believe no one is on board!
  19. I was hoping someone was going to do a review or post pictures!
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