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48 Days on Roterdam-Mistake????????


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As everyone circles the wagons around HAL and attacks the OP (why did he list this or that complaint and why doesn't he cancel his cruise and go elsewhere), I think many of you are missing the point (and his angst) and doing the OP a disservice.

I have a cruise on the Rotterdam (my 1st with HAL) scheduled not long after the OP.

I turned to this forum only to find (again, like the OP) post after post of the most egregious and outrageous complaints.

As the OP said, these were not his (her) complaints, but quotes taken directly from this forum.

This is a classic case of confusing the message with the messenger and many of the defensive replies (what do you have against old people and go take your business elsewhere) strike me as protesting just a but too much and being unsympathetic to a fault.


What a lovely post! Below are just some of my added thoughts to the OP:


We were on the Rotterdam for 30 nights in November and had a fabulous time! We are a couple in our 50's and 60's and found many folks who were just like us and enjoyed the cruise. Age of the cruisers should not be the criteria you look at when booking a ship. True, longer cruises will typically have more senior folks but they are just as excited to cruise and can lend lots of fun stories to your experience.


As for plumbing issues, all ships have them. If you focus on the problems and not the itinerary, you may be setting yourself up for failure. The Rotterdam is a beautiful ship and certainly has many years of service left in her!

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I see you quoted some of my review comments... We were on the Rotterdam over Christmas. I made the comment about the ship seeming older than its 13 years and that comment is less than one month old.


Yes, we certainly had our issues on that cruise and it was not one of our best for multiple reasons. I'm not a first time poster or cruiser, btw!


Without further dissing the Rotterdam (I made my points and stand by them!), I would say a couple of things....


A voyage as long as you are planning is going to be chock full of very old people, because they are the only ones who can spare the time and money to undertake such a trip. To expect otherwise is completely unrealistic. There is nothing wrong with cruising with older people! But to go on board and expect a younger crowd is setting yourself up for disappointment on this ship, or any other.


48 days is a LONG time at sea on any ship... The Rotterdam has its flaws, but I think most ships would wear thin for a lot of people for that length of time. I would be absolutely sure you want to do such a long voyage firstly, and would really be careful which ship and line you book with...


Our cruise could have gone completely differently had we not had such cabin issues with a flooded floor and a missing sofabed for a family. We might not have been aware of the chronic water problems on the ship had we not been avid CC readers. A different cabin location might have meant a different review. You can't assume the entire ship is like this. My comment about how disappointing the holiday festivities were on the ship will not apply to your planned trip.


This is not a perfect ship. There is no such thing. There are plenty of other ships I would go back on before this one but that doesn't mean it is a floating disaster zone. Choose your cabin carefully and stay away from the aft end of the ship, as it seems to be worse back there.


The food and service were excellent, the daytime activities a lot less so. The passenger age didn't bother me particularly. I'm used to being on the young side on ships anyway, so I'm quite comfortable around people of all ages.


Good luck with your decision!

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Ready to book a 48 days cruise on Rotterdam out of Amsterdam on Sep 7/11 (Baltic/Europe/Black Sea/Med) but after seeing some of the comments on the Cruise Critic Reviews by former passengers we are now second guessing. Should we reconsider?
Glutenhab, I think you should run, not walk, away from the Rotterdam cruise. But not for any of the reasons that you listed.


I’ve read many of your previous posts as you try to select a cruise for your special occasion. I know you’ve asked for feedback on several cruise lines and itineraries. That’s all good. But your posts always appear to me to be full of doubt & uncertainty. You seem to focus on the negative. I see little enthusiasm for your trip of a lifetime.


As an “armchair psychologist” ;);) I think you still have some serious misgivings about your planned trip, which causes you to look for reasons why it shouldn’t happen. Your nagging doubts show up in simple things like the hypercritical litany of problems on the Rotterdam that you compiled. I believe you’ve set the stage for a potentially unhappy experience.


Ultimately, only you know what is best for you. Nobody here can give you reassurance that you’re selecting the right ship or right itinerary. Armed with all the info you have, it's now time to trust your instincts.


Just my $.02 worth – keep the change.

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Attitude can break or make a challenging situation, this is of course true. But I wonder if the poster and others considering the ship would just like some reassurance the leakage, floods and sewage issues are under control.



Of course people on any given cruise can have different experiences, because they encounter different people, are on different sides of the ship and have different staff that helps them.


There are advantages to cruising with an older crowd. I enjoy hearing the travels of those with more history than I have.

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As everyone circles the wagons around HAL and attacks the OP (why did he list this or that complaint and why doesn't he cancel his cruise and go elsewhere), I think many of you are missing the point (and his angst) and doing the OP a disservice.

I have a cruise on the Rotterdam (my 1st with HAL) scheduled not long after the OP.

I turned to this forum only to find (again, like the OP) post after post of the most egregious and outrageous complaints.

As the OP said, these were not his (her) complaints, but quotes taken directly from this forum.

This is a classic case of confusing the message with the messenger and many of the defensive replies (what do you have against old people and go take your business elsewhere) strike me as protesting just a but too much and being unsympathetic to a fault.


In all fairness, the op asked - and some of the answers were and still are 48 days can be a long time on a ship if you're not happy.


Please don't misunderstand, we can all find bad reviews on any ship that sails, I am sure. I was one of the first to respond to the op and reported how I found the ship and how much I loved it.


In any case, seriously, either you look forward to your cruise or you don't. If you're going into with trepidation, then you are setting yourself up for unhappiness, just looking for the first thing that goes wrong.


Unless I found perfect reviews, I would never do a world cruise, 48 day cruise or even maybe a 20 day cruise unless I had sailed the line before. But that's just me.


I have been on cruises where others were unhappy and I wasn't, and others where I was unhappy with certain things and they weren't. It's all subjective.


And yes, I have had my cabin flooded (but not on HAL) so I've been down thag road. But it didn't ruin our cruise. Ship happens on ships, all ships. If the op feels that this ship has a reputation and is nervous, then yes, they should switch.


Not because we don't want them on HAL but because no one wants anyone but to have a best time on a cruise.


Just my thoughts. We loved the ship. One of our favourites.


by the by, if I had taken every negative post to heart, I would never have ever cruised. Thank heavens I cruised first :D:D:D

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And yes, I have had my cabin flooded (but not on HAL) so I've been down thag road. But it didn't ruin our cruise. Ship happens on ships, all ships. If the op feels that this ship has a reputation and is nervous, then yes, they should switch.


Not because we don't want them on HAL but because no one wants anyone but to have a best time on a cruise.


Just my thoughts. We loved the ship. One of our favourites.


by the by, if I had taken every negative post to heart, I would never have ever cruised. Thank heavens I cruised first :D:D:D




Dear Kazu,



The point is this. Did you sail again on the ship with the flooded cabin? Did you warn others?



I agree with you that we shouldn't be frightened by a few complaints. Only when the complaints are substantiated and about substantial structural problems. Shouldn't you give the OP a few tips what what's good and WHAT'S NOT?



IMO, the regulars are privately sharing information about the good and bad cabins. So, the regulars are able to book the good cabins early. They ENJOY!



That leaves the problem areas to the newbies. Do you have any useful advice on specifics?

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...... But I wonder if the poster and others considering the ship would just like some reassurance the leakage, floods and sewage issues are under control.


I think as passengers, we cannot give that kind of reassurance because we just don't know if those issues are under control. All we can offer is that the odds of it happening to you are very slim, but if you are the 1 in 100 then it could be the worst cruise of your life.


I understand that we all can get a little nervous when we have to hand out $XXXX and there is really no guarantee that your cruise will be problem free.


I hope the OP can find and book a cruise that they will look forward to with excited anticipation.

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As everyone circles the wagons around HAL and attacks the OP (why did he list this or that complaint and why doesn't he cancel his cruise and go elsewhere), I think many of you are missing the point (and his angst) and doing the OP a disservice.

I have a cruise on the Rotterdam (my 1st with HAL) scheduled not long after the OP.

I turned to this forum only to find (again, like the OP) post after post of the most egregious and outrageous complaints.

As the OP said, these were not his (her) complaints, but quotes taken directly from this forum.

This is a classic case of confusing the message with the messenger and many of the defensive replies (what do you have against old people and go take your business elsewhere) strike me as protesting just a but too much and being unsympathetic to a fault.


"What a lovely post! Below are just some of my added thoughts to the OP:


We were on the Rotterdam for 30 nights in November and had a fabulous time! We are a couple in our 50's and 60's and found many folks who were just like us and enjoyed the cruise. Age of the cruisers should not be the criteria you look at when booking a ship. True, longer cruises will typically have more senior folks but they are just as excited to cruise and can lend lots of fun stories to your experience.


As for plumbing issues, all ships have them. If you focus on the problems and not the itinerary, you may be setting yourself up for failure. The Rotterdam is a beautiful ship and certainly has many years of service left in her!"




I was hesitant in posting originally because, being new here & having read many previous threads, I had a feeling it would come back on me. Thanks to drcpa & tinkerme1 for your understanding.


After much research, we had narrowed our choice down to this cruise for many reasons, several of them coming from these boards, so thanks for that. To get to cruise the Baltic, the Med, the Black Sea & parts of Europe on a fine line like HAL, without having to change ships, seemed the way to go. Then I pulled up these Rotterdam reviews & had concerns, so the obvious choice was to put it back to the experts, CC members like Ruth, Mighty Quinn, kazu etc. Again, thanks all for the input.


As I stated twice in my original post, these were not our comments, but comments from other CC members. A quick look through gave me reason for concern so I quickly grabbed some & pasted them for discussion. Yes, there were positive comments, although not as many as the negative, but I did not post them as my concern was only about the many negatives I saw there. The same comments seemed to repeated by so many different posters that obviously there were problems. It does seem that most of them came just after the refit so hopefully they have been worked out.


Ruth...I definitley did not mean to suggest that the fact that there may be older people on the cruise that that would be a negative. We are reserved & not party all night long people at all. That demographic would actually be a positive for me. However I will admit that, & this may again get me into trouble, if I thought that something like 90% or more of the cruisers were over 75 & sickly ill, as was suggested by some of the posts, I would then look elsewhere. Age brings wisdom & I love more than anything hearing stories from these blessed folk.


Might Quinn...I have more entusiasm for this trip than I can describe. Please, believe me, I am not trying purposely to be negative. I will admit that I am a very purposeful & careful person. I honestly don't think this sets me up for an unhappy experience. Quite the contrary. I just want to get this right.


Believe me, I would happy visiting these amazing ports in a rowboat. But since it gonna be a cruise ship, I want a good one.

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When you make a decision for any extended cruise, ie. 48 days, it is because you feel confident with the vessel and the cruise line. It sounds to me like you have never been on a HAL cruise, not perhaps on a cruise ship. I would strongly encourage that you try a 7 day cruise first. It may be that cruising is not for you, or that you would be better served by Crystal or another line. To base a few negative comments from perhaps disgruntled, "Sour pusses", as gospel, seems to me to be terribly naive. I hope you find the type of vacation that suits you.:)

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To base a few negative comments from perhaps disgruntled, "Sour pusses", as gospel, seems to me to be terribly naive. I hope you find the type of vacation that suits you.:)



I hope you're not referring to me? I only report what I find. There were leaks, noise, smells and HVAC problems during my 14 days on the Rotterdam.



Let me ask you a question. You're telling the OP to ignore the critics and complainers. What would you do if the OP has a bad experience, and complains. Will you call her a 'sour puss' too?

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OvGirl...I get your point we cannot guarantee the shape of any ship.


Any review is invalid as soon as the ship sails again because all sorts of uncontrollable events can happen. Scrapchick mentioned a cabin with real issues, if someone else on CC mentioned they sailed in the cabin since her holiday cruise and the floor was dry and the loveseat returned then we might presume the situation was fixed. That is why I read CC, to discover what I need to know to align expectations. Bad food in the MR, okay I book lots of Pinnacle. So so Pinnacle, book less of those. If the rear of the ship smells funny don't go with a guarantee. And if there are four of these things, maybe look elsewhere.


There were all sorts of complaints about Statendam last fall, but they seem to have cooled off as far as I know. Given time, a ship is going to be corrected, if you believe in it's management.


Someones bad cruise does not invalidate someone elses excellent one and visa versa.

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HAL management is committed to providing a quality product to it's customers. As with all cruise lines, their ships will encounter problems. It is the same as your home - systems have problems that need to be addressed, mechanics sometimes hiccup, and there are days when the "housekeeper" has a bad day! (I've certainly had mine). You will also have unrealistic passengers who you will never be able to please. It just comes with the territory.


But what makes the difference between good and poor business management is in how seriously they take their responsibility in trying to correct it as soon as possible. The issues that you have highlighted did happen to some cruisers. Some of them were corrected quickly, others took longer to identify and solve. Some the crew dropped the ball on, but the majority of the time the HAL team has worked their butts off to try to rectify to the best of their ability.


As in any large business, you are not going to be able to be perfect. You can't satisfy all of the people all of the time, and sometimes your staff just can't solve the problem. And on occasion, the top brass make mistakes, too. It is called "being human". We have encountered a number of the issues mentioned on both HAL and Princess, and we have heard of them happening on pretty much every cruise line at some time or other.


The reason we choose to cruise HAL is because they genuinely seem to care about their customer and have made us feel welcomed, pampered, and important. The overall cruise experience has been delightful, and the amazing crew are second to none in my opinion. In our experience, if there has been a problem, they have been diligent in trying to rectify it for us very quickly.


All cruise lines have an older age demographic on longer cruises, not just HAL. That doesn't mean it is a floating nursing home. I am in my mid 50's and have been sailing with HAL for 6 years now. I have never felt out of place, as if I were the youngster on the ship, or as if the staff was hovering waiting for the next cruiser to keel over from old age! Far from it - there are some very active, energetic 70 and 80 year olds on board that I have not been able to keep up with. Age has nothing to do with activity level. There seem to be some very young at hearts on HAL.


I have researched all sorts of cruise lines and itineraries, and have chosen HAL as my cruise line of choice. We take longer cruises, and look forward to letting HAL take care of us on our next cruise in March (30 days this time). We will be on the Rotterdam and I have been following threads from all sorts of cruisers who have sailed her during this past year to see how she has been doing.


Overall, it sounds like she is going to provide me with the same wonderful experience I have had every other time I have been on a HAL ship. I expect their will be a few blips, but I would expect that on any ship. The difference with HAL is that most of the time they address the issues quickly and with an eye on correcting it as quickly as possible.


Good management recognizes that your business will only fail if you don't attempt to deal with problems right away and make your customer happy. They want us to return, and they know how quickly word gets out if there is a problem. Their goal is to fix it quickly and keep us happy. With the number of cruisers that keep returning to the Rotterdam cruise after cruise after cruise, I feel the majority of them must be having a positive experience, so that is what I am going with.


I feel very comfortable with my decision to sail on the Rotterdam in March. I hope you will also be able to find some reassurance that she is a good ship with a great crew and are able to enjoy one of her terrific cruises. I know I am convinced that I will. :)

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Dear Kazu,



The point is this. Did you sail again on the ship with the flooded cabin? Did you warn others?



I agree with you that we shouldn't be frightened by a few complaints. Only when the complaints are substantiated and about substantial structural problems. Shouldn't you give the OP a few tips what what's good and WHAT'S NOT?



IMO, the regulars are privately sharing information about the good and bad cabins. So, the regulars are able to book the good cabins early. They ENJOY!



That leaves the problem areas to the newbies. Do you have any useful advice on specifics?


As to the flooding in the cabin, yes we did sail on that cruise line again. and had no issues. I was not a member of cruise critic at that time, so I did not 'report' it. Had I been, I would have certainly with the cabin number so that people could avoid it just 'in case'. That's part of what cruise critic is about.


However, when these things happen, part of what is important is how the cruise line handles it. If they show real concern and are really 'working on resolving it' then it makes our difference. In our case, our issue was resolved in less than 24 hours, luggage cleaned and we were given some nice compensation to say they were sorry. We just like HAL better:D:D


There is no secret here on the boards. We were in deluxe verandah suites (S) when we were on the Rotterdam and no one there had any problems if that helps.


When a person is reading these reviews (as the op has) the posters show their cabin numbers - so if you take note, then you can determine what rooms or areas seem to be problematic. what is also important is to look at the positive reviews and see where these cabins were as well.


When I booked my suite for my upcoming sailing, I read the reviews, noted a location where people weren't happy for whatever reason, where people gave glowing reports & then chose my cabin. That was it. No big secret shared.


Cruise experiences can vary from week to week and ship to ship as you can see from some of the replies here. If the Rotterdam was that horrific, she would be empty.


There simply are no guarantees whether it comes to water problems or NORO or rough seas. ;) JMO:)

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Please read the current thread entitled "Our ship is here and we will be on it in a couple of hours!". This is a cruiser who is currently on the Rotterdam 30 day Hawaii, South Pacific cruise and posting what is basically a "Live From" thread.


Perhaps you will feel a little more confident after reading what she has to say.


We can't wait to board the Rotterdam for our 30 day cruise in March:D

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However, when these things happen, part of what is important is how the cruise line handles it. If they show real concern and are really 'working on resolving it' then it makes our difference. In our case, our issue was resolved in less than 24 hours, luggage cleaned and we were given some nice compensation to say they were sorry. We just like HAL better:D:D


... When a person is reading these reviews (as the op has) the posters show their cabin numbers - so if you take note, then you can determine what rooms or areas seem to be problematic. what is also important is to look at the positive reviews and see where these cabins were as well.


... Cruise experiences can vary from week to week and ship to ship as you can see from some of the replies here. If the Rotterdam was that horrific, she would be empty.


There simply are no guarantees whether it comes to water problems or NORO or rough seas. ;) JMO:)






Thanks for your input. I think that you are a very decent fellow.



I agree with you that “things happen.” Yes, it is the company response that is important. We do need to note that Scrapchick had a bad experience with the HAL system. Let me elaborate on mine.



I saw the gusher on the deck outside the Mix. The next day, it was gone. But, the floor below had a leak. Then, it reached my room.



I reported it. A person from the front office showed up with a “Sigh! Another trivial complaint” look. Reluctantly, she agreed to send maintenance tomorrow. Overnight, there were leaks from two other spots. Hah!



Fortunately, that was the last night on the boat. In Scrapchick's thread, it turns out that there have been serious leaks since the Retreat was installed in 2009. The guys on the cruise following mine had leaks. Then, Scrapchick had her turn.



You would think that by now, HAL would have isolated the affected cabins. And, checked the ones that they rent out for livability! So much for HAL's commitment to a quality product!



Yes, we should post the cabin numbers of good and bad experiences. It would be nice if the people reporting good experiences reveal their cabin location!



We do need enough samples to identify the extend of the problem. I was taken by surprise by the leaks because I had seen no reports! Apparently, the passengers posting on Scrapchick's thread had not spoken up!



Possibly, the Rotterdam would have been half empty if they had! And, HAL would have had to do something about it!



Finally, I think that the HAL loyalists who criticize passengers reporting problems (and complain about their bad experience) are doing everyone a disservice. I am sure that there are very few 'sour pus' around.

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When you make a decision for any extended cruise, ie. 48 days, it is because you feel confident with the vessel and the cruise line. It sounds to me like you have never been on a HAL cruise, not perhaps on a cruise ship. I would strongly encourage that you try a 7 day cruise first. It may be that cruising is not for you, or that you would be better served by Crystal or another line. To base a few negative comments from perhaps disgruntled, "Sour pusses", as gospel, seems to me to be terribly naive. I hope you find the type of vacation that suits you.:)


This will be our fourth cruise (but never HAL), the longest being 14 days. I would not have a problem cruising year round if I could afford it, but 48 days will not be a problem (a problem?).

We have travelled extensively & I do not consider myself terribly naive for checking out Cruise Critic reviews & asking for feedback. I thought that was what these boards were for.



Please read the current thread entitled "Our ship is here and we will be on it in a couple of hours!". This is a cruiser who is currently on the Rotterdam 30 day Hawaii, South Pacific cruise and posting what is basically a "Live From" thread.

Perhaps you will feel a little more confident after reading what she has to say.We can't wait to board the Rotterdam for our 30 day cruise in March:D"


Thanks lazey1 for the excellent suggestion. I will do just that.

I do feel much more comfortable with our decision already, thanks to the feedback from my original posting.

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Please read the current thread entitled "Our ship is here and we will be on it in a couple of hours!". This is a cruiser who is currently on the Rotterdam 30 day Hawaii, South Pacific cruise and posting what is basically a "Live From" thread.

Perhaps you will feel a little more confident after reading what she has to say.We can't wait to board the Rotterdam for our 30 day cruise in March:D"


Thanks lazey1 for the excellent suggestion. I will do just that.

I do feel much more comfortable with our decision already, thanks to the feedback from my original posting.



Glad that you feel better about the cruise. There's nothing worse than uncertainty. That's why it is important to have a steady stream of reliable information.



I'm also happy that the captain is on top of the latest HVAC problem. Possibly, this forum has played a part?

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I would definately pass on this one. I would discount all negative posts that involve perception or tastes...ie food, service, demographics, entertainment, etc. These may be issues for some but not for others.


I would focus on what I would call engineering issues-issues that relate to the ship and have not appeared to be corrected. These would include HVAC issues, plumbing issues. They may not impact your specific stateroom but what if they do? Could they ruin your cruise or have a significant adverse impact on it? As the OP said, you will not be able to check out of this hotel


So,,,,,if I was was about to spend a good chunk of money and a great deal of time on a ship, I would absolutley NOT consider a ship where there were not only reported engineering issues that impact customer comfort and enjoyment, but I would not consider cruising on a ship where the cruise line has been aware of such problems and continues to sell those cabins instead of leaving them vacant until the issue is resolved.


The Captain may be 'on top' of the issue but if HAL does not want to take the ship out of service to fix the on going problem, or if HAL reservations continues to sell these cabins in the hope that a 'go away and shut up' future cruise OBC is much less than the loss of revenue from these 2 options, there is not much the Captain can do about it.


Bottom line...why on earth would I take a chance with my vacation money and my time when there are many other options out there that do no have this risk present?

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I just got my Conde Nast reviews of all cruise ships. they only list the top ones. Ironically HAL (including the prisendam) is listed in the 500 to 2500 class. this ship is number #16 of the top ones, on top, lines like Crystal (and do we expect them to compete).


Hal does not advertise much in Conde Nast. they stopped a long time ago. It's a readers' poll from people that cruise.


So, despite all the negative posts this ship is scoring very high points.:D:D

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I just got my Conde Nast reviews of all cruise ships. they only list the top ones. Ironically HAL (including the prisendam) is listed in the 500 to 2500 class. this ship is number #16 of the top ones, on top, lines like Crystal (and do we expect them to compete).


Hal does not advertise much in Conde Nast. they stopped a long time ago. It's a readers' poll from people that cruise.


So, despite all the negative posts this ship is scoring very high points.:D:D



A friend of mine "votes" in these type polls tho he has not sail on the ship/entered the restaurant/flown the airline/rented the car/stayed at the property ....so 'nuf said on the scientic nature of these polls ! LOL

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I just got my Conde Nast reviews of all cruise ships. they only list the top ones. Ironically HAL (including the prisendam) is listed in the 500 to 2500 class. this ship is number #16 of the top ones, on top, lines like Crystal (and do we expect them to compete).


Hal does not advertise much in Conde Nast. they stopped a long time ago. It's a readers' poll from people that cruise.


So, despite all the negative posts this ship is scoring very high points.:D:D








Strange that you said that. I was looking at cruisedirectonline.com which lists the conde naste rankings for 2010 to 2008!






For large-ship cruise lines, Number 10 is NCL. They're up from 2008 when they were not top ten. HAL was Number 9 in 2010, down from #7 in 2008.



Who's Number 8? RCL!!!!!

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Thanks for your input. I think that you are a very decent fellow.



I agree with you that “things happen.” Yes, it is the company response that is important. We do need to note that Scrapchick had a bad experience with the HAL system. Let me elaborate on mine.



I saw the gusher on the deck outside the Mix. The next day, it was gone. But, the floor below had a leak. Then, it reached my room.



I reported it. A person from the front office showed up with a “Sigh! Another trivial complaint” look. Reluctantly, she agreed to send maintenance tomorrow. Overnight, there were leaks from two other spots. Hah!



Fortunately, that was the last night on the boat. In Scrapchick's thread, it turns out that there have been serious leaks since the Retreat was installed in 2009. The guys on the cruise following mine had leaks. Then, Scrapchick had her turn.



You would think that by now, HAL would have isolated the affected cabins. And, checked the ones that they rent out for livability! So much for HAL's commitment to a quality product!



Yes, we should post the cabin numbers of good and bad experiences. It would be nice if the people reporting good experiences reveal their cabin location!



We do need enough samples to identify the extend of the problem. I was taken by surprise by the leaks because I had seen no reports! Apparently, the passengers posting on Scrapchick's thread had not spoken up!



Possibly, the Rotterdam would have been half empty if they had! And, HAL would have had to do something about it!



Finally, I think that the HAL loyalists who criticize passengers reporting problems (and complain about their bad experience) are doing everyone a disservice. I am sure that there are very few 'sour pus' around.


Hang on, I'm not criticizing anyone. I was just saying what was important to me. and you agreed.


How you were treated was not the same as me. I agree with you and frankly if my complaint was treated as 'trivial' I doubt I would sail on the cruise line either.


It really is a shame - but it all comes down to the people we meet and how they treat us whether they are in in the cruise business or whatever business we run. If there is no empathy or no effort, then everyone gets mad - including me - that's why I won't sail a certain line again. (and not the one that flooded). Sometimes it's the little things that matter more.


I like HAL because I have had good experiences and when I have not (and there have been a couple of things), they responded and fixed it and i felt empathy. I like the crew and the line. that's just me.


Each to their own. :) I just don't want the op to go into a cruise worried. It's no way to take a vacation.


Happy cruising and smooth seas no matter what ship or line you choose

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I do not place much stock in travel mag. surveys.


But Conde Nest rating #16 or not, I simply would not take a chance with my money and my vacation to go on a ship for 48 days where past cruisers had issues with heating, AC, ventilation, and plumbing. Why take the risk when it is not necessary??? Select an alternative-either another HAL ship or another cruise line.

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Hang on, I'm not criticizing anyone. I was just saying what was important to me. and you agreed.


...Happy cruising and smooth seas no matter what ship or line you choose



Dear Kazu,



Please don't get me wrong. Like I said, I admire and respect you. You are a very decent fellow.



My jibe was at the posters who flame, then disappear into the night.

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