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One Bag Travel

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I've seen it addressed here and there, but there's no specific thread. One great way to save money if you're flying to your cruise is to pack in one carry-on sized bag plus a "personal item" which can be a backpack. Even if you're not flying, it really reduces the stress of travel. It turns out you just don't need most of the crap you carry with you when you travel.


My wife and I travel exclusively one-bag these days, regardless of the destination or trip duration. We do this now in spite of traveling with a 4 year old. My wife and I each carry a carry-on sized convertible backpack and a small personal backpack. Our daughter's stuff fits in the two bags with our stuff, though now she has her own small rolling bag to travel with.


Not only does it save money when flying, it is also just extremely easy to move from place to place. It's easy to unpack and repack. It's much less stressful at packing time just before a trip, as we have a checklist and just put everything in our bags the night before we leave.


There are a number of websites which can help you to pare down to the true necessities. I like One Bag One World and onebag.com. Their advice is good.

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Just remember, if you are flying you must comply with the liquid rules.


Good point. Fortunately it's not hard to comply with the War on Harmless Liquids. :D


Cruise lines and hotels supply shampoo and it's easy to find toothpaste in the small sample-sized tubes. We're set!


One day I'm going to take a big block of ice through "security theater", just to see what happens. I love to hassle the TSA goons, and that would be a good one.

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One day I'm going to take a big block of ice through "security theater", just to see what happens. I love to hassle the TSA goons, and that would be a good one.


Why? Most of those people are just trying to do their jobs. I am not sure why you would deliberately seek out a confrontation that could inconvenience other travelers as you hold up the line, or yourself.

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One day I'm going to take a big block of ice through "security theater", just to see what happens. I love to hassle the TSA goons, and that would be a good one.


dont we have enough delays these days without crap like this...i do hope you were just making a joke?!

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Good point. Fortunately it's not hard to comply with the War on Harmless Liquids. :D


Cruise lines and hotels supply shampoo and it's easy to find toothpaste in the small sample-sized tubes. We're set!


One day I'm going to take a big block of ice through "security theater", just to see what happens. I love to hassle the TSA goons, and that would be a good one.

If you can really distract them, maybe a terrorist can sneak by and get on your plane. That would be a real blast.

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Good for you! Personally, there's no way I'd attempt or want to travel that way....to each his own, I guess! I like having choices, and I do NOT want to be in a 1-color wardrobe the entire time! The toiletry thing....many of my preferred brands don't come in travel size, and especially when I'm on vacation, I want to look great! No "unknown" toiletries for me!

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Why? Most of those people are just trying to do their jobs. I am not sure why you would deliberately seek out a confrontation that could inconvenience other travelers as you hold up the line, or yourself.



Well, if you think YELLING and playing "Make up a rule" is thier job I guess they are "doing thier jobs"


The sad part, they probably wouldn't catch the ice.


Remember the TSA was told "there will be a test with a fake bomb" They were told the day and time and then told what teh testers were wearing... and THEY MISSED THE BOMB!



However, the liquid "seive" is pretty easy to deal with. I use a shampoo bar for example


(And if you think the liquid rule provides safety WHY? Airline employees and airport employees are exempt and WHO was one of the original liquid bomb plotters.. that's right an airport employee who could still bring ANY amount of liquids on the plane!)

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I was joking about the block of ice. I'm not joking about hassling the TSA. When your job is to violate my rights, then I'm not going to accept it without paying it back. I travel with a copy of the TSA rules and hold them to the letter of the law, and I don't hesitate to call the police over when they step over the line.

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Good for you! Personally, there's no way I'd attempt or want to travel that way....to each his own, I guess! I like having choices, and I do NOT want to be in a 1-color wardrobe the entire time! The toiletry thing....many of my preferred brands don't come in travel size, and especially when I'm on vacation, I want to look great! No "unknown" toiletries for me!


It's actually not hard to put together a decent wardrobe that will fit in a maximum-sized carry-on. As for the toiletries, the difference is primarily in marketing, not in substance, but that of course is just my opinion. My wife agrees, and she always looks fantastic on our vacations just like at home. To be fair, her clothes are much smaller than mine so she does get to pack more items than I do.


Neither of us packs any toiletries besides a tiny tube of toothpaste each, a deodorant stick each, and my little bottle of shaving oil.

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I travel carry on a lot and I have a BOATLOAD of stuff.


Tricks I have learned.


1. Shampoo Bar. My hair actually does very well with the Lush Bar. Better then hotel shampoos

2. Avenda Pure Abundance Styling Powder. GREAT stuff. If it didn't cost so much I would use it daily, but I save it for travel

3. Bare Minerals makeup


Just pack that baggie FULL! (Old ones are nicer you can cram more stuff in :) )

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We are traveling Wednesday, and the 3 kids are all taking carry ons. Hubby and I are taking a large duffle and checking that. That way, if the kids have anything "illegal" such as toiletries, they can put it into my bag. This way, we are only spending $25 each way for the 5 of us for luggage!:D

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The toiletry thing....many of my preferred brands don't come in travel size, and especially when I'm on vacation, I want to look great! No "unknown" toiletries for me!


If your preferred brand offers give away specials when you buy products, save those for travel. I haven't bought a sample size product except deodorant and toothpaste. My Estee Lauder giveaways include the entire line. They have even given me a sample of a product that I needed when I wasn't making a purchase. My sister uses MAC line, and they have the tiniest sample size containers that hold a week or more of product. They don't have thick walls or dead space so hold more in smaller package.

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Sorry to say, Gtalum, but your attitude towards authority is very much like some of the 7th graders I teach. Most people outgrow the need to be cocky and immature by the time they graduate Junior High. I'll take your boasting and blustering with a grain of salt.

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Sorry to say, Gtalum, but your attitude towards authority is very much like some of the 7th graders I teach.


No, it's probably not. My distaste only extends to illegitimate authority, like the TSA thugs. Further, I'm not sure that holding authority, be it legitimate or illegitimate, accountable to its own rules and regulations is irresponsible or juvenile.

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TSA stories. My disabled husband age 68 and all grey haired who uses a wheelchair is on the terrorist watch list, and has to have his passport number cleared over and over when he flies, at a check-in counter andholding everyone up. Even the agents sort of snicker. However, they've just made it possible to get off the list by a long application. He's on the list because he has a common name -- Smith-type -- which real terrorists have used. I asked, "How about me? I have a common name too." And they said, "Oh, women are rarely terrorists."


I once had to go through security everytime I went to the bathroom, and each time, the TSA agents confiscated something new. My mascara! My souvenier cup! My teabag!


My very favorite -- in Rapid City, SD, all the TSA agents were at lunch when we arrived, and they had a ribbon up over the entrance "Out to Lunch." The area was completely deserted. I could have slipped by with 50 suitcases full of guns. About a half-hour later, they all came back.


But they've done really NICE things like find my prescription medicine on the floor, and chase me down the concourse to give it back.

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The only way to go.

As soon as Airlines started charging for baggage our family of four started using the One carry on plus personal item (backpack) for all our travel. We have successfully and comfortably traveled for up to 15 days so far and haven't wanted for anything yet.

They say Airlines are catching on to this though and considering charging for carry on as well

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Sorry to say, Gtalum, but your attitude towards authority is very much like some of the 7th graders I teach. Most people outgrow the need to be cocky and immature by the time they graduate Junior High. I'll take your boasting and blustering with a grain of salt.



No, those that don't grow out of it are HIRED by the TSA so they can abuse thier fellow citizens.


Don't believe me???


I once saw a TSA jerk stand there and SCREAM at a Senior Citizen "IF YOU WANTED TO YOU COULD GET YOUR FAT XXX OUT OF THAT CHAIR" Woman and her companion were in tears. When I asked another agent "why is allowed to do this" her response was "we can do anything" My response CALL YOUR SUPERVISOR.. (Response "you will miss your plane" SO????) Supervisor defended the jerk until two other passengers who had been standing off waiting jumped in and confirmed my story. Then he acted very put out that we DARED to complain.


I was also once told by an agent "the fact that you have a corkscrew gives me the right to strip search you" Since I also carry a printout of the regulations I handed those to him and asked for his supervisor. (Response "you will miss your plane" :) ) I waited and complained.


Yes, someday I will miss my plane but that's a small price to pay.


I don't take abuse from the THUGS!



Thousands Standing Around wasting my tax dollars while providing "Thearter" of security. They assume that (A) terrorists will ONLY do what has been done before and (B) a terrorist will ONLY fly under a known name. Both are proven to be false, but..... (and even when they do fly under a known name... well we have seen how that works... !)

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Not all screeners are TSA employees. Quite a few airports contract with private companies. Whomever is screening, however, did not make the rules and didn't get a pay increase to deal with people who are unhappy with new rules. If there's a possibility that my kids and I will be safer thanks to them, I'm certainly going to do my part to make their job easier.It's not going to do any good to give them grief. It accomplishes nothing.

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Not all screeners are TSA employees. Quite a few airports contract with private companies. Whomever is screening, however, did not make the rules and didn't get a pay increase to deal with people who are unhappy with new rules. If there's a possibility that my kids and I will be safer thanks to them, I'm certainly going to do my part to make their job easier.It's not going to do any good to give them grief. It accomplishes nothing.


TSA (nor the private firms trained by TSA) do not make anyone safer. It's theater designed to make people feel safer without actually accomplishing anything. If TSA was concerned with safety, they'd do better than hiring the bottom of the barrel at near minimum wage and with minimal training to harass the traveling public. They'd also start screening cargo. The fact is nobody needs to carry on a weapon to cause damage, they can just ship it as cargo and not even board the plane.


In the meantime the TSA's primary responsibility is to restrict our right to travel freely and violate our privacy rights. This is why I travel with a copy of the regs and don't hesitate to call for a LEO when they almost always overstep.

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Not all screeners are TSA employees. Quite a few airports contract with private companies. Whomever is screening, however, did not make the rules and didn't get a pay increase to deal with people who are unhappy with new rules. If there's a possibility that my kids and I will be safer thanks to them, I'm certainly going to do my part to make their job easier.It's not going to do any good to give them grief. It accomplishes nothing.



One of my friends had a cousin who got a job as a screener. She quit after a few weeks and the main reason her "supervisor" was allowed to make up new "rules" every day to upset the traveling public and she had to enforce hsi "rule of the day" nonsense! So yes, they are "making up the rules"


your kids ARE safer now then pre 9/11, but that's due to REAL law enfrorcement not "theatre"

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  • 1 month later...

Oh how this has gone from a one carry-on bag to TSA bashing.

We have travelled world-wide with only one carry-on and a small personal item, up to 45 days at a time. You do have to wash clothes. We usually have one weeks of clothes without washing. It is amazing what you don't NEED. Most clothes are lightweight if possible and packed tightly.

I even manage to get my snorkle, mask and small fins in when required.

We talk to so many people who say they bring stuff with them that they never use.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a total 1 bag convert. I don't do 1 color. I pick a neutral or two & 2-3 colors (normally my favorite colors: purple, pink & orange) & mix & match. I wear my boots on the plane (not as big of a hassle as you might think) & bring comfortable walking shoes & fancy sandals. Only 2 pairs of jeans (1 to wear & 1 to pack) & more skirts & dresses. A few key accessories & jewelry & I'm ready to go. I'd rather have more room for souvies!

I also found a collapsible duffel bag that folds up to about the size of a laptop computer. If space becomes an issue we can toss dirty clothes in the duffel & check it.

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I travel carry on a lot and I have a BOATLOAD of stuff.


Tricks I have learned.


1. Shampoo Bar. My hair actually does very well with the Lush Bar. Better then hotel shampoos

2. Avenda Pure Abundance Styling Powder. GREAT stuff. If it didn't cost so much I would use it daily, but I save it for travel

3. Bare Minerals makeup


Just pack that baggie FULL! (Old ones are nicer you can cram more stuff in :) )


I love Lush products too! I asked that question on their N/A Forum "how do you travel with Lush". Many said the solid shampoo (pucks) were wonderful. I'm going to get one before we go but I will also pack a bubble bar, bath balistics, and melts (grin).

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