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Newbie to Seabourn - live from the Quest


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Could have a little noise pollution berthed in Valencia on Sunday, if you don't like the formula 1.



Taxman 1 - I was surprised to read that Quest will be in Valencia tomorrow, on the day of the Grand Prix. I don't imagine they are doing a special Grand Prix event, with tickets for the race? As the circuit goes right by the port, it could be difficult to get coaches away for the shuttle bus or excursions; let us know how you get on.


For one thing, having just watched qualifying on TV, the weather should be gorgeous for you all day - sunny and about 28 C. But if you stay on board, it is likely to be very noisy! ;)

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Before we start today let me finish up yesterday's adventure. The Galley Market was a wonderful surprise. I did manage several photo's before the feast began. The appetizer table was out of this world with all my favorites and a few new items which delighted the taste buds. Then it was to the galley. There was a line, but it progressed nicely. Not that it mattered because at the opening of the galley was ice cold flavored vodka "shots" being served to pass the time. The entree buffet started with fondue and my son's favorite soup, minestrone. The line then proceeded to my favorite -- chilled crab claws, nigerian shrimp (I now understand Fairbourne what is all the rage), cocktail shrimp and mussels. This feast was all beatifully displayed by two real swordfish heads crossed to form an "X" with the swords. The line proceeded to fresh pasta stations, lobster thermador and numerous other dishes I can't remember because all I had on my plate was chilled seafood. The pinot grigio matched my seafood perfect. Both my wife and son raved about the dessert table and wished the Restaurant offered these little treats at dinner (baked alaska, black forest cake, big cookies, tiramusu, and many more. There was a creation made of chocolate which looked like pink coral in the sea.


The afternoon was spent shopping onboard for a b-day gift for my wife and sitting pool side. It is birthday tradition that her gifts are purchased during our travels. Yes - they did hit me up for the 21% VAT. We were already planning to stop at the refund shop on our departure from Barcelona due to 2 suit jackets I purchased in Rome. Funny story - while unpacking in Rome I miss placed my navy blazer in the hotel closet. The next day I panicked and proceeded to tell my wife I forgot my blazer. I even searched the closet again and over-looked it. That day we ventured to via Condotti to purchase a replacement and ended up with two as my wife fell in love with a particular one (and thankful she did). Upon receiving my jackets at the hotel a day later (sleeves were slightly long) I placed them in the closet only to find my navy blazer from home wrapped in plastic. Ooops!


Dinner last night was the "Chef's Dinner". It was good, but not our favorite. The scallops with caviar were good; the soup was excellent; the limoncello sorbet was strong, but good and the beef tenderloin was very good. Dessert was no match after the galley market.


The show last night was just ok; the various love songs had many pitch problems and the harmonies were not always in sync. Surprising considering how well they performed early on in the cruise. Everyone is entitled to an off-night.


Today was spent along side the pool as the fiesta was in Ciutadella DE Menorca. Our ship tour was cancelled and when we attempted to rebook another we heard about the tours needing a couple extra hours to manage through traffic. As such, we captured more sun and my son grabbed 2 plus hours of piano practice. It is a shame this trip is coming to a close as we are having such a fantastic time.


Tomorrow is Valencia and the Oceanographic.

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We are on board SB Quest on the same cruise as Taxman (although I am not sure our paths have crossed). He has done an outstanding job of posting about this cruise. We were at the pool the other day when we saw the waiter jump into the wading area with his shoes on to deliver a drink, and had a great laugh (and the waiter got a nice round of applause).


The weather on this cruise has been superb...don't know how SB does it. Today we spent our first day in Spain (Ciutadella), and it was the festival of Saint Joan. We had cancelled the tour we had planned when we heard about the festival, and just walked the streets with two other couples we have become friends with. What a treat. Locals along the festival route invited us to share in their libations (a wonderfully smooth blend of lemonade and a local variety of Gin), and the entire city buzzed with excitement. We stopped at a small local restaurant along the sea and had a wonderful Paella. The sun was bright and the sea was a color of blue I have never experienced. Our only wish was that SB had made this port an overnight so we could have actually enjoyed the festival more.


This is our second SB cruise and our first on the larger ship. I would say our initial impression was that we liked the smaller ship better because of the level of intimacy that you experience. However, after a few days, the same feeling developed. I think it just happens slower because it takes a bit more time to run into the same people multiple times after you connect. The cabins are a delight, and our Stewardess (Lynda) had just been wonderful.


We have mixed up our dining locations, and have had good experiences in all of them (although our first night in the Main Restaurant was not the best from both the food and service perspective), it was quickly raised back to SB standards. We have really enjoyed The Collonade, and while we had a reservations at Restaurant 2...we cancelled it because we were not enthusiastic about the offerings. We also have enjoyed the Grill. This evening we had room service and watched the coast of Majorca drift by with a beautiful sunset.


We have done multiple tours with SB and elected to do Pompei with a private driver and guide (which we would also highly recommend). The only tour we did not enjoy from a tour perspective was Gozo. We did the 4x4 tour and it was very hot and dusty in open air jeep type vehicles. Their was not much in the way of actual information that the guides shared, and several people actually left the tour after the second stop. Having done a 4x4 tour in Croatia on our previous SB cruise, we expected better. This being said, we made great friends on that tour and share a great level of Gozo humor as a result of the day.


SB could do something to address the quality of the Internet. It is unacceptably slow (and much slower than what we experienced with them the last time, or on other cruises). I think they have cut back the passenger bandwidth. Since we do need to do some business on this trip, we opted for the unlimited package - and feel we were definitely overcharged for it. Several friends who signed up have used up most of their time trying to get connected.


Also agree that the smoking issue has to be addressed in some way. We are on deck 9, and can definitely smell it in our cabin (from both the Skybar and someone in an adjacent cabin). I know that people smoke, but since it has been shown that second hand smoke can be detrimental, it is not right to have smoking in a way that it can waft into cabins. My guess is like other places (planes, hotels, etc), eventually this too will change.


All in all, we are having a marvelous time on this cruise. We have our two adult children with us (24 and 26) and they are enjoying it immensely and have connected with several others their age. We started looking at the brochures and are trying to figure out where SB can take us next. We plan on putting down the advance deposit (which interestingly dropped from $1000 last time to $500 this time ... or 350 Euro, 250 GBP).


Just thought I would add a bit about the cruise and a great SB experience. I will post some images when I get some more Internet speed.

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Thank you to Taxman and Bornatravelingman, for helping to restore my faith in Seabourn! Your reports have shown that Seabourn is still what I hoped it would be, what I had experienced during my travels. Recently reports have shown Seabourn to be a less than desirable cruiseline, so am very happy to hear that is not the case at all.

Hopefully something will be done to upgrade the smoking policy in the very near future, I really dont think Seabourn can contine the way they are when all other cruislines are being pro active in this area.

I havent yet tried a big ship, but am looking forward to booking one very soon.

I am wondering if the quality and speed of the internet depends on the part of the World the ship is in? I dont have any idea about these technical things, but on our last cruise which was halfway around the World, we found the internet to be quite reliable and not so slow at all?

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Just watching the Valencia Grand Prix on TSN right now with Alonso in forst, Hamilton 2nd and Raikonen 3rd. Every now and then the pan over with shots of the Quest in the near distant background alongside with what looks to be an Azamara Ship.:eek:;):eek: I can just imagine the noise!

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We plan on putting down the advance deposit (which interestingly dropped from $1000 last time to $500 this time ... or 350 Euro, 250 GBP).


I can tell you, that this is per person nowadays... that's why!


Actually my last open booking was a $500 deposit total!


Host Dan

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IMO Seabourn should do the same thing to the Club on the larger ships that they have on the triplets, enclose the raised bar area with glass and only allow smoking there. That would stop most of it from drifting to the rest of the Club and free up the Observation Lounge which is a far superior venue for non smoking.

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IMO Seabourn should do the same thing to the Club on the larger ships that they have on the triplets, enclose the raised bar area with glass and only allow smoking there. That would stop most of it from drifting to the rest of the Club and free up the Observation Lounge which is a far superior venue for non smoking.


yes but it would also make it look like a giant glass goldfish bowl!:eek::rolleyes::eek:

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A large goldfish bowl where the fish can pollute each other and not bother the rest of us or deprive is from a beautiful view in the Observation Lounge. The only ones I'd feel sorry for are the bartenders and staff stuck there.

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Apologies for dropping completely off the radar the past couple of days - I have to schedule time in detox as starting to receive some hate mail from my liver. The SB team around the pool (Christopher, Steve, Andras, Stef, Jan and Rui) really became a necessary habit. Wow- what incredible service and personalities. A great group of guys and I will miss our afternoon laughs.


Valencia - the Oceanografic was nice, but the tour was horrible. The only exciting behind the scenes part of the your was walking the "cat walk" above the shark tank. Other than that, we would have been better served catching a taxi to the aquarium ourselves. The shark tank, bird aviary and artic zones were the highlights for our family. The walrus decided to provide a "peep" show for the group - and let 's leave it at that.


The stands along the road back to the ship were filled with people for the big race. The race began at 2 and ended around 4. What an exciting experience to stand on the sun terrace and watch the race. We could see several turns with great views of the cars, but did not see any of the high speed flat track. The noise imo only added to the excitement. The pool guys were walking around serving ice cold libations and the girls were serving up ice cold cloths. Another SB moment to store away in the memory bank until our next journey. As far as the noise was concerned, SB had ear plugs strategically placed around the ship for those who needed them.


The afternoon was capped with a 30 minute piano performance by our 15 year old at afternoon tea. Tammy and Handre had approached him a day earlier when he was once again practicing in the Club. He played Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (all three movements), Bach and Listz. We could not be more proud. He played very well considering the equipment. The tea time participants loved it as well as we received compliments from numerous folks days after his performance.


Battery on the Ipad is running low, so will finish up in a bit. We are waiting for our room at the Arts Barcelona. No complaints as the club is gorgeous and the views of Barcelona breathtaking. Be back shortly ...

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From Valencia we sailed on into Barcelona. We opted for the Torres Winery tour and what a pleasant surprise. Having toured a winery before (none in Napa) we had certain expectations and we could not have been more surprised. The family still resides on the premises and have been able to keep the old world charm while implementing all the most recent technological advancements associated with wine making. The entire tour was conducted via a tram that took you deep underground where the wine barrels are stored to the fields started years ago to the new plantings. Within the underground we had various short film clips and history lessons from halograms. After the tram we had a wine tasting of 3 varieties and then proceeded to purchase an additional Cabernet Sauvignon tasting. I did leave the winery with a couple treasures. Before departing we spent time in their museum which highlighted the 5 generations of the Torres family and the history of wine. A fantastic tour which should not be missed if time permits next time you visit Barcelona.


The majority of our afternoon was spent packing, but we did manage to spend a couple hours around the pool. We were able to say some final goodbyes before getting ready for our pre-dinner drinks at the club with Rui. Dinner was fabulous where both my wife and son decided on the rack of lamb while I opted for the grouper. Deon tried to convince me when I was ordering, but had eaten my share of the red meats over the cruise. We gave the wait staff a big hug (we enjoyed the same table alongside the window and impeccable service) before calling it an evening. I did tell Marco (MD) I was going to barricade myself in the room. Apparently, the Quest is being charted for the next 10 days and the staff had no idea of the itinerary.


Upon disembarking Tammy, Handre and the Captain were on deck to say goodbye for now. Tammy gave us a big hug and thanked my son again for playing at tea. I told the Captain we would see each other soon again as we put a deposit down (500/pp) for a future adventure. Handre gave my wife a big hug.


Prior to making the final descent down the escalators to retrieve our bags we ran into my girlfriend Robyn. She was part of the waitstaff who served us in the R during our entire trip. I played wicked tricks on her the entire cruise which she said she loved as she hugged me today. For example, one night I proceeded to ask her as she placed my entree on the table if that was what I had ordered. The look on her face was priceless and once she knew in fact it was the meal I had ordered she let out a hearty laugh. On all the overnight legs I would ask her what time we were all meeting to head out (the staff love overnight stops because they get to party). The next day I would tell her how good she looked considering the stories some of her coworkers had shared with me. Of course I had no idea as nobody told me a thing. Great fun!


SB has Captured all of our hearts and we are looking forward to our next sailing. I hope you enjoyed the mini journey I attempted to provide you all along the way. If you have questions on topics I may have not raised or some I did not provide enough details please let me know. I would be more than happy to share my personal views.


Our final day spent in Barcelona on our own was around the pool at the Arts Barcelona. One last relaxing day before the journey home to upstate NY via Dublin and Boston and work Thursday morning. No worries Barcelona, we will be back!

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From Valencia we sailed on into Barcelona. We opted for the Torres Winery tour and what a pleasant surprise. Having toured a winery before (none in Napa) we had certain expectations and we could not have been more surprised. The family still resides on the premises and have been able to keep the old world charm while implementing all the most recent technological advancements associated with wine making. The entire tour was conducted via a tram that took you deep underground where the wine barrels are stored to the fields started years ago to the new plantings. Within the underground we had various short film clips and history lessons from halograms. After the tram we had a wine tasting of 3 varieties and then proceeded to purchase an additional Cabernet Sauvignon tasting. I did leave the winery with a couple treasures. Before departing we spent time in their museum which highlighted the 5 generations of the Torres family and the history of wine. A fantastic tour which should not be missed if time permits next time you visit Barcelona.


The majority of our afternoon was spent packing, but we did manage to spend a couple hours around the pool. We were able to say some final goodbyes before getting ready for our pre-dinner drinks at the club with Rui. Dinner was fabulous where both my wife and son decided on the rack of lamb while I opted for the grouper. Deon tried to convince me when I was ordering, but had eaten my share of the red meats over the cruise. We gave the wait staff a big hug (we enjoyed the same table alongside the window and impeccable service) before calling it an evening. I did tell Marco (MD) I was going to barricade myself in the room. Apparently, the Quest is being charted for the next 10 days and the staff had no idea of the itinerary.


Upon disembarking Tammy, Handre and the Captain were on deck to say goodbye for now. Tammy gave us a big hug and thanked my son again for playing at tea. I told the Captain we would see each other soon again as we put a deposit down (500/pp) for a future adventure. Handre gave my wife a big hug.


Prior to making the final descent down the escalators to retrieve our bags we ran into my girlfriend Robyn. She was part of the waitstaff who served us in the R during our entire trip. I played wicked tricks on her the entire cruise which she said she loved as she hugged me today. For example, one night I proceeded to ask her as she placed my entree on the table if that was what I had ordered. The look on her face was priceless and once she knew in fact it was the meal I had ordered she let out a hearty laugh. On all the overnight legs I would ask her what time we were all meeting to head out (the staff love overnight stops because they get to party). The next day I would tell her how good she looked considering the stories some of her coworkers had shared with me. Of course I had no idea as nobody told me a thing. Great fun!


SB has Captured all of our hearts and we are looking forward to our next sailing. I hope you enjoyed the mini journey I attempted to provide you all along the way. If you have questions on topics I may have not raised or some I did not provide enough details please let me know. I would be more than happy to share my personal views.


Our final day spent in Barcelona on our own was around the pool at the Arts Barcelona. One last relaxing day before the journey home to upstate NY via Dublin and Boston and work Thursday morning. No worries Barcelona, we will be back!


Thanks for the great "mini-review" and safe travels home.;):eek:;)

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Safe travels to you Taxman!! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to share your experience with us all. Every time my phone gave an email alert and it read this post I would smile.

You have successfully increased my excitement as we leave in less than a month on the Spirit out of Venice. I'm counting my days! Hopefully I can talk my husband into unlimited internet and maybe I can do a live post too!


So glad you had such a wonderful trip. Will you be posting any photos??:)

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