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Need cruise etiquette advice. Please Help


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I think all of you will be so tired from a port-intensive Med. cruise that everyone will be so exhausted they won't hear a thing! It is not the same as a Caribbean cruise. Why can't your friend take an over-the-counter sleeping pill. (antihistamine) She won't hear anything. I used to and my DH used to use breathe-right strips but that was only when we first started cruising.


Bon Voyage


P.S. I can hear through earplugs. Save your money.



This is over the top IMO


Now there's an expectation 'friend' should have to take a medication in order to be able to sleep through Mom's snoring???


That is so out of the question it's not even a consideration IMO

How can you possibly know her medical history, personal feelings about any medications, possible interaction with other medications she may be taking or any of a host of other issues??


Of course, she should not be expected to take any medication OTC or not.

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How about the other vantage point if the daughter and her mother were my friends I would see their dillema and try to help them too by either footing the bill for a single room (which she now has) or putting up with grandma. Freindship isn't a one way road you know.


OP I hope your friend is one who will be understanding and try to help you too.

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Thank you for your comments. I appreciate the advice. The cruise company will allow the transfers but the airline will not. We most likely are not going to replace our daughter's spot. Since my friend did indicate that she did not want to be in the cabin with anyone who snores I will take the advice and go to my mom's and see if she snores. If she does then we will leave the cabin open. If she does not snore then we will arrange a meet and greet. My mother is very active, in good health and travels frequently. My friend is in her early 60's and my mom is 71 so we think if she doesn't snore it would be a good match.


OK.. now that you're going to your mom's to see if she snores... I hope you know that now we're all in suspense about whether or not she DOES..... : )


Please come back after you find out and let us know!


(this is better than Peyton Place)..



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OK.. now that you're going to your mom's to see if she snores... I hope you know that now we're all in suspense about whether or not she DOES..... : )


Please come back after you find out and let us know!


(this is better than Peyton Place)..




Actually, I thought it was starting to sound like a SNL sketch. OP asked a simple question, the answers sound weirder and weirder........



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I'm on the other side of the coin with this one. My sis in law went with me last time, and she informed me that I snore loudly.

I am going in March with a friend of mine, and informed him of my problem, he said that it's ok.

But, I would like to fix this before we go.

I need some suggestions on what to buy...do Breath Right strips really work for nose snoring?



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Breathe right can be effective. You won't know unless you try. If you snore because your throat relaxes to the point that it's closed, (Apnea) they won't help. You would need to see a Dr. about that. Although you could come here for free medical advice too :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
We bought two cabins for a 12 day Mediterraneon cruise. My husband and I were going to be in one cabin and our 30 year old daughter and a friend of mine in the other. Prior to booking the cruise my friend indicated that she wanted to join us as long as our daughter does not snore which she does not.

Problem: We are within 3 weeks of sailing and our daughter cannot go on the cruise due to issues surrounding her doctoral dissertation. The cruise insurance does not cover her reasoning for cancelling. We paid about $2000 for her air and cruise ticket. I asked my friend if she knew of anyone who wanted to take our daughter’s place and she did not. My mother enjoys traveling, would love to go on this cruise and is willing to go in place of our daughter but my mother is not sure if she snores and does not have anyone who lives with her who can listen for the night. If my mother does not take the space then we are out of the cost of the trip and my friend will have the cabin to herself. If my mother takes the cruise and she snores then we are putting my friend in a position she did not want to be in so that doesn’t seem right. However, my friend not willing to wear ear plugs if the snoring occurs seems rather rigid. Is it fair to ask the friend to split the cost of my daughter’s cruise portion if she wants to have the cabin to herself? Do we take my mother and see what happens or do we eat the cost of the trip?

Any solutions?



You should take your mother. And you should be with your husband in one cabin and the friend and mother can be in another. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BOARD WITH THIS FRIEND. I don't understand why YOU are stressing out so that this friend can have a non-snorer in her cabin! First of all she is intruding on your vacation and then she has such demands! Tell her in no uncertain terms to stick it with Mom or cancel HER trip. You are too too nice to be stressing out over a friend's snibbly problem like that. You need a vacation FROM her!

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You should take your mother. And you should be with your husband in one cabin and the friend and mother can be in another. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BOARD WITH THIS FRIEND. I don't understand why YOU are stressing out so that this friend can have a non-snorer in her cabin! First of all she is intruding on your vacation and then she has such demands! Tell her in no uncertain terms to stick it with Mom or cancel HER trip. You are too too nice to be stressing out over a friend's snibbly problem like that. You need a vacation FROM her!


Well, that settles that.

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I would not eat the cost of the cruise, so I would take the mother. If she snores and you lose a friend just find another friend :).


Fabulous advice, second only to the poster who recommended paying a unethical doctor to falsify a document in order to defraud the insurance company. I'm pretty sure you're both joking...nobody would really do either of these things just to spare $2G would they?

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Give your friend several glasses of wine before bedtime. While it won't cure your Mother's snoring (if she snores), the snoring won't wake your friend if she's had enough wine before bedtime (LOL). I wouldn't eat the cost of the cruise...sorry. This friend isn't being very flexible and you are trying to come up with a solution.



But don't let your mother drink before bed because if she doesn't snore sober that might not be the case after she liquors up! :p

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You should take your mother. And you should be with your husband in one cabin and the friend and mother can be in another. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BOARD WITH THIS FRIEND. I don't understand why YOU are stressing out so that this friend can have a non-snorer in her cabin! First of all she is intruding on your vacation and then she has such demands! Tell her in no uncertain terms to stick it with Mom or cancel HER trip. You are too too nice to be stressing out over a friend's snibbly problem like that. You need a vacation FROM her!


If they had a problem with the friend's requirement that a cabinmate not snore, they should have told her, "Sorry, we don't want to worry about something like that. Perhaps you can cruise with us another time." But that is not what they did. They agreed with the requirement and are now expecting their friend to deal with a different cabinmate who she doesn't know and who may or may not be a snorer.


If they felt the friend was "intruding" on their vacation, they should have said, "This is just for family. Maybe another time." But they obviously were fine with it (and probably in part because it meant they did not have to pay the single supplement for their daughter to be alone in the second cabin). Now you think that the friend is being unreasonable for expecting to have exactly what she said she needed? Sure, maybe they should say, "Mom is cruising in your cabin. We don't care how you feel about that. Suck it up or don't take the cruise." IMO, the friend should then cancel and tell the cruise line the mom will be cruising alone. That way the family could be charged for the single supplement so that mom can cruise in the cabin alone. I don't think it's the friend who is the problem. I think it's a problem when she has said exactly what she needs, they have agreed to that, and then want to make their daughter's cancellation their friend's problem, both in cruising and financially.


I think the OP should be "stressing" over this in as much as it's completely unreasonable to say, "Our daughter can't go at the last minute. It's not covered by insurance. You should give us the money for her fare so that we're not out the money ourselves."


Just because you think it's a "snibbly" problem doesn't mean it is to everyone. Some people are very light sleepers and cannot sleep if they are in the same room with someone who snores. Not being able to sleep can ruin someone's next day. Bad enough in regular life, really sucky on vacation. Guess you don't have any sympathy for those who have different opinions or expectations from yours?:rolleyes:


How many times does it need to be said? The daughter's cancellation is not the responsibility or problem of their friend. It is the daughter's problem and by extention, her parents' problem.



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You should take your mother. And you should be with your husband in one cabin and the friend and mother can be in another. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BOARD WITH THIS FRIEND. I don't understand why YOU are stressing out so that this friend can have a non-snorer in her cabin! First of all she is intruding on your vacation and then she has such demands! Tell her in no uncertain terms to stick it with Mom or cancel HER trip. You are too too nice to be stressing out over a friend's snibbly problem like that. You need a vacation FROM her!



Oh. My. Goodness. :eek:



The original poster was pretty vague about how the friend joined up. I think just possibly the OP may have ASKED her to come along in order to not have to pay full-fare for the daughter's cabin. What gives you the idea that she is "intruding" into their vacation??

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If I was your friend I would want you to share your worries with me. Tell her the truth and you may be surprised by her answer. Most friends would not want you to be stressed out and would help come up with a solution that would be good for all concerned.


BTW, I would suggest a fan or ambient noise machine as a way to drown out any snoring.

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The fact is the OP paid out $2000 which they will not recover and unless the mother goes and pays them back the cruise portion of the fare, the money is simply gone.


From what I read, the friend and this family agreed to the stipulation of no snoring before the booking was made. So to me, it would be totally unfair of them to ruin her vacation if the mother snores and keeps her awake. This friend must have paid her own fare as well and is entitled to the peace and quiet that she expected.


I'm sorry for the OP that they may be losing money, but that's the way it is. Put yourself in the friends place for a moment... you had planned a vacation for a while, had a roomie that was agreeable to you, then 3 weeks prior to leaving a person not of your choosing was substituted. How would you feel?

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My husband has been a hard-core snorer for years - totally understand the whole can't sleep with it thing.

We have recently found these dissolving strips by Breathe Right called throat

strips. They taste good (wintergreen) and his snoring has almost completely gone away. Yay! One a night does the trick - and your mom should take extra,

on the chance that your FRIEND snores! Can't say how great it is to sleep the whole night without the growling next to me!!

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Earplugs. They're cheap, and quite comfortable if you get the soft ones. The key is to make sure the roomate practices with the earplugs BEFORE the cruise. Have her wear them while awake doing normal things around the house to get used to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If they had a problem with the friend's requirement that a cabinmate not snore, they should have told her, "Sorry, we don't want to worry about something like that. Perhaps you can cruise with us another time." But that is not what they did. They agreed with the requirement and are now expecting their friend to deal with a different cabinmate who she doesn't know and who may or may not be a snorer.


If they felt the friend was "intruding" on their vacation, they should have said, "This is just for family. Maybe another time." But they obviously were fine with it (and probably in part because it meant they did not have to pay the single supplement for their daughter to be alone in the second cabin). Now you think that the friend is being unreasonable for expecting to have exactly what she said she needed? Sure, maybe they should say, "Mom is cruising in your cabin. We don't care how you feel about that. Suck it up or don't take the cruise." IMO, the friend should then cancel and tell the cruise line the mom will be cruising alone. That way the family could be charged for the single supplement so that mom can cruise in the cabin alone. I don't think it's the friend who is the problem. I think it's a problem when she has said exactly what she needs, they have agreed to that, and then want to make their daughter's cancellation their friend's problem, both in cruising and financially.


I think the OP should be "stressing" over this in as much as it's completely unreasonable to say, "Our daughter can't go at the last minute. It's not covered by insurance. You should give us the money for her fare so that we're not out the money ourselves."


Just because you think it's a "snibbly" problem doesn't mean it is to everyone. Some people are very light sleepers and cannot sleep if they are in the same room with someone who snores. Not being able to sleep can ruin someone's next day. Bad enough in regular life, really sucky on vacation. Guess you don't have any sympathy for those who have different opinions or expectations from yours?:rolleyes:


How many times does it need to be said? The daughter's cancellation is not the responsibility or problem of their friend. It is the daughter's problem and by extention, her parents' problem.




Wow! those claws of yours are quite sharp beachchick!

I expressed my opinion..........people with opinions different than mine do not need sympathy (just tolerance), because they are their own opinions and they can express them on the board. As for expectations, not every body has the same expectations either! SO WHAT!

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I would not eat the cost of the cruise, so I would take the mother. If she snores and you lose a friend just find another friend :).


Wow. I sure hope you are kidding about "just find another friend"! If you aren't kidding, I'm sure glad you aren't my friend! Ruin someone's cruise and then not care if you keep their friendship? Yikes. You must be related to the Grinch!


Again, I'm hoping you are kidding. If you aren't, you have a LOT to learn in life about what really counts. (Hint: It ain't money.)

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Wow. I sure hope you are kidding about "just find another friend"! If you aren't kidding, I'm sure glad you aren't my friend! Ruin someone's cruise and then not care if you keep their friendship? Yikes. You must be related to the Grinch!


Again, I'm hoping you are kidding. If you aren't, you have a LOT to learn in life about what really counts. (Hint: It ain't money.)


I think that I had the smiley face :).


I know alot of snoring because my husband snores and I usually go into another bedroom to sleep so I know how annoying it can be with a snorer. By the way, I like the Grinch!

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Ha Ha . I agree! THAT would take the cake :D. Frankly, this board is becoming stale cheese. I'd be happy to just BE on a cruise, snoring mother, demanding friend, and all!!!!


We may be sniping at each other in previous posts, but I could not agree more with this one. What I wouldn't give to be on a cruise in warm weather away from the stresses of the day-to-day.:)



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Wow! those claws of yours are quite sharp beachchick!

I expressed my opinion..........people with opinions different than mine do not need sympathy (just tolerance), because they are their own opinions and they can express them on the board. As for expectations, not every body has the same expectations either! SO WHAT!


I'm sorry, I think I may have crossed swords with Beachchick before (although I am not certain) but on this she is absolutely spot on 100%.


I would almost go as far as to say that the friend would have legal comeback if she had made a specific stipulation prior to booking, and the other party for whatever reason had reneiged on the agreement

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