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HAL vs. Celebrity -- Concrete differences


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This would probably be best answered by those who've sailed with both lines, and I'm posting this on the Celebrity board as well in order to get feedback from both sides.


What I'm really trying to find out are differences between things that are actually offered on both lines, as opposed to just the general "feeling" of each (i.e., Celebrity = more formal; HAL = more friendly). For instance, from what I've read, Celebrity doesn't offer a regular daily tea, and there's a fee for the one they do have. Also (again, from what I've read), Michael's Club on Celebrity is more of a "piano music" type of venue than a real sing-along piano bar.


So what else varies between the two lines in terms of things offered on one and not the other?

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The major difference for us is the smoking policy. Celebrity prohibits smoking in the cabins, on the balconies, and in the casino while HAL allows smoking in all those areas.


As for tea, Celebrity has informal daily tea in the buffet area, but it is help yourself (little sandwiches, scones, cakes and pastries) rather than the traditional sit-down-and-be-served type of tea.

We actually prefer that when traveling with family or friends because not everyone in the group cares for tea. So some get ice-cream or pizza or a cheese and fruit plate or hot dogs or hamburgers from the grill instead of the tea items, and we can all sit together to chat while we enjoy our individual choices.

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The two cruiselines really are comparable, but different. Service on HAL is great, the professional element is present with discreetness. Celebrity has an enthusiastic group of people who are very engaging and outgoing. Neither one is better, they are both very nice, but different from each other. The smoking policy of Celebrity is the one area that does stand heads above HAL----no smoking in cabins, casino, or anywhere else except three limited outdoor areas on deck 11, I think. No comparison on that one for us--we wish HAL would adopt that policy.

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The smoking policy of Celebrity is the one area that does stand heads above HAL----no smoking in cabins, casino, or anywhere else except three limited outdoor areas on deck 11, I think. No comparison on that one for us--we wish HAL would adopt that policy.


i see that as a major negative against celebrity. i won't even consider X. works both ways.

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I've done both. Haven't been back on Celebrity in a while to be honest as the last time I found myself comparing. (not good). Ship happens and I think we had one of those bad cruises.


I don't remember any fresh squeezed orange juice. Instead of ordering people were going around with trays of juice in the MDR and we had to take what they had. there is no comparison to room service as offered by HAL IMO;)


I just found a lot of little touches were missing - the hand towels in the washrooms, the flowers, that kind of stuff.


again, we probably had a bad cruise but it was the first time I lost a lot of weight on a cruise. Combination of the food (I know that's subjective) and bad service. (by the time he came back to see how it was everyone was done, so I wasn't going to order anything else).


Now, we probably had a bad cruise so don't take everything i say to heart. Others here love X. I will probably try them again someday.....but it will have to be a sweetheart of a deal to lure me.


what I did notice was a lot of the little touches of HAL that we sometimes take for granted were not there. No strings on our cruise (love that on HAL). a few silly things like that. and the Lido did not offer the selection that HAL does IMO;)


It was still a nice ship, a nice cruise (heck any cruise is better than working), but I really found myself pining for HAL:eek:

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Well I only have one Celebrity ship to compare to and that was the Solstice last September. To me the biggest difference was decor and the over all feeling on the ship. Celebrity felt very ultra Modern almost industrial feeling. The Solstice really did NOT feel like a real ship but rather than a moving/floating resort. I know many people would rather have that.

I know so many that are effected my smoke and truthfully I am often bothered by it too but I have not felt this to be the case on my last two HAL cruises.

I think both lines have very good food but the service while excellent over all on both there is a bit more warmness of the crew over all with HAL.

I do prefer the Buffet area on the Solstice over HAL's Lido Buffet but HAL has such a wonderful selection of various juices at breakfast that was not available on Celebrity.

HAL offers what I feel a far premium bath product with Elemis rather than a brand I have never heard of on Celebrity and was not particularly fond of.

I could take or leave the champagne that Celebrity offered at embarkation, when we boarded which was early about 11:30) it was just sitting on a tray, maybe three sips in each plastic glass and it was already flat and warm. No one was handing them out to you like NCL use to do. I was very un-impressed :rolleyes:

I did feel that the production shows on Celebrity were far better than HAL even comparing to the Nieuw Amsterdam.

They are both excellent cruise lines yet as much as they are alike, they are very different. I did feel that Celebrity was quite a bit more formal than HAL but with that being said it also felt a bit more stuffy.


I think it all depends on what you are looking for in a cruise and a cruise line. I could easily go back and do another cruise with Celebrity and enjoy it but after our return with our last two HAL cruises we pretty much know where home is ;)

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This would probably be best answered by those who've sailed with both lines, and I'm posting this on the Celebrity board as well in order to get feedback from both sides.


What I'm really trying to find out are differences between things that are actually offered on both lines, as opposed to just the general "feeling" of each (i.e., Celebrity = more formal; HAL = more friendly). For instance, from what I've read, Celebrity doesn't offer a regular daily tea, and there's a fee for the one they do have. Also (again, from what I've read), Michael's Club on Celebrity is more of a "piano music" type of venue than a real sing-along piano bar.


So what else varies between the two lines in terms of things offered on one and not the other?


They are both at the same level. Celebrity has more modern decor which I prefer. HAL is more traditional. Celebrity has more pampering. Celebrity has an international crew. HAL is Filipino and Indonesian. Celebrity has better showrooms and entertainement. HAL has better food. Celebrity is more restrictive smoking policy which is wonderful in my opinion. HAL cabins are larger. HAL has an older demographic but I think that is overstated these days. As far as formality both are more formal than the rest of the pack of the mass market lines.


I prefer Celebrity but book both. For instance this year I have no Celebrity cruises booked and two on HAL.

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We were only on one Celeberty cruise, the Galaxy out of Houston. Things were in disarray. We haven't been back since. The ship's captain was locked up for drunk while in command of the ship a month later.

It really wouldn't be fair to compare our single Celeberty experience to the eighteen cruises we have taken on HAL ships.

The best thing would be to try different cruise lines until you find out the lines that are a good fit for your cruising style.

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Greetings. I have sailed both lines, and recently. I was on the WESTERDAM, Holland America, on the Panama Canal cruise that sailed April 15, and then on the INFINITY, Celebrity, that sailed to Alaska May 10. This was my second HAL cruise and my first, and LAST on Celebrity. Never have I been so disappointed in a vacation, and a very expensive one as well. Let me say that on both lines I sailed in the penthouse, and expected service to be top notch. I had an idea what to expect on HAL having sailed in the penthouse last year onboard the ZANDAM to Hawaii. I found all the reviews and expectation about Celebrity to be so inflated and over rated it still makes me boil.


I am answering you on the HAL board because expressing my opinions on the Celebrity board only seems to bring me hated feedback from the Celebrity lovers, who I guess think I deserved what I received. You may see my remarks on the thread "Just off the Infinity".


Onboard HAL, the service is near perfect. The staff anticipates your needs, desires and takes care of you. On Celebrity, you have to ask for everything and anything you want, and perhaps you will get something.


The only complaint I have about HAL is the Lido food service. I have learned just to avoid the Lido, and I am happy. Lido problems: No trays. The food stations have no clear enter/exit options so you have to just push your way in, and many people push in front of you. Because there are no trays, you want to make the meal. When you get some food, go in search of a table, place your item down to mark your spot and go to fetch a beverage or something else, you come back and the table has been cleared. I spoke to the food service manager and it was explained that by doing away with the trays, they cut down on waste since people do not take as much. O pointed out that it is total waste when you do not eat anything because it was cleared away before you sit down. On this point, we just had to agree to disagree.

HAL offers the Caneletto Italian dining option on the Lido in the evening that is suppose to be fantastic. I would not know, as they lost my reservation and did not seem to care. Again, in speaking with the food and beverage manager, I was told that the F&B staff starts out in the Lido, and if they make it past probation and stay with the ship, they can be promoted to work in other venues of the ship. Bottom line, I just avoid the Lido and will in the future to avoid frustration.


Lido experience on Celebrity: They do offer trays. The food seemed well presented and attractive and feedback I heard from other passengers was favorable.


Specialty restaurants on both ships were great, good service and worth every cent of the additional up charge.


Entertainment: I would rate equal on both lines. Entertaining. Nothing fantastic, but enjoyable. As for HAL closing down early, I have not seen this. There was always some lounge open late and with the younger passenger (although some of the most mature ones have far more energy than I do at 52) enjoying dancing and listening to music.


On both lines I found the piano bars pleasant to listen, share conversation and hae some nice beverages. not so much a sing a long like on the Carnival ships. On some nights, people did request a song and sing along on HAL which made a festive atmosphere.


Beds: I had no problem sleeping on either line.


Cleanliness: HAL far superior. Celebrity was not up to the standards of a Motel 6.


Embarkation: Celebrity VIP lines went much faster and smoother, however, the published comp champagne on Celebrity was not offered to me, and I had to go search it out, only to be told they were out and I could have "a g;ass" delivered to my cabin, if I called room service, or I could sit and wait until they brought more to the deck.

On Celebrity, no VIP escort to the suite.

HAL had a rep meet and greet you once you were in the VIP check in line and stay with you, making introductions to the Neptune Concierge staff, and escorting you to the suite and going over the layout and how everything worked, then arrange introductions to the spa staff and specialty restaurant staff. Celebrity falls short big time in this level of service. Mind you, I was in the penthouse on both.


Amenities: HAL provides better quality welcome champagne and professional florist quality flowers as opposed to the grocery store flowers on Celebrity and the "sparkling" wine in the cabin.


The cruise director on HAL made a point of introducing himself and mixing and mingling with the suite guests. I only met the cruise director on Celebrity at the last Cruise Critic mingle. He was worthless in my opinion. Never saw him about on the ship, only on the television .


Television: Celebrity has more channel options and better movies than HAL, and also have pay per view which HAL did not. Celebrity had an actual movie theatre as opposed to the multi purpose Culinary Arts Center on HAL. The CAC worked fine for movies, but did not ahve the same theatre feel that Celebrity had.


Style of ships: Both the WESTERDAM, ZAMDAM and INFINITY had beautiful artwork throughout the ships. The Celebrity seems more classic ocean liner like, and more modern in design. Dress codes seems to me more formal on HAL, but that might be due to the age of the passengers, more use to dressing properly. Celebrity advises that no ball caps are allowed in the dining venues, yet were seen on two occasions in the SS United States, the up charge specialty restaurant. Today's society is just more casual, live and let live, but shame on Celebrity for saying one thing and doing another by allowing the guest to get away with the breach of dress code.


I saw an equal amount of tuxedos on both ships, and the ladies and women seemed excitingly glamourous in both lines on formal nights.


I would have no qualms booking and sailing HAL again. I would NEVER book or sail Celebrity again, EVER. Not just because of the lack of service and things not working right in the cabin, and not being fixed, but for the lack of caring from the Celebrity staff and management. A simple apology and validation from the management of Celebrity would have gone a l o n g way to make things right. Any problem brought to the attention on HAL was immediately validated, and attempted to be righted.


Let me know if you have any questions about my experiences. I will be glad to answer. Good luck to you. In my opinion, stay far away from Celebrity. It is a rip off. Kust my opinion.

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I have been on both and because of the Food, cabins and the ships I would have to say they are my top two favorite lines. I have been on Celebrity, HAL, Carnival, NCL, RCCL and Costa. We have cruises booked in the next 10 months on RCL and NCL. I had hoped to book HAL but our last HAL cruise (May ) was not up to standards that my wife nixed HAL and we booked NCL. My wife is the one who absolutely cannot stand HAL. Too boreing and the buffet is messed up. At least I have Celebrity if I want to spend the money otherwise if I go cheap I go the other lines except Costa (that was awful).


They are alike but the differences mostly have to do with the entertainment and HAL is a bit older in the demographics of passengers. HAL puts in an effort during the afternoons, they have classes and seminars (they are great) but evenings tend to die out after dinner. HAL ships have an older group over Celebrity so you do the math. Celebrity puts a bit more into the entertainment in the evenings (my wifes preference). With their much bigger ships they can also keep things going later in the evening with more passengers that stay up.


The deal breaker on our last HAL cruise (last month and our 2nd) was they have the ridiculous policy of serving people in the buffet for the first two days. Makes for unheard of long lines. Embarkation/Debarkation was also the worst of any so I am now limited to Celebrity if I want to spend the extra $.


What I have learned over the years and going on all the different lines is everyone is so different in what they like in a cruise is that you might like HAL over Celebrity or vice versa. My advise is to find the best deal and pick that line. Then , try the other on your next trip.


FYI HAL is the easiest to get the Alcohol you buy on shore past security when you get back onboard. Yes I am one of those awful booze smugglers.

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The deal breaker on our last HAL cruise (last month and our 2nd) was they have the ridiculous policy of serving people in the buffet for the first two days. Makes for unheard of long lines. Embarkation/Debarkation was also the worst of any so I am now limited to Celebrity if I want to spend the extra $.


Oddly this is one thing that I give kudos and a thumbs up to HAL for doingicon14.gif I would much rather be on a cruise ship that is pro active in reducing any NLV and keeping everyone on the ship healthy than what has happened with Celebrity in Alaska. They are running at a HIGH Code Red as I write this with well over a hundred passengers reported ill and 50 crew. That has got to be a horrible cruise to be on :o

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Most of our comparisons would be subjective. We do however like the no smoking rule in the cabins on Celebrity. Also like their attitude re formal nights....passengers are asked and expected to dress formally in the MDR only vs the entire ship. A little more realistic to say the least.


We could care less about Celebrity's welcome glass of champage....it tastes like run of the mill sparking white plonk. More show than go in our experience. But just about any bottle of wine that the cruise lines provide gratis is going to be bog standard plonk. I much prefer HAL's policy on bringing our own wine (more than 2 bottles) on board-I like a taste of the grape while sitting on our balcony. Fortunately, our experience is that Celebrity does not enforce this rule very carefully on embarkation.


Not sure about HAL, cannot remember, but on our last two Celebrity cruises they provided iced face clothes and cold drinks as we returned to the ship on a port day. Nice touch after traipsing about on a hot day or coming back from the beach.


Celebrity's buffet seems to be open longer hours..but this could be a misperception.

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We liked Holland America as they have quite a few activities going on like Olympics,trivia,computer training and many other things.


The food is excellent.


I do agree with the Lido being confusing in the lineups. We have been on about 5 cruises and had no problem until our last cruise on the Zaandam.


They have about 3 or 4 serving stations down each side and some seem to think you have to line up at one end and go all the way though to the other end. I think the idea is to go to the section you want food from and get it from there. We did have some remarks that we were pushing in (first time out of the 5 cruises) but we actually just knew what we wanted and went to the correct section and lined up there.


Something must have been different but I don't know what it was. We definately weren't pushing in as the sections are different. If everybody lined up at one end they would be out on the back deck and serving times would be much longer.


HAL are an excellent cruise line.

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We have taken 3 trips on HAL and 5 on Celebrity along with 20+ on other lines. I find them to be very much the same. It's true some individual policies might be different and each ship is different overall they both provide a very nice vacation. For me I prefer the age group on Celebrity and the roof over the pool on HAL. Our next trip is on HAL and we just got off the Summit. I am 64 and wife is 60.

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Just to clarify - they do have a daily afternoon tea in the buffet area with small sandwiches, scones, cakes, etc. You have to serve yourself, but if you're looking for late afternoon snacks, you won't go hungry.


Some other differences off the top of my head

--Dining room is open for lunch on sea days only on X.

--Another clarification: hand towels were available in the bathrooms on my last three X cruises.

--No wraparound promenades on X

--Champagne when boarding

--X puts a small lounge area (sofas, chairs, canopy) on the pier when returning back to the ship

--Buffet open slightly later in the afternoon and evening

--No dedicated culinary arts center, but they have some cooking demos from the special restaurants

--The decor. Celebrity ships are more modern, use lighter color palettes and more modern art, almost like a boutique hotel. HAL ships are more traditional, using darker colors and drawing on their Dutch/nautical heritage in decor.

--Free movies on demand on the TV, no movies for rent like ShipFlicks.

--More sophisticated interactive TV - can view movies, photos, onboard account, order room service, etc.

--Suite pax get a free meal in the specialty restaurants

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I like HAL's generous policy of allowing PAX to bring as much wine onboard as they want, on embarkation and at ports. I find Celebrity's policy too strict. 2 bottles of wine no matter how long the cruise. On a one-week or a world cruise, 2 bottles. :rolleyes:

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I like HAL's generous policy of allowing PAX to bring as much wine onboard as they want, on embarkation and at ports. I find Celebrity's policy too strict. 2 bottles of wine no matter how long the cruise. On a one-week or a world cruise, 2 bottles. :rolleyes:


With X, the corkage fee per bottle is $25, whereas with HAL it is "only" $18! ;)

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I've only been on one Celebrity cruise, as opposed to several from HAL. We chose that one by itinerary and would do the same again. They seemed comparable to us, and the main differences have been listed by others. A couple of things not mentioned: HAL has regular bath tubs, which is important to my husband; X has a wonderful "spa" dining area (informal) open for lunch and dinner that I wish HAL would add. The spa dining area is a short line with servers, and serves wonderful, lighter, healthy food. We really enjoyed that, especially for lunch. On HAL, we usually avoid the Lido the first couple of days due to that policy. OTOH, our grandsons picked up norovirus (I think in the kids club) on HAL last year, and that was a disappointment. Hardly anyone on board was ill, and the staff were very helpful, but that emphasizes to me the importance of the early precautions. I think it is very hard to clean things like crayons and markers in the kids' club, so none of our family has any bad feelings about HAL from that. Interestingly, though X is supposedly known for their food, we prefer the food on HAL in general, though both are quite good. I especially enjoy HAL's cold fruit soups! Yum!

We've only traveled "steerage" (except for one especially nice upgrade on HAL), so I can't comment on the things our friend from Texas found.

I feel you can't go much wrong with either, though each has flukes on any particular cruise.

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I too do not like Celebrity's 2 bottle per stateroom rule. Having said that, I do not think that it is enforced. We boarded with three bottles each in our carry on. Nothing said, nothing removed.


For all of the minor differences once thing holds true. Cruising is a great vacation value and we feel very fortunate to be able to afford to take cruises-on these lines and other cruise lines. Many people are having a difficult financial time at the moment and I am certain most of them would love to be able to take a cruise....on any ship. I sometimes wonder what others less fortunate would think our our discussion about of the relative attributes of each line.

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I too do not like Celebrity's 2 bottle per stateroom rule. Having said that, I do not think that it is enforced. We boarded with three bottles each in our carry on. Nothing said, nothing removed.


For all of the minor differences once thing holds true. Cruising is a great vacation value and we feel very fortunate to be able to afford to take cruises-on these lines and other cruise lines. Many people are having a difficult financial time at the moment and I am certain most of them would love to be able to take a cruise....on any ship. I sometimes wonder what others less fortunate would think our our discussion about of the relative attributes of each line.


You do raise a good point. That being said, which line has the better Tai Chi instructors? :D;):D;)

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If you are a pool person,The Solstice class ships are very crowded. For a Ship that size, they should have more pools.


I loved the layout in the Lido on the Solstice. It's much easier to walk around and get your food. With that said, dinner on the HAL Ships in the Lido is much better. On the Solstice it was awful.


The Bread Pudding on HAL is tops, IMO. :)


I thought the food on the Solstice was a smidge better. Of course, not with-standing dinner in the Lido. I know some will not agree with me, but the waiters and Ass't waiters on Celebrity are much friendlier.


HAL has much nicer itineraries in the Caribbean. Half Moon Cay is the best.


I love both Celebrity and Holland America, and will continue to sail on both cruiselines.

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I have been on two Celebrity cruises (Baltic and Mediterranean); both were nice. I have traveled Many more times with HAL (from Alaska to Ushaira in the Western Hemisphere, TransAtlantic, Baltic, every port in the Mediterranean. I would take Holland America anytime anywhere rather than any other cruise line (have never been on Crystal--can't afford it!). I have never been disappointed on a Hal cruise. That's because of the crew! The crew makes the difference; they are accommodating, cooperative with one another, and professional. Their goal/ mission seems to be the comfort and pleasure of the passenger. I travel solo and feel very safe with HAL.


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