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JF - retired RRT

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Everything posted by JF - retired RRT

  1. Not true. On our April cruise our cabin was at the end of the hall. As an experiment, DH gave me his medallion and stood next to the door as I approached with both medallions. The door unlocked when I was at least 30 steps away from the door. I couldn't even see the door (our cabin was in a small dogleg).
  2. simply open it, then close it and go on your way.
  3. Then be sure to not: carry a cell phone, turn on a computer, sign up for a grocery store "frequent shopper" card, drive a car (cameras everywhere). Likely more thing/places that track us and many more to come.
  4. No one has reported success, yet.
  5. On our April cruise (first time with a medallion)...we used it twice to order drinks for DH. Everything else that we did/needed we accessed the TV. The TV is a LOT easier to use. One exception to the TV, we like to order coffee/tea to our cabin. The TV order system didn't have plain coffee/tea (only the upgraded stuff $). Had to call room service for that.
  6. True. However, I almost always book as soon as the cruise listing goes live and in 25+ cruises have only been able to get a fare reduction once. Plus, you'll have a better choice in cabins...especially if you're picky. 😉
  7. Is that $50 total per person or $50/person/night? If it's $50 total, that's a blazing hot deal...grab it!
  8. Plus, IIRC early access to bookings when a cruise goes live on the website.
  9. We sailed out of San Pedro. No priority line. The suite/elite waiting area was some folding chairs in a different area than everyone else. When boarding was announced, it was basically every man for himself. Not orderly at all. The cards they gave out for boarding order were ignored. Not the way it's usually done.
  10. @pward123 May I suggest that you print out the list of Suite benefits for reference? We recently sailed in our first ever (likely only) suite. If I hadn't had the list of benefits, we wouldn't have gotten most of the items on the list. Either our steward was lazy or uninformed, we had to ask for almost everything that's supposed to be available automagically.
  11. As others posted (why would you want to? CPAP?). Plus there is water available all over the ship. In your bathroom, in the buffet, MDRs. It's everywhere.
  12. That would be what is known as a typo. Happens to all of us. Covfefe🤣
  13. Take the bus! A couple of years ago, it cost 25 cents for seniors, $1 for everyone else. The bus stop near the port is a short walk. One of the stops is at the airport. And you get a nice little tour of Lihue thrown in. If you do it, look for the "shuttle". That's the bus route that you need. The other routes go North and Southwest.
  14. Pre-pandemic there was also a shuttle to the Anchor Village shopping center. There's actually a lot to do there...the stores (of course), several restaurants on both sides of the street, the Kalapaki beach (some snorkel areas plus swim), an easy 1+ mile hike to the lighthouse. Anchor Village shows as "closed temporarily" on a Google search, although it may be reopened now. If the shuttle isn't going and you want to go there...just walk. It's not very far.
  15. DH snorkeled Hanauma Bay in the 60s (stationed in Honolulu). He said the colors of the coral and the amount of fish was breathtaking. We did a DIY on Da Bus 4 or 5 years ago and there were very few fish. All the coral was gray (pretty sure that means it's dead). It was interesting, but definitely a "one and done" for me.
  16. Google works way better to find things on CC. The search function on CC is terrible.
  17. Did you receive $340? Or $380? If you got $380, you're ahead...don't kvetch.
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