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Everything posted by roxievegas

  1. Even if it changes to 46, you go to pier 92/93 (park your car in the lot if you are driving) and then they collect your luggage, and you board a bus to go to 46. Prior guests have said that it has not been a problem
  2. no reservations. You sit at the bar or they have about 6 - 7 small tables. The food is really good. Our last time on Discovery we ate there 3 or 4 times. Sea days they open for lunch. Port days they didn't open until 5:00p - well worth the charge - you watch the sushi chef make your food in front of you if you are sitting at the bar.
  3. We received an email yesterday for our cruise that leaves Jan 7 out of San Pedro, California. We currently are in a Balcony We want a mini suite, but the bid price was too much, so we bid on a Premium Balcony which gives us a couch- no bathtub\ Will be interested to see how long to be notified When the cruises first started up last year we would board the ship, go directly to guest services and ask how much to upgrade to a mini suite. The first time it was $15 per day. A few months later it was $30 per day - after that the booking on the ship was getting higher and they would not allow us to upgrade right then and there - they said they would notify us later in the day and we did not want to unpack, pack and unpack to move to another cabin - so we stayed put.
  4. We got emails three days ago free balcony, no plus package, but $400 casino play, plus bonus $250 casino pay few options, but we decided on one in May luck on our side, we did not book anything and today we got another email same offer as above, except more cruises to choose from, so now we are going to go in either June or July, We don't want to fly anywhere, but the offers were out of San Francisco, Seattle, NYC, Florida, transatlantic, London, hawaii - many more We already have booked January and April.
  5. I think Princess would be smart to offer non alcohol packages. Wifi, gratuities, and non alcohol drinks - coffee, soda If the cost was $30.00 a day I think they would get people to take it and they would still make money Just saying Princess - not everyone drinks alcohol
  6. we flew into La Guardia - $32.00 cab ride to hotel. we flew home from JFK - used Princess transfer $39.00 each - 45 minute ride on bus, 20 minutes dropping people at different terminals. Our flight was at 1:30 and we were through security and at our gate with an hour to wait. If you are flying in the day of the cruise, ride from either airport would be around 45 minutes to one hour
  7. First - any hotel you book, make sure that you can cancel the reservation within 24 to 48 hrs without penalty - just in case. Second - when you make arrangements to go to the port - give the driver the address on a piece of paper so that he does not drive you around Brooklyn like our driver did. We stayed at the Brooklyn Sheraton - paid $197 for one night - with tax $227 - cost to port after driving for 30 minutes - $35.00 - we could see the ship from our hotel room window.
  8. OP we were on Discovery in March and April but can't remember how many Buffalo machines. How many and are you hitting ?
  9. We were on the from August 31 (NYC to Quebec City) and return Sept 10 (Quebec City to NYC) back in NYC on Sept 20. We had only one stop cancelled for the 20 days - so sorry that you had so many. This is a nice cruise as you get a lot of stops and very few sea days. this also was on our bucket list -
  10. We took a B2B cruise Aug 31 - Sept 20 - (10 days each) lst cruise - no plus package. I purchased two cases of water for $14.14 for the cabin. Paid the gratuities in advance. We were on a VIP casino cruise and we did not know that we were given free drinks while in the casino. So we had a card to show to the drink server or bartender in the Casino and we could get anything - We probably had one alcohol drink per day, the rest was diet soda or water. We did not get any coffee unless we were in the buffet 2nd cruise - had the plus package. We had our coffee from the coffee/ice cream place on the Lido deck (our cabin was on Lido). We probably drank less alcohol, but it was convenient that we could get drinks in the dining room. Overall - cheaper not to pay extra for the plus package, but the convenience of having it makes it nice - just not worth the bucks for us.
  11. I can only answer as to Princess Cruise. Once on board, go to the Casino Cage. If you want the money for chips, they will explain and give you that. If it is for slot play, it should be on your account when you log in to your first slot machine. The best thing to do is have a copy of the print out for the offer that shows you have $750 free play that you can show the Casino Cage.
  12. we were on a B2B cruise New England/Canada cruise on Caribbean, Aug 31 to Sept 20th. We had logged on to app and tried to put in for 5:00 dining, but it would not allow us that time. We waited until we were on board, and then tried again. I was able to put in for private table for two every night for 5:00. We would check the menu or figure if we were going to eat in the dining room, if not we would cancel our reservation for that night. Each time we reported to the dining room, we asked for the same table #101 - our waiter was Chris and we liked him after the first time and each time we got our same table.
  13. we were in L234 on our last cruise - on the Caribbean. I picked it because it was further away from where everyone walks to get to the elevators and stairs look at the deck plan for Caribbean and you will see. 301 is going to have everyone walking by your door going to\from the elevators. I would move down the hall to 231 so you only have the people that are on that floor going by
  14. We just returned from a B2B cruise out of NYC. We are in southern California. I booked the cruise 11 months out and then booked the flights through EZair as soon as we were allowed. We had American change our flights - no notice from EZair - but I got that fixed. I monitored the flights on American every week to make sure that nothing was changed. We had perfect flights, no delays, no cancellations and everything worked out. But .... In the future all of our cruises will be on the West Coast. It was very stressful checking the flights, worried about problems and it was a long day getting off the ship, getting to the airport, flying home. When I had the problem with American changing the flights, EZair fixed it no problem. But I told the EZair rep that if anything happened to my flights, seats, etc. I would cancel everything - I had the insurance. Hold EZair responsible and get them to correct any problems, if you are not satisfied, contact Princess and tell them that you will cancel.
  15. I totally agree with the OP There are so many things that they need to be more informative about. Or at least have a better way of locating the information on their website. You should not have to google the internet to find out info that Princess should have for you.
  16. just off the Caribbean - I asked if Planks or the BBQ would be opening and I was told that they have been closed permanently. The questionaire at the end of the cruise asks if you ate in either of the places. Think they should do some updating.
  17. we were on a B2B 10 night each way. so 20 nights on board - but only 17 nights available to gamble. husband earned over 10,000 pts and I had 9,500 pts when we booked the first leg of the cruise the offer was free inside, no plus, but I had $500 free play and my husband got $300 free play when we booked the return 2nd leg of the cruise, the offer was free inside, with the plus pkg, and only $150 free play for husband, nothing for me this was NYC to Quebec City, Quebec City back to NYC
  18. Got home from our cruise and contacted the oceansplayersclub just got an email for each of us: free inside cabin, princess plus, $150 casino play we have gotten better offers just through the emails, but now that the ships are getting booked, we may not get anything better. We won't be booking anything else anytime soon.
  19. Since the offer does not include a free cabin or even a discount, I would not take the offer. Since you have to pay for your cabin, port taxes and extra's and then go to the casino to play the $800 in free play, you could make money, break even or lose more than you intend to. Hopefully down the road you will receive an offer that gives you a free cabin and then it is worth it.
  20. We left Caribbean Princess yesterday morning (Sept 20th). We had a bus transfer to JFK. We were told to report to waiting area and we would be leaving 8:25 - we were not called until 8:45 walked off ship - people were outside to tell us where to go for the buses went to the bus for JFK loaded luggage and were sitting on the bus at 9:00 bus left at 9:20a At no time did anyone announce that the bus was going to JFK - no one said, these are the terminal stops - #2 is Delta, #4 is Delta, #5 is xxx, #6 is xxx, #7 is Alaska and #8 is American. The driver just assumed that we (who have never been to JFK) knew what terminal we were going out of. (our boarding pass did not have the terminal number on it) At the first stop, terminal #2 a few people got off. While the driver was helping get the luggage, a man from the back of the bus walked down the aisle, he did not know what terminal to get off - a lady said that if he was Alaska it was terminal #7 - he looked at her and then decided to ask the driver, who now was getting in the sit and started up the bus, he then stopped because one of the luggage bay doors was still up. When the driver stopped the bus, the man fell face forward and hit the front console of the bus - blood everywhere. 911 was called and he and wife went to hospital. We have no idea what happened to him I would like to contact Princess legal - I am sure that they are going to get sued - it was a Princess transfer excursion. Anyone with who I should contact I would appreciate phone number or emails thank you
  21. You could always look for a short cruise - in southern california we have cruises for 4 or 5 days. We would book one of those, get the free cabin, free food and then play in the casino and have a mini vacation. We currently have two cruises booked for 2023, both casino offers. This is the only way to go.
  22. we have also gotten a letter on the last cruise day with an offer - contact the ocean players club asap
  23. I would contact them asap - letter says that they will respond in 2 days
  24. if you don't mind giving me the points you earned. we were on a B2B and did not get a letter after the completion of the lst cruise, but they did start our points over again for 2nd cruise. I was told by the girl in the casino cage that because we were B2B we had to email to find out what our offers is
  25. At the end of our cruises in the past, we would receive a letter on the last day with an offer based on our play during the cruise. We have had anywhere from a free inside cabin + casino play money, free balcony + plus + casino play money Today is the last day at sea and tomorrow we get off the ship. We just had a letter slide under the door from the Casino saying: To ensure that you are taking advantage of the best possible casino offer on your sailing - please contact us at www.oceanplayersclub.com/contact before Oct 20, 2022 that is it. so now we have to email when we get home (internet not connecting to this website) and wait two days to get a response.
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