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Where are the Carnival Fans???


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i would actually get scared if i did have the same. even firefly and i saw eye to eye three times in the past week! :eek:


SERIOUSLY!!! I idsagree with people in my own family at times for goodness sake. You can't agree with everyone 100% of the time. That's pretty impossible.

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I wasn't specifically calling out that one post...just that people use the term Lurk often the same way they use troll or cheerleader. It's put in a sentence with a negative connotation such as implying they have to right to post because they "only lurk around". My issue is when people insert terms to incite negative feelings. It feels like they can't express their opinions without resorting to name calling, rhetorical questions, or personal attacks.

This is the only message board I am active on so my exposure is minimal but I assure you that in all the years I have been a member here, the term 'lurker' was never derrogatory. In fact, people who would finally post something after being 'invisible' for weeks or even months, would start out by saying "I am finally posting after lurking here for a while"


You might consider that you're interpretation was off. There is a big...no HUGE difference between someone who lurks and a troll.





Welcome Back MMCS Cruiser / Shipyard Cruiser. I knew I would remember that posting style eventually.


How things in Chula Vista??


Funny how all those names are on my ignore...including the current one. My ignore list has approx 80 names on it and it seems those 80 names probably belong to 10 actual people. :rolleyes:

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Funny how all those names are on my ignore...including the current one. My ignore list has approx 80 names on it and it seems those 80 names probably belong to 10 actual people. :rolleyes:


Do they change names because people put them on their ignor list? Are they notified in some way of this and if not how do they know they are on your ignor list? :confused:

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I believe we should be able to agree and disagree like adults. There really is no reason for name calling or the superior attitude (only a few) some have because they have more cruises. Do they have more information? Of course they do, some just don't know how to offer it without sounding rude. I have learned TONS on this site and I'm sure will continue to. I have also offered advice on something I may know. Can't we all just get along?;)

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I believe we should be able to agree and disagree like adults. There really is no reason for name calling or the superior attitude (only a few) some have because they have more cruises. Do they have more information? Of course they do, some just don't know how to offer it without sounding rude. I have learned TONS on this site and I'm sure will continue to. I have also offered advice on something I may know. Can't we all just get along?;)


Kinda judgemental huh?? Isnt it name calling to say people have a superior attitude just because they have more cruises. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black .. and finger pointing.


Perhaps if you talked face to face with these people you would say they are just direct .. and it has NOTHING to do with the number of cruises they went on .. if you want to get along .. NO NAME CALLING OR FINGER POINTING.


Or maybe they came across to you as sounding that way when they were just stating their opinion or because they knew they were correct posting facts .. or whatever. Lets not be so judgemental and try to be nicer to folks?


We all like cruising and all cruising on Carnival and have that in common .. personalities aside. Of course we all have different personalities .. would you really want everyone to be alike?

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Kinda judgemental huh?? Isnt it name calling to say people have a superior attitude just because they have more cruises. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black .. and finger pointing.


Perhaps if you talked face to face with these people you would say they are just direct .. and it has NOTHING to do with the number of cruises they went on .. if you want to get along .. NO NAME CALLING OR FINGER POINTING.


Or maybe they came across to you as sounding that way when they were just stating their opinion or because they knew they were correct posting facts .. or whatever. Lets not be so judgemental and try to be nicer to folks?


We all like cruising and all cruising on Carnival and have that in common .. personalities aside. Of course we all have different personalities .. would you really want everyone to be alike?

OUCH, try this "Practice what you preach"

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Kinda judgemental huh?? Isnt it name calling to say people have a superior attitude just because they have more cruises. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black .. and finger pointing.


Perhaps if you talked face to face with these people you would say they are just direct .. and it has NOTHING to do with the number of cruises they went on .. if you want to get along .. NO NAME CALLING OR FINGER POINTING.


Or maybe they came across to you as sounding that way when they were just stating their opinion or because they knew they were correct posting facts .. or whatever. Lets not be so judgemental and try to be nicer to folks?


We all like cruising and all cruising on Carnival and have that in common .. personalities aside. Of course we all have different personalities .. would you really want everyone to be alike?

Oh no need to respond, ignore button has been hit.

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Kinda judgemental huh?? Isnt it name calling to say people have a superior attitude just because they have more cruises. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black .. and finger pointing.


Perhaps if you talked face to face with these people you would say they are just direct .. and it has NOTHING to do with the number of cruises they went on .. if you want to get along .. NO NAME CALLING OR FINGER POINTING.


Or maybe they came across to you as sounding that way when they were just stating their opinion or because they knew they were correct posting facts .. or whatever. Lets not be so judgemental and try to be nicer to folks?


We all like cruising and all cruising on Carnival and have that in common .. personalities aside. Of course we all have different personalities .. would you really want everyone to be alike?


Wow! Thanks for making Vegasmommy's point loud and clear lol!

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Do they change names because people put them on their ignor list? Are they notified in some way of this and if not how do they know they are on your ignor list? :confused:

No, what happens is people get banned from the boards by the moderators...so they 'reinvent' themselevs, so to speak, with another screen name. Ironically, that new name will usually then wind up on my ignore list because the name may change but the personality does not. The majority of the names I have accumulated on my ignore list are banned from here. It seems that soon after I get to the point where I'd like to not see/read them, the moderators seem to get to that point as well :p

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I can understand a fan of Carnival expressing somthing they wish would improve but some of the folks come here and say they hate the food, the entertainment, the physical appearance, etc......and literally don't seem to LIKE anything so it begs to question why they are even here. Is it to try to convince the rest of us to dislike Carnival also? Many of the people critical of Carnival have not even sailed with Carnival or at least have not sailed in many years. I had a person on a thread in THIS section telling me how Carnival has gone downhill. When I disaggreed, he said, "your just not current on your information". PLEASE NOTE: My last Carnival Cruise was 2 months ago. His last Carnival Cruise was 4 years ago! :rolleyes:


That's why I prefer going solo. I've tried and given up with my friend about cruising. I do land tours and cruising but she just likes land vacations. She'll always find something wrong with cruising and never fails to let me know. I almost think that's kind of rude to put a downer on it especially if you know someone is going on a cruise. Shouldn't she say at least have a good time instead? I guess she does it to make herself feel better.

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You know what really surprises me is that there are SO many people here in the Carnival section that dislike Carnival! Not that you don't have every right to participate in ANY thread you wish. I'm just surprised there are so many who come to this section to express their displeasure about Carnival. Is this a routine thing? Do folks go to the NCL section to trash talk NCL? Although I've cruised with them 4 or 5 times, I've had some poor experiences that made me quit cruising with NCL. I'm sure many people love them but because I don't, I don't think I have ever been to the NCL section of CC! So I guess I'm curious why many seem to come to the Carnival section to tell of their dislike of Carnival. Oddly there seem to be very few who actually like Carnival, yet by industry standards they are one of the most successful cruise lines so SOMEONE MUST LIKE THEM! Just wondering what the motivation is for a non Carnival fan to even visit this section??? :confused:


Actually, you're just noticing a spike of more negative stuff as the host that was fired used to conveniently delete things that were not favorable to Carnival.


There's a reason he's no longer here.

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You guys go ahead and put FireFly on ignore, but it's your loss!!!

She is a regular cruiser and has a wealth of information, she is direct, and could be misinterpreted as being offensive, but it's not rudeness, this is just her direct, no bs personality.

I will continue to enjoy her posts and her information.

If someone offends me I don't wring my hands and cry "why oh why are you so mean" I take it for it is and move on.

I seriously would be a raving mess if I took everything to heart, considering my field.

JMO, Carole

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You guys go ahead and put FireFly on ignore, but it's your loss!!!

She is a regular cruiser and has a wealth of information, she is direct, and could be misinterpreted as being offensive, but it's not rudeness, this is just her direct, no bs personality.

I will continue to enjoy her posts and her information.

If someone offends me I don't wring my hands and cry "why oh why are you so mean" I take it for it is and move on.

I seriously would be a raving mess if I took everything to heart, considering my field.

JMO, Carole


You are correct.


Understand in todays world some people only want to here their side of the story and nothing else.


I ignore no one.


Everyone is entitled to their point of view no matter if I agree or not.

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i never understand how some think you have to be rude to have a different viewpoint. i would actually get scared if i did have the same. even firefly and i saw eye to eye three times in the past week! :eek:


Wow!!! That won't happen again. I disagree with her often, but I've found her to be very knowledgeable and helpful, more so than not.

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You guys go ahead and put FireFly on ignore, but it's your loss!!!

She is a regular cruiser and has a wealth of information, she is direct, and could be misinterpreted as being offensive, but it's not rudeness, this is just her direct, no bs personality.

I will continue to enjoy her posts and her information.

If someone offends me I don't wring my hands and cry "why oh why are you so mean" I take it for it is and move on.

I seriously would be a raving mess if I took everything to heart, considering my field.

JMO, Carole

I appreciate your comment however, there is a huge difference between being direct and being rude. I think her response was out right rude, perhaps I hit a nerve. No big deal it's just that there are so many others with just as much helpful information. I wasn't crying and saying why me, I just don't care to see her responses.

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Do they change names because people put them on their ignor list? Are they notified in some way of this and if not how do they know they are on your ignor list? :confused:


Most change their name because they have previously been banned but ... Just... Cant stay away.

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You guys go ahead and put FireFly on ignore, but it's your loss!!!

She is a regular cruiser and has a wealth of information, she is direct, and could be misinterpreted as being offensive, but it's not rudeness, this is just her direct, no bs personality.

I will continue to enjoy her posts and her information.

If someone offends me I don't wring my hands and cry "why oh why are you so mean" I take it for it is and move on.

I seriously would be a raving mess if I took everything to heart, considering my field.

JMO, Carole


There are alot of regular cruisers with a wealth of info (on this forum and off) that can be direct without being rude :) I have not been here very long but I certainly can see why some of my friends warned me about this forum lol! And to the op I have sailed Carnival for years and will continue.

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No, what happens is people get banned from the boards by the moderators...so they 'reinvent' themselevs, so to speak, with another screen name. Ironically, that new name will usually then wind up on my ignore list because the name may change but the personality does not. The majority of the names I have accumulated on my ignore list are banned from here. It seems that soon after I get to the point where I'd like to not see/read them, the moderators seem to get to that point as well :p


Why would someone go to all that trouble?


CC is just not that big a deal for all that.

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Ok....I'm jumping back in!:p I believe if all of us were on a cruise ship, (who cares which cruise line!:D), and had a roll call meeting, we would all have a great time!:) We all love cruising.:p

I stated on this thread yesterday that I couldn't understand why people who don't or no longer sail Carnival would visit the Carnival site. I believe I wrote they only did so to start trouble and put down Carnival.

After thinking about it, I believe I was wrong. Regardless of the reason, I believe everyone has the right to visit any site on CC they wish to and good...bad...or ugly post what they feel.

Can not believe I'm saying this, maybe I should start visiting other cruise sites to learn what people are saying about those lines. :p

Sooooooo, if I offended anyone and I know I did a couple of you, I apologize!:)

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You guys go ahead and put FireFly on ignore, but it's your loss!!!

She is a regular cruiser and has a wealth of information, she is direct, and could be misinterpreted as being offensive, but it's not rudeness, this is just her direct, no bs personality.

I will continue to enjoy her posts and her information.

If someone offends me I don't wring my hands and cry "why oh why are you so mean" I take it for it is and move on.

I seriously would be a raving mess if I took everything to heart, considering my field.

JMO, Carole


I think some people honestly don't want ALL information, only positive information and I agree with you. I don't agree with Firefly any more than 50% of the time but she isn't one to ignore for goodness sake.


heck, I think I had h8 on ignore for a little while but took him off because he seriously cracks me up...very funny guy whether I agree with him or not. :D


Ok....I'm jumping back in! I believe if all of us were on a cruise ship, (who cares which cruise line!), and had a roll call meeting, we would all have a great time! We all love cruising.







I agree.

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Ok....I'm jumping back in!:p I believe if all of us were on a cruise ship, (who cares which cruise line!:D), and had a roll call meeting, we would all have a great time!:) We all love cruising.:p

I stated on this thread yesterday that I couldn't understand why people who don't or no longer sail Carnival would visit the Carnival site. I believe I wrote they only did so to start trouble and put down Carnival.

After thinking about it, I believe I was wrong. Regardless of the reason, I believe everyone has the right to visit any site on CC they wish to and good...bad...or ugly post what they feel.

Can not believe I'm saying this, maybe I should start visiting other cruise sites to learn what people are saying about those lines. :p

Sooooooo, if I offended anyone and I know I did a couple of you, I apologize!:)



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You know, In my business (Hardware store) I think every person with a complaint complains while the happy people never say anything, they just keep returning to buy more. Many of them several times a day.....

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