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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Now that I'm posting on Edge again, I found that quite a few pages on here were omitted when viewing CC on Chrome. I just now read all of your fun Halloween posts and most importantly, I now can wish @LuckynanaMaryann's sweet granddaughter Erin a Happy 21st birthday. May she continue to be a shining light to your family.
  2. I'm back in here on Edge. I clicked "log in" and it automatically brought me in without asking for my username and password. Not sure how long this will last. I prefer Edge since I have most of my favorite places listed here.
  3. How was it? I've read all of his books. Sorry to hear this Lenny. You never said where your pain is. Is it the result of surgery as mine is?
  4. Saw my Podiatrist today. I now have to revert back to wearing the dreaded 'boot" every time I walk. My ankle healed beautifully but the rest of my foot is finding difficulty becoming pain free because it's been non weight baring for 7 weeks. Apparently, I'm not walking as I should, my gait is off which is causing pain. Have to suspend PT for the 2 weeks I have to wear the boot. I'm going to pick up a "shoe extender" as I call it to put under my sneaker of my good foot so that both feet are equal in height so I can walk without limping. My ankle surgery was May 30 and I'm getting disheartened. My femur bone surgery to repair a fracture was a piece of cake compared to this. Next on the list; cataract surgery. This is why I love reading the posts in here and looking at some awesome pictures. Takes me away................ I hope all CC technical sign on issues are resolved soon. Enough already!
  5. Funny, we have opposite issues. I still cannot sign in with Edge but no problem with Chrome. Oh I remember Gate night in Rockland very well. The day of gate night we found a full carton of 12 eggs hidden in our bushes, no doubt waiting for nighttime mischief. Jack threw them out. I wanted to leave a note inside the empty egg carton but we both feared retribution. We had our house in New City egged. What a mess and so difficult to clean. I read 22 Seconds but I don't recall what it's about. I read 2 or 3 books after that one. I just put Grisham's "Boys of Biloxi" on hold at the library. 6 months wait. I have a whole list of books on my kindle, so not too concerned. I'm now reading David Baldacci's newest.
  6. I was just going to post that! Greg, the food pictures you posted all look beautifully displayed and delicious, especially the lamb shank. . Nice size lobster tails.
  7. I still can't log in using Edge. I am notified that either my user name or password is incorrect. They aren't. I used the same info now on Chrome and it worked. Not sure what's going on. I also got an email stating my account has been locked due to security reasons. It claims "someone" tried to log in twice unsuccessfully. That someone was ME!!
  8. I had sign in issues as well. I couldn't log in on my laptop using MS Edge but when I tried logging in with Chrome it worked and here I am!! @lenquixote66Lenny how did your neighborhood reunion go? Hope it was wonderful.
  9. You might be right. My March Oasis cruise is on that site. I registered but hardly check it. I'll have to see if there's one for my Feb cruise.
  10. Welcome to a loving family, RR. Lucy seems to be a very popular cat name. @LionesssSue, what a great baby shower. Your daughter is lovely. Hope she's feeling good. @FromSea2ShiningSeaYou sure made lemonade out of lemons and then some. Congrats on your negative covid results. Have a wonderful cruise.
  11. I remember having great bbq at Sunny Bryan's on Campbell in Richardson. When I first moved to Plano, there was one in Macy's in the Stonebriar Mall near the bedding dept. How weird is that?
  12. Thanks again. I just knew you would have answers. We once went to the Blauvelt diner with my sister and her family. My nephew who was approx. 15 at the time ordered fried chicken. When the plate was put in front of him it had tiny pieces of chicken, each about 2 inches small. My sister told the waitress that her son didn't order pigeon. Maybe people don't post on roll calls anymore because there aren't Meet and Mingles anymore?
  13. Thanks, Ken! What about check in time? Is that on Adventure as well as Oasis and can I do that with just my app for both of us? I'm excited to see the new Galveston terminal. I started a roll call almost 2 weeks ago, for our Adventure cruise in Feb and only one person responded. 🀣
  14. Not sure this is the place to ask but I'll give it a shot. When I book showtimes, check in times, etc., do I book everything on my RCI app for both Jack and myself? Our Feb. cruise is the first time we have to use the app to book "stuff". Can you book shows (ice, nightclub) before boarding or is this only on Oasis class? This is the place I know I'll get good advice/answers.
  15. Deb, I follow one of the pro figure skaters, Jordan Bauth, on you tube. She's on Voyager now, very talented. I hope you get to see the ice show. It always amazes us how they skate on a moving ship. Continued wishes for you to have smooth sails and happy memories.
  16. Congrats, Greg! On the Bella cruise, waive to me when you see me in the Emerald Lounge. Wait, there isn't one. πŸ˜‰ After Bella cruise, we'll be 11 points away from Diamond. I didn't think it would be possible, but we might catch up to you sooner than we expected.
  17. Have a fabulous time in my old hometown. Katz's deli isn't on your itinerary? I hope you'll be able to post a few thoughts when you return.
  18. Congrats on your clean bill of health! The middle picture looks like Rockland Lake where i used to walk at least once/twice a week weather permitting. Beautiful and tranquil.
  19. I'm enjoying your review. Great pictures. Love that balcony. Great place to relax after a tiring day of excursions.
  20. Was Nate able to fix it? Your pup is standing guard! I certainly would subscribe based on @singinalotCrystal's reviews on CC. O M G!!! I hated to click the "like" button but there was no better option.
  21. Debbie, which one did you get? I loved the one I had in my TX house before we downsized. It had freezer on the bottom and two fridge doors on top. (I think they call them French doors). My favorite was the sub-zero that came with our house in NY. Any fridge with a freezer on the bottom is ok with me. The one I have now has the freezer on the bottom so it passes the test. Hope it's delivered on time.
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