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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. The buses are not considered accessible. But that more about wheelchairs. Some with a cane might be ok. YMMV. But with the cane and broken arm I suggest taxis. I don’t think with both issues a bus is going to be a good idea,
  2. It is not very far. I think it is doable with a cane. There is a tram that goes around the Dockyard but unfortunately the tram stop is almost to the ferry dock.
  3. Didn’t you get a medical exemption? I recall you posted that one was applied for. Bahamas will allow those.
  4. IT splits or changing is difficult.That is why Royal/Celebrity and many airlines keep patching their legacy software. So since I cruised on Azamara one time, in 2007, my Celebrity history will count if even if they split their IT? That would be great. I am likely to book Azamara again.
  5. It is on the Bahamas website that cruise passengers as of now must be vaccinated. It is bit hard to find but it is there. Of course there could be a change before November. It could change before September. Royal says they are in discussions with the islands that require vaccination. That is what Carnival is betting on. Would you rather Royal be deceptive and put the onus on you like Carnival and NCL?
  6. The Bahamas requires cruise passengers to be vaccinated. Carnival is skating over that or betting that it will change in September. Royal is being more honest and say they are discussing with the eastern Caribbean governments their requirements.
  7. There are only two seaters for rent and only two people are allowed to ride in any of the rental mini electric vehicles. So no to 2 kids and one adult. I believe it comes out to $120 ia day for the Twizy. Some of the others cost more. There are several companies renting vehicles. Some are front and back others are side by side but only two seaters. There is parking at beaches. https://www.currentvehicles.com https://bermudarentalcar.com
  8. They encourage applying as soon as the application is available to handle all the applications. Those who have delayed even a week are usually on here and Facebook complaining that they have not been approved blah, blah. blah and having to wait on hold an hour or two to get the approval. The long hold times are a result of passengers procrastinating and then freaking out because they are leaving in a week and have not been approved. It does not seem like any have been denied but it causes a great deal of stress. If you wait a week before you are going to be on the phone for sure trying to get through.
  9. From the FAQ on the Bermuda Government website. 12. How do I count the days for my pre-arrival test? Do I count the hours? If travelling by air, your arrival day in Bermuda is Day 0. If travelling by sea, your departure day is Day 0. The hours are not counted. This means if your flight arrives in Bermuda on a Friday or your ship departs on a Friday, a Supervised Antigen test done no more than 2 days before would be done on the Wednesday.
  10. No one will force you to get off but you will still have to do the Travel Authorization and fee to embark. If you don't take the test or fail the test you won't be able to disembark.
  11. Reading the above I think you all need to take Celebrity at their word. There will be no change. Also in my experience if they do change you will get a letter at embarkation even if they know a month in advance.......
  12. The website may be confusing you because it is done by addition. August 22 only adds protocol for unvaccinated. There has been no change for vaccinated. See under effective June 3 for the protocol .That is still in effect. Then further down the protocol for vaccinated is spelled out clearly. Cruise voyages that take 4 days or less to get to Bermuda from embarkation port: Fully vaccinated passengers may take either a COVID-19 NAAT (PCR, LAMP or TMA) test no more than 4 days before embarkation, or a supervised antigen test no more than 2 days before embarkation. Unvaccinated passengers must take a COVID-19 NAAT test taken no more than 4 days before embarkation (supervised antigen tests are not accepted for unvaccinated passengers as a pre-travel test). Cruise lines may also require a supervised antigen test at embarkation in the terminal or at embarkation on the cruise ship. Passengers under 2 years old do not have to test to enter Bermuda. Cruise voyages that take more than 4 days to get to Bermuda from the embarkation port: All passengers regardless of vaccination status must undergo a further supervised antigen or COVID-19 NAAT on-board, by the ships medical team, no more than 2 days before passengers are to come ashore in Bermuda.
  13. I have stayed at that hotel a couple of times. There are many shops and restaurants within walking distance. Don't even have to cross 17th. You don't need to rent a car. There is also a water taxi stop in walking distance. Since you are staying 2 days you might want to take the water taxi to Las Olas.
  14. We did eight days, supposed to be nine days but Icelandair had equipment probems and we lost a day. I tell everyone they should go. We plan to go back.
  15. I was there in August a few years ago. No Aurora. They said September to March is when to visit for the Aurora.
  16. The travel authorization and fee are still required for all travelers. It is all on the Bermuda government website. https://www.gov.bm/cruise-travel-authorisation
  17. You still have to test. See the Bermuda Government Website for all requirements. https://www.gov.bm/cruise-travel-authorisation
  18. But then why is there no age restriction when I book direct with the tour operators? I believe Royal is making the restriction.
  19. They would not be able to sell any excursions if there was a maximum age restriction on Holland America.
  20. Would have to get an emergency passport or waiver to fly back to the US. That would be a hassle but is doable. A passport is recommended. With over 60 cruises I have never had to fly back. The odds are pretty low.
  21. The chart at middle and bottom of the website says embarkation. And the chart was updated to include unvaccinated passengers. So I think what is on the chart is what they mean.
  22. I give all my old devices away at some point. There is always someone in the extended family who can use it.
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