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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. What a superb example of how well these river cruise teams are trained that’s two from completely different companies with gold stars for their competence in a potentially dangerous situation. Sounds a bit! but we’ll done.
  2. Wow the sheer power of multiple positive thoughts. Hmmmmmmmmm! 😆😀
  3. As I said I can’t work out how to copy the whole email here when I do I will.
  4. Here are a few points from the email. On 20th February all of Scenics computers went blank globally. Then a few messages stating that all core operating systems and data had been encrypted so we had been cyber attacked. Then a ransom demand was made which he refused to pay. They had to carry out a total system rebuild which took some length of time. All methods of contacting all involved customers, TAs, airlines etc had to be rebuilt. These are very short extracts from a quite long explanatory and apologetic email.
  5. You never know it might be because I actually had the courtesy to write to him.
  6. Ask your TA for a copy of Scenic’s terms and conditions as I’m pretty sure they differ slightly from country to country. I also suspect that the alcohol question is self explanatory, as in ‘no open bar’ think of the ramifications, so why not get certified receipts and claim back.
  7. Sounds good we’re going to have to re-start the ferries across to Holland to by pass France if we want to see the rest of Europe at the moment.
  8. Have you heard of other letters then? I’ve not seen anything on these boards.
  9. I’ve just had an email from Glen Moroney founder & Executive Chairman of Scenic I suspect all previous customers will have as well, i cannot work out how to copy it here. It explains what has happened with Scenic. I will work on the copying.
  10. Notamermaid your right it’s so bad this is happening, we realised earlier in the year cruising on the Canal du Nivernais how bad it was for the French out in the country. So many villages with no small shops bakers, butchers or local bars there is no money. Beautiful country mostly lovely people such a shame. So the problems at the tunnel hopefully will be sorted soon and the persons causing it can get over their temper tantrums. Plus we traveled there and back through the tunnel with no problems so smooth, so far it’s home for the hols this year. Think about us when we’re off the Scotland in September what will they think up to foil our plans?
  11. I also can only speak from my personal experience. Of Scenic over eight cruises and although I have no experience of Viking, I have read extensively on CC’s pages and heard from friends and relatives who have traveled with them about Viking so have also been informed. I would not necessarily expect the quality of service from Viking that I have always received from Scenic Unless things alter drastically I’m fairly sure I won’t be cruising with Viking. I know that they have many ships but I’ve personally seen to many of them damaged during our cruises so maybe I’m a wimp.
  12. WOW and they’re props not jets! Thank you.
  13. Fingers crossed for a few drops of the wet stuff. I do so hope that river cruisers have read the small print put out by the cruise companies. We as in regular cruisers know that busing or ship switching is a possibility during low or even high water level events but it comes as some surprise to newer cruisers and some do get especially vociferous about it. Arriving in Lyon in the dark one year we had to pull over to await another vessel coming upstream to navigate a particular bridge before we went under it, their bridge house was right down there was not a lot of clearance!
  14. I wondered how long it would be before the low water levels impacted on the locks. Their basic design has not changed for a few hundred years. There are many different gate designs but the chamber design has stayed about the same and the part of a lock that would cause a problem is the, cill if there’s not enough water the boats cannot pass over it.
  15. Loriva I’m also surprised did you talk to your, I’m almost afraid to say this - your Butler he or she would I’m sure have addressed your concerns. If they don’t know they can’t sort it. We learnt this after our first cruise with Scenic which was pre all inclusive, the next year all inclusive. Strange to say not a lot of difference just subtle but it worked and has continued to do so. If Scenic says they will do it they will.
  16. That last picture is one of the most excellent examples for past cruisers of how low the water levels are, good eye whoever took it! You'd need an ice axe and crampons to climb up it!
  17. Not being funny but in a strange way I’m so pleased that other countries airports are having the same challenges as ours in the U.K. Our airports and airlines have really been struggling and no one has come up with a believable excuse.
  18. The Scenic fleet ranges from 1m to 1.7 but 1m seems very shallow to me. Mind you all this ship information takes me back to being trained by the then Admiralty as a technical illustrator the then ships drawing boards were way long and marine architects are really picky.
  19. Notamermaid wow I’ve never heard of a cold water geyser let alone the hightest in the world now there’s a reason to change from my usually preferred cruise operator. Thank you.
  20. Seattle1964 ta for your excellent explanation so just to add ( to be completely (nurdy) here goes. Gauging a vessel is a fairly straight forward affair and used to be carried out regularly before wind power usually when first built. It used the depth a vessel sat in the water to work out the weight of cargo the boat could carry. I think it may still be done today but maybe not for that reason. A ship is built to certain specifications but although I don’t think this applies to river cruise vessels that much as they are usually not very old, I’m afraid to say that ships are like humans and can spread with age regardless of them being made of metal. Although what I cannot understand is why these maritime architects haven’t realised that shallow draught is the way to go! On the European river system. Background started with RN ended with space objects.
  21. Heatwave: Ferocious European heat heads north https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62216159 This report has a piece about the Gironde area. If I find any more I will post the link.
  22. Picture this - shallow river, water dumped from from river boat, passengers on shore, ropes on boat to shore and passengers hauling on the ropes. No coaches needed or ship swaps ohhh what fun, I think not. Fingers crossed or a dance for rain.
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