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Why do we eat with strangers on cruises but nowhere else?

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When my husband and I are cruising alone we like a table for two, but it we end up with a group we are fine. When we travel with family it's either all of us at one table or it's mixed with new people. I've seen this work and I've seen it go badly. All in all I love the dining during cruising in the MDR, it's part of the cruise experience for me.



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:(I always request a small table - 4 to 6 people, and I always end up at a table for 12! This is on a cruise where there are no other tables available, so we usually wind up eating in the buffet for the entire cruise.


How do you manage to get a table the size you like? My TA always requests a small one, and we get a large one, even though our C and A status is Diamond.


We don't dislike people, but are both hard of hearing, and have some physical problems that won't allow us to sit for over 2.5 hours while dining. On a recent Explorer cruise, our dining time was 5:30, which was ok, but at our table for 12, even when all diners showed up on time, we were still holding our menus at 6:30, waiting to order.


I guess next time we'll try My Time Dining.


And yes, we do like people! We frequently make friends in the Diamond Lounge - alas, not the Concierge Lounge any more - and at Trivia Games and other activities. But please! sitting in discomfort at a large table where we cannot converse because of the noise it not my idea of a relaxing vacation.

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Some people like it and some don't. I wonder if a land based restaurant in a tourist area that sat strangers together would survive? ;) Didn't think so.



Come to the south! We have plenty of "family style" restaurants that have been in business for years and years- sit at a large table and pass the food. Great food and good company.

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Having only been on one cruise so far, I can't speak from much experience. I'd definately say I'm more of a people person than my husband, but even he enjoys dining with others.


Our dining experience on our last night of the cruise provided us with a great memory. We had a couple join our table that had not previously been seated there. The man was hilarious! He was one of those people that has a ton of energy and makes conversation with everyone. He went on and on about his hummus. He told everyone every 5 minutes how great his hummus was. Anyone that would listen: the servers, his wife, our whole table. I think if you had given him a mic he would have told the whole ship. We still laugh when we remember this. (probably one of those "you had to be there" moments) If we hadn't sat with others though, we wouldn't have that memory.


I can think of a restaurant in a tourist area that has very much survived. Disney World has a restaurant in Epcot called Biergarten where strangers sit together. We've eaten there every time we've been to Disney (we go every other year). Sometimes everyone at the table talks to each other and sometimes people just acknowledge each other and then continue to eat their food. Hmm...Now I'm craving sauerkraut!:D

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5. Do folks eat at large tables when at home? My most enjoyable and memorable dinners were Sunday dinners with all the relatives, family dinners for religious holidays, family Thanksgiving dinners. In fact we always tried to invite extra people "who had no one else to share their holiday dinner with". I hope this provides enough insight to answer this question without the need to elaborate. Family used to be what the framework of society was built on. Today so many families are fractured .


Ok, I have to laugh...I understand perfectly what you are saying, and I have always seen what you are talking about in movies, but trust me, that isn't always possible in large families... holiday dinners in my family (with the aunts, uncles, cousins, friends of cousins, etc...) . Its buffet style, you have your plate on your lap, you might have to hold the plate and eat while you are standing, or...you might get lucky and grab a seat at one of the few card tables set-up.


It is highly likely that you'll see someone is there but you don't have a chance to talk with them before they leave.


To explain a liittle...Grandmother had 8 children, then there are their spouses, the grandchildren, the grandchildren's spouses, great-grandchildren, great-grandchildren's boyfriends/girlfriend, and the people who might not have others to share the holiday.

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We ALWAYS request a table for TWO and usually get it. You comments about spending quality time at dinner alone is right on. On the twenty or so cruises we have been on we have sat at a table for eight only once since all the tables for two were taken. There are many, many opportunties for you to meet other people then at dinner. We have heard horror stories about other diners not wanting to share their wine to not talking to other diners. I think you are RIGHT on in wanting to dine at a table for two. Now on shore excursions it is different..this is where we WANT to meet as many people from the ship as possible and as many of the local people. Then there are the bars and night clubs for meeting other which we do frequently.

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Ok, I have to laugh...I understand perfectly what you are saying, and I have always seen what you are talking about in movies, but trust me, that isn't always possible in large families... holiday dinners in my family (with the aunts, uncles, cousins, friends of cousins, etc...) . Its buffet style, you have your plate on your lap, you might have to hold the plate and eat while you are standing, or...you might get lucky and grab a seat at one of the few card tables set-up.


It is highly likely that you'll see someone is there but you don't have a chance to talk with them before they leave.


To explain a liittle...Grandmother had 8 children, then there are their spouses, the grandchildren, the grandchildren's spouses, great-grandchildren, great-grandchildren's boyfriends/girlfriend, and the people who might not have others to share the holiday.



*LOL* i know exactly what you are saying.


My family is exactly the same way . Both my mom and dad come from large families and between the children, the grands , the great grands etc etc etc you would have to hold a family reunion in the Astro Dome *LOL*


The last head cound we did for Dad's side of the family was when my grandmother died in 2002. She had 7 chilldren , 27 grandchildren, 46 great grandchildren and 11 great great grandchildren.


And that was 7 years ago , some of those grands and great grands have grown up and had kids.


As my uncle used to say "We are a furtile bunch" *LOL*

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*LOL* i know exactly what you are saying.


My family is exactly the same way . Both my mom and dad come from large families and between the children, the grands , the great grands etc etc etc you would have to hold a family reunion in the Astro Dome *LOL*


The last head cound we did for Dad's side of the family was when my grandmother died in 2002. She had 7 chilldren , 27 grandchildren, 46 great grandchildren and 11 great great grandchildren.


And that was 7 years ago , some of those grands and great grands have grown up and had kids.


As my uncle used to say "We are a furtile bunch" *LOL*


That's so great! I have one brother, and only a few cousins on each side, so we always have had small family holiday gatherings. My stepmom had 9 siblings, and my stepsiblings have somewhere near a million cousins. :) I always wondered what it would be like to have such a huge family.

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That's so great! I have one brother, and only a few cousins on each side, so we always have had small family holiday gatherings. My stepmom had 9 siblings, and my stepsiblings have somewhere near a million cousins. :) I always wondered what it would be like to have such a huge family.



It is nice, and for the most part we all get along.

Now granted with a family that large we don't see everyone in the family that often and a lot are pretty scattered around so sometimes someone will mention a name and you say "Who is that?" *LOL* and someone will say "Oh thats Uncle Jim's daughters husband" or "Thats Cousin so and sos daughter"

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That's so great! I have one brother, and only a few cousins on each side, so we always have had small family holiday gatherings. My stepmom had 9 siblings, and my stepsiblings have somewhere near a million cousins. :) I always wondered what it would be like to have such a huge family.


It is unique to say the least. My husband met my Dad's side five years ago and still gets confused as to who is who. It's also funny to watch him get completely lost on the family dynamics. I learned long ago that in order to get what you want to eat it you need to hover around the buffet area so that you are one of the first to get to the food when its ready. If you don't have a chair to sit in you have to watch those that do. The moment that person looks like he might get up you have to swoop in like a vulcher so that as soon he starts to get up you are in the process of sitting down. The latter part turned out to be a perfect skill to have in a crowded bar.


It is nice, and for the most part we all get along.

Now granted with a family that large we don't see everyone in the family that often and a lot are pretty scattered around so sometimes someone will mention a name and you say "Who is that?" *LOL* and someone will say "Oh thats Uncle Jim's daughters husband" or "Thats Cousin so and sos daughter"


LOL... exactly! Another one is where my Dad says something like "I had lunch with your Uncle Bob today." My response then needs to be, "Care to tell me which one?"


My personal favorite is where a person doesn't seem to have a name..."you know, your cousin who is a speech therapist..."

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Closer to home: I had five kids in ten years, and during dinner, (after a full work day), I had to say "Hey, you!" Knock it off!" So, my kids all think they're named "Hey, you!" They also called me the babysitter's name. When they were being polite. :)

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It is unique to say the least. My husband met my Dad's side five years ago and still gets confused as to who is who. It's also funny to watch him get completely lost on the family dynamics. I learned long ago that in order to get what you want to eat it you need to hover around the buffet area so that you are one of the first to get to the food when its ready. If you don't have a chair to sit in you have to watch those that do. The moment that person looks like he might get up you have to swoop in like a vulcher so that as soon he starts to get up you are in the process of sitting down. The latter part turned out to be a perfect skill to have in a crowded bar.




LOL... exactly! Another one is where my Dad says something like "I had lunch with your Uncle Bob today." My response then needs to be, "Care to tell me which one?"


My personal favorite is where a person doesn't seem to have a name..."you know, your cousin who is a speech therapist..."




Whats funny is with all those relatives you have all the people that they marry and bring into the family so you have so many diverse people coming into the mix. :)


"Who is that guy?"


"Joanne's husband"


"the gynocologist?"


"No Diana is married to the gynocologist, Joanne is married to the CPA."


"I thought Joanne was married to the gynogologist"


"No her second husband was a radiologist, but she divorced him and married this guy and he's a CPA"


"Joanne has been married 3 times? What did the first husband do?"


"Nothing...thats why she left him for the radiologist..but I think he died anyway"


This is normal dinner conversation at my family functions *LOL*

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I eat with strangers every time I go to the Waffle (Awful) House. Oh, wait! They're my neighbors in street clothes! We usually recognize each other's nightgowns when we let the dog out, pick up the paper, pick up after the dog, order pizza at night, etc.

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We ALWAYS request a table for TWO and usually get it. You comments about spending quality time at dinner alone is right on. On the twenty or so cruises we have been on we have sat at a table for eight only once since all the tables for two were taken. There are many, many opportunties for you to meet other people then at dinner. We have heard horror stories about other diners not wanting to share their wine to not talking to other diners. I think you are RIGHT on in wanting to dine at a table for two. Now on shore excursions it is different..this is where we WANT to meet as many people from the ship as possible and as many of the local people. Then there are the bars and night clubs for meeting other which we do frequently.


Not buying the entire table wine is a horror story?:eek:

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Not buying the entire table wine is a horror story?:eek:


LOL -very funny!


I'm still debating what to do on my next cruise. I'm thinking the first night maybe the one night to seat at a big table so we can make up some friendly faces the rest of the cruise, then get table for two the rest of the cruise.

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When my bf and I cruise, it's our alone time, so we request a table for two. We just like it better; we're on vacation and we want to spend our time together, just the two of us. I know that we are in the minority, as most people enjoy cruising because you get to eat at large tables with new people. That seems to be one of the biggest reasons people like cruising over land-based vacations.


Why is that? Why is cruising so different from traditional restaurants or land-based resorts? I don't know the history of it, so I'm very curious about this. Do folks eat at large group tables when at home? What's the appeal?


Please don't flame me for not wanting to meet people, etc., because that's not the case with us. I'm just genuinely curious as to why it's so unique to cruising.


If done properly they should not be strangers after about 10 minutes!

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We have heard horror stories about other diners not wanting to share their wine to not talking to other diners. .


Horror stories?? While I agree that it would be rude to not even attempt to talk to other diners seated at your table, not sharing your wine is completely different. The other people at the table are not members of your party, per se. You didn't invite them to join you, the cruiseline simply seated you at the same table. Each party at the table should order and pay for their own beverages. Others should not feel slighted because they were not invited to share someone else's wine, particularly if the other people are drinking pricey wine.

Think of it this way: If someone at your table orders a coke or a cappucino, you wouldn't expect them to share it with you, would you? Just because wine comes in a bottle that contains multiple servings shouldn't change your expectations.

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Horror stories?? While I agree that it would be rude to not even attempt to talk to other diners seated at your table, not sharing your wine is completely different. The other people at the table are not members of your party, per se. You didn't invite them to join you, the cruiseline simply seated you at the same table. Each party at the table should order and pay for their own beverages. Others should not feel slighted because they were not invited to share someone else's wine, particularly if the other people are drinking pricey wine.

Think of it this way: If someone at your table orders a coke or a cappucino, you wouldn't expect them to share it with you, would you? Just because wine comes in a bottle that contains multiple servings shouldn't change your expectations.


Perfectly put - why would you want to share a bottle of wine with a table full of strangers? If you are at a table for 6-8, that means you would only get one small glass out of your bottle if that.

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Perfectly put - why would you want to share a bottle of wine with a table full of strangers? If you are at a table for 6-8, that means you would only get one small glass out of your bottle if that.

Hey - I'm in Chatham, NJ! So close! :) Anyway, I didn't know what to do last cruise. We had bought a bottle of white and a bottle of red for dinner. I really didn't want to share (I know, how rude, but it was expensive and we wanted to drink our wine) but I offered it anyway. Everyone declined but thanked me. So I think the 'proper' way for ALL at the table is for the person to offer their wine but for the others to DECLINE.:D I mean, I wouldn't feel right about drinking a strangers or forced acquantances wine on a cruise ship but I still felt pressured to offer it. I'm glad no one accepted but I would never think ill of anyone for not offering - in my head I would think 'damnit, thats what I should have done':p

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LOL -very funny!


I'm still debating what to do on my next cruise. I'm thinking the first night maybe the one night to seat at a big table so we can make up some friendly faces the rest of the cruise, then get table for two the rest of the cruise.

Hi Rafa. That's what we were just talking about doing! We thought since we have MTD, why not try out a big table and see if we have a good time - I"m social, he likes to quietly soak in the atmosphere:D. Then we could also get a table for two whenever we want!

He asked me if we can say 'we'll take a big table, but can we see them first?' Lol!:p

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