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JF - retired RRT

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Everything posted by JF - retired RRT

  1. Correct. Then depending on how much coffee, etc. that you drink...you could share with some new besties. Some here on CC would offer to buy coffee for a friendly face that happened to be standing in line. Maybe a nice thing to do for a newbie.
  2. Everything that you do/buy on the ship that has a charge is paid for with your OBC first (with the exception of Future Cruise Deposits). Non-fundable is used first, then refundable. If you use all of your OBC, your credit card will be charged. If you have OBC left over 🤣...<$25 can be cashed out at passenger services. If it's >$25, a check will be mailed (someday). It took about 2 months after our April cruise. You can also play with your extra OBC in the casino.
  3. 2 coffee packages per mini-bar. If you're a solo cruise, you would get both. A couple can choose to have one for each or (probably) 2 for only one person.
  4. I was confused by the "corporate finance" also. Tried chat and my CVP and they didn't know. After about 2 months, I got a check for the amount that was noted...so yes, that's what it is.
  5. Actually, I think it's likely better. My grandparents had an aquifer under their farm. The water they pumped out of that tasted nothing like the cr*p that we get out of our faucet today. When we lived in HI, we tested the particulate level in the water, it was close to zero and tasted great. Our water in the several towns we've lived in in CA have horrible tasting water. The particulate level is >100. We use a Zero water filter to make it drinkable.
  6. All CPAPs manufactured in the last 20 years or so are dual voltage. It makes is easier to sell in multiple countries without having a different model for the various electrical systems.
  7. There's a 220 outlet behind the bed. DH uses a CPAP and uses this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004SY5O5K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  8. I'm lazy and unimpressed with the hype for bottled water. Just drink the stuff coming out of the faucet...that's the same water that they pour in the MDR.
  9. It would be nice if we could use OBC pre-cruise, but nope...just for excursions.
  10. Some items offered on Lido deck are not included...MOST are free.
  11. Neither. Look for a cabin that has overhang from above or is completely covered. The aft mini-suites are completely covered. They are the last cabins port and starboard. Some aft balconies can have large overhang from above.
  12. Changed from "included limited minutes" for Platinum/Elite to 50% off if purchased before you board a ship.
  13. You could ask for an extension. If you have a PVP/CVP, it would likely be granted. Others have posted that that worked. Direct with Princess or through a TA...who knows?? Still worth a shot.
  14. OP didn't mean the elite/suite "mini bar". The correct terms for the original post should be "the cans & bottles of water" that are often in the cabin to "seed" your purchase of drinks. As others noted, these don't automagically appear a lot anymore.
  15. The simple answer is...you can't use OBC pre-cruise with the exception of excursions.
  16. FYI: many don't know that you're not supposed to leave the balcony doors open...is messes with the AC/heat in a whole section of cabins.
  17. Amazing. First post...sometimes those "one off" posts are just to complain with no responses after that. Hope you're not one.
  18. Did you check this thread? The answer is in there somewhere. I didn't pay much attention to it, because it doesn't affect me.
  19. No umbrellas in our suite in April (first/only time in a suite). That's another thing for us to add to the list of items that our steward didn't provide (if one should have been there).
  20. Hmmm. It's there, just shows "currently unavailable". Don't know why it would be that way for 3 weeks.
  21. In April I forgot to do the 48-72 hour health questionnaire. Remembered while sitting in the Elite lounge waiting for boarding and did it then. No issues. I've wondered what would have happened if I completely forgot about it.
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