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Everything posted by kelkel2

  1. Our cruise has been affected too. We’re on the 1/21/23 sailing. I’m sad, but we will just have to make a point to book another cruise that goes there in the future.
  2. Starbucks has a line of mugs for places you visit. So people collect them. I have one from Curaçao that I got at the Starbucks there. It’s similar to collecting fridge magnets or other similar items from your vacations. A lot of people go out of their way to get one from their favorite destination.
  3. Is that true? I’d love to know. I thought the benefit the suites got was the early online check in and the ability to choose their window first. Can you really show up anytime?
  4. No, but after reading about John Herald’s issues I am seriously considering purchasing apple air tags. They’re $99/4 on Amazon.
  5. As my cruise check in time approaches, I just have a few questions. It’s been several years since our last cruise, and I just don’t remember the process. What I do know is that I have a suite booked so I know check in is earlier for us. But I do think I’m going to stay up that night until the check in opens. It’s midnight EST correct? Also, it’s our first cruise with kids. So what info will I need to have for them? We all have passports. Will I need those numbers for check in? I’ll also input my credit card at that time too, correct? I know I can skip through and choose the arrival time and then go back. So I plan to do that. Any other tips? I’m trying to make this as painless a possible since I plan to stay up and do it.
  6. I wouldn’t chance it and I would bring the birth certificate
  7. Did you choose a TBA cabin? My guess is you could have booked a Havana cabin but not chosen a specific one. If you have your booking email go back and look to see if you were ever assigned a cabin from the beginning or if it always said TBA. Chances are it’s a TBA cabin and they have up until embarkation to assign it. You can call carnival and talk to to them about upgrading to the rate that allows you to choose.
  8. Loving your review and can’t wait to read more. I cannot believe the hotel thing. I too have worked in the hotel industry and that’s unacceptable!
  9. I thoroughly enjoyed your review! Thank you for doing it!
  10. When/where is the next one? Thanks again for another awesome review!
  11. Thank you again for the great review. I look forward to the next one!
  12. Have a great time!! We have to wait until January for ours. Yours will be here before you know it!
  13. I wouldn’t be concerned about it. TSA has ways of telling what the drugs are by their markings if they were really concerned. If you’d like you can always obtain a copy of your prescription paperwork from your pharmacy to prove it’s yours.
  14. I would do that just for the included spa benefits that you get with it!
  15. Are you going to do a review for that one too? You are a true rockstar. Also, what kind of camera are you using for these pics? They are really good and seem very vivid and sharp. I’m just curious if you’re using a cell phone cam or a real cam.
  16. Wildra! I love your reviews. This is a special great. We have yours, Megan’s and jamman’s all going! I can’t wait for more!
  17. Take a pic of him! I’m on MG in January so I’ll look for him!
  18. Do your kids like camp? I’m taking my 4yo twins on their first cruise in January. Do we have to register them ahead of time or I thought I read something about going the first day to sign up?
  19. Wow!!! That’s $1 cheaper a gallon than we’re paying here in Illinois! safe travels!!
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