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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. Is there a new popular finish that you purchased? Because we are looking at stainless steel. ( Cheap, before we sell). TY.
  2. Carmel is way too far. Unfortunately, I don't know a lot about Southern California beaches.
  3. Did you see that they just recently found his ship, Endurance in the Antarctic, perfectly preserved? Shackleton did have a fascinating story. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-60662541
  4. Thank you! That actually may explain a problem that I have been having, and I hadn't put it together until reading your story. When riding in a car, either as passenger or driver, when I step out my left ankle is quite painful, and almost feels dislocated. I can usually walk it off after a dozen steps, but I couldn't figure it out. When I was in my early 30's, I was poisoning ground squirrels for work, and fell 12 feet into a cement lined flood control channel. Kind of like a big cement ditch. I blew out my L4-L5 or S5 disc as well. Unfortunately, mine wasn't treated by surgery as quickly. And I experienced severe sciatica, nerve damage from below my knee down, muscle wasting and left foot drop in the 3 months I waited for approval. I had a really good surgeon and PT afterwards. I haven't experienced any further problems. I still don't have much feeling in my left calf and lack a reflex response when he taps it with the hammer. But now, 30 years later, I'll bet that is what is causing this ankle pain. I have noticed that it doesn't occur when I wear the ankle brace. (That I purchased for this specific reason). So, thank you very much @Husky1987 I appreciate you sharing, because it solved my little medical mystery as well. It is funny. (Not Ha-Ha) how those early injuries have a way of bothering you later in life. ☺️
  5. It is fun! Kukoo Kunuku Bus tour and bar hop. :https://www.kukookunuku.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwrJ-hBhB7EiwAuyBVXb6gJuZZZnMz2bDXDRWYAoRjXz8m85FfPGuIrurAtopB2Pcuul3w2RoCi7MQAvD_BwE
  6. Cabs are fixed price in San Juan, by zone, not metered. That would probably be easier. There was some sort of parade or protest, last time we were there and took a cab from the hotel to the pier. The driver cursed up a blue streak, but the price was the same. ☺️
  7. I guess brothers can be sort of a bother, too. 😄😄
  8. Since this thread has drifted. Funny story about C&A points. We took my mom and her companion /boyfriend on their first cruise to Alaska out of Vancouver about 10 years before she passed away. She obtained her first and only passport at age 80. When I went to fill out the cruise paperwork, it populated with a C&A number. I called to tell them she didn't have one. And they said, "Oh sure, we have her right here. She lives in Plano, TX. Correct?" She lived in CA. I said no. No big deal, until a few years later, when I went to check her in for a Christmas Cruise (her second). At that point, C&A showed her as Platinum, with 5 cruises, including the Alaska cruise and other ships that we hadn't been on. I just left it. I hope the lady in Plano enjoyed the extra points. If she truly had the same birthdate as my mom, I hope she continued to sail for a few more years. 😃 Mom did use the passport to go on a trip to China with the Chamber of Commerce, so she did get some travel use out of it!
  9. We always start with cold water. It might cost a few more pennies on your bill to heat it up. But it would cost the same to let it run until it is hot. And in California (in most years) we are conscious of the amount of water we are using. ☺️We still have a drought charge, on our latest water bill. LOL. 😀
  10. Bill stayed home a couple of days after my first hip replacement. I had my walker. And then we figured out that he could just put snack and sandwich items on the top shelf in the fridge. And leave my box of cereal and the bowl on the counter, and I managed just fine. I don't even want to talk about medical equipment and my mom. After she broke her ankle, we had rented both a walker and a wheelchair for her use at the rehab/assisted living place. Her boyfriend started taking her back to her house on weekends. And eventually, she just never returned to the facility, and didn't even notify them. When she just left, the facility apparently marked her as deceased on the paperwork to SS and Medicare. The rental place called me and apologized, but wanted to know if she had died, because Medicare thought she had? It was a huge mess, but I eventually got it straightened out. She was fine, not dead. Just a little not all there and careless. And the rental place had to send a person to the facility to find their stuff, because they were unwilling to help locate it. 😮
  11. Sorry. New word for us. Bogan (/ˈboʊɡən/ BOHG-ən[1]) is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour are considered unrefined or unsophisticated. (from Wiki) There are generally not a lot of children on repositioning cruises, and especially ones of 18 nights. I doubt if there would be a lot of bougans, either. Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy the sailing. We have done makeup cruises ourselves, when things have gone wrong on the original one.
  12. When you are done, you're done. As an adult, mom can't make you clean your plate anymore. Don't worry about it.
  13. I hope there are bunnies this year. Those poor people. What a sad thing. The RM Palmer plant is the one that blew up in PA. They make the hollow chocolate bunnies, that I so enjoy. 😔 The rest sounds good. But not a butterscotch, toffee or caramel fan.
  14. Thank you, Pat., He was so stressed and skinny when we arrived home. Cat Sitter actually sent us video of him spitting out his pills. ☺️
  15. If it is to check on the cats, of course, just one person could buy it. Bobby didn't do well, while we were gone. He has anxiety, is hyperthyroid, he wasn't getting his meds regularly from the cat sitter, or eating and he lost a lot of weight in just 16 days. But there was nothing we could have done about it. Our cat sitter is our 20-year-old next door neighbor, who loves cats. And we pay him a very reasonable $20/day to take care of the cat and feed the squirrels. He is getting back to fine condition and weight, now that he is back on his schedule. So, we are just going to be cruise less until Bobby is gone.
  16. It doesn't go down. (Or at least it hasn't on our recent cruises.) You can either forgo your D+ discount and purchase it at a lower price before you leave. Or we wait until the last 3 or 4 days of the cruise and purchase it then on our own accounts. I'm not really good at sharing. If you purchase it onboard, your 2 day D+ discount will be factored in, but it will be at the higher prices.
  17. Stuart Woods is a very good author. I still think "Chiefs" is one of the best novels ever. (From any author) And if you ever get a chance to watch the mini-series it was very well done. That would be the Will Lee series, but the other books don't reach the caliber of "Chiefs". His Stone Barrington series is fun. As is the Holly Barker series. He is not consistently a good writer, but generally his novels are very enjoyable. (IMO) ☺️
  18. They are quite a bit larger than our "bin chickens" , which are usually seagulls or pigeons. Those are like turkey sized. We so much enjoyed our stay there. And as you can see, I do have a fondness for wombats. Thanks! ☺️
  19. A few more photos of Featherdale We truly enjoyed it. Wallaby Kookaburra Koalas are Soooo cute. And who knew? Wild dingoes just look like dogs. "Dingoes ate my baby" would just be like a dog attack in the US. I can't seem to get another line in. The last photo is of a Tasmanian Devil. You may remember him from Bugs Bunny cartoons. They have him in a round enclosure, and he runs constantly...in a circle. Such unique animals! I won't bother anymore.
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