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Everything posted by njkruzer

  1. Yes. Time varies but usually from 5-8 pm. Someone who was there please confirm.
  2. They're like the passengers who during the old muster would hide in their showed when crew would check their cabin! I had someone proudly tell me they did that. Not sure what to do with people who think they are above the rules.
  3. I don't think I had any problems making the switch on the Anthem TA.
  4. Was on Jewel in April/May. No one but suite guests in what was concierge lounge. We're D+ and had to use D lounge. Pinnacles could use D lounge, not suite lounge, but also in the evening had another place, where the LA sat during the day.
  5. Luggage tag is on last page of your edocs. I download the edocs and print out as many of the last page I need.
  6. Just the information from your passport. I gave up uploading my photo as they didn't like the size. They take my picture at the pier.
  7. We always use guest services. We do start with some small bills.
  8. If you don't sign out when you sign onto the 2nd device it will ask if you want to switch devices. No problem.
  9. You received it for hitting 350. Every 70 starting at 140. Congrats.
  10. Dh rolls his. I fold. Always pack too much.
  11. I have a tab s4 and the app won't load onto my tablet. It says so. Not sure why.
  12. Didn't even see it to load. Only one I saw was for employees. Will look again.
  13. The only Royal app for the tablet that I see is for Royal employees.
  14. Don't know. Dh wears his suit as tux doesn't quite fit.
  15. I have an older Samsung tablet and Samsung phone. App is only on phone, doesn't work on tablet. Phone is easier to carry thanntablet. Don't need separate internet to use app on phone. It's a free connection.
  16. We shared. Dh would order drinks for both of us, give server just one card. Next we'd use mine. This is more work for servers. I guess we don't drink enough to have a problem.
  17. I don't Royal controls how this is done. In Boston immigration was done on the ship. US citizens to Chic, non -US citizens to the casino. A black marker check was placed on our seapass cards. At some point we were told we could leave. Our cards were checked for the marking when we got off. I also remember clearing immigration on the ship in Boston when it was the end of the cruise. Sounds like what went on in Miami was probably cbp controlled.
  18. On the TA we did immigration in Boston and for US citizens went smoothly but only half capacity and mostly non US citizens. Agents came onboard. Assigned a time to go to inspection. Once you completed you could get off.
  19. Shoreside staff has problems in what they send out. We were on the Anthem TA last month. Starting 4 days before sailing we started getting emails with changes in testing requirements for our sailing. They were crazy and one contradicted the next and I'm not sure if the ship knew about changes. It was clear shoreline staff weren't talking to shipside and weren't looking at what was going out.
  20. If that's the "Love Boat" had lovely days in Mexico but really chilly as we sailed north back to LA. High winds and they closed outside decks. I seem to remember going from solarium to WJ going down one deck rather than running outside past the pool!
  21. We were 34 once and had several tables. Ta worked with us and Royal to decide who sat where. We were celebrating an aunt and uncle's 70th anniversary. They kept their seats and the rest of us moved around so all the adults git to sit with the honorees. Since there were several waiters involved we made sure they knew their tips wouldn't be affected by our table hopping!
  22. No. They told me they were working on the routers to get better wifi in the cabin and onto balcony.
  23. Even on our longer cruises I don't think we got more than 1 bag each. (Did 2 cruises totaling 35 nts circling Australia and we each only got 1 bag for each cruise.) Amazing how much we can stuff into that bag!
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