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Why are you upset of the new f2f program?


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always remember, it was the repeat cruisers, and the word of mouth spread on how wonderful it was to cruise, that helped them build this cruise line into making it the most profitable... with changes being implemented that many are unhappy with, this could change. Norwegion used to have not so good a reputation... but I see that changing for the better for them...



Very nicely put! :)

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The classism expressed in some of these posts from VIP customers is eye-opening. For the record, I also qualify for Carnival's VIFP perks. I've been in the so-called VIP lounges. Frankly, there's very little difference between the "thundering herd" in the so-called VIP Lounge and those in the regular seating areas.


I've always found it odd to see people in the VIP lounge sitting on the floor, but because they are allowed on the ship first, think it's a perk! And, when the signal is given for VIPs to board, watch out! Because your VIP self will get mowed down by your fellow VIPs as individuals surge forward to be the first VIP on the ship.



You are correct about a lot of the VIP staging areas. I believe that I have only been to maybe three Ports that truly have a "lounge" and I have also seen/experienced not enough chairs and sitting on the floor and yes, the rush to get onboard when the begin VIP boarding is called can be chaos and almost dangerous. :)


I do believe though that the "classism" you refer to goes both ways and I really do not understand it from either side.

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I just dont get it.. Alot of people take these policy announcements so seriously! You spend more money at your local walmart or grocery store ect.. Do you walk in to Kroger and demand to be the first in the express lane? Or get money back when you have to wait in line? I just dont understand the hate.. If you want the perk spend the 50 bucks if you dont..than dont hate on the people who do


Well said, :D

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I think another poster has this bang on...if anybody thinks Carnival has started this to make money short term you are 100% WRONG. By limiting the number of people who will be able take advantage of this new policy, how much money are they going to make per cruise? Top end they let 100 people do this, they make what, 5K? Really? That is going to boost profits? Hardly..


Another poster said they are probably testing the waters to see what perks passengers will pay for, and the more I think about it the more I think they are spot on with that!!! Clearly they are not concerned about long time cruisers as they have done little to keep you happy. They are not correct in this assumption but that is their thinking. They are targetting new families to cruising like mine, and do so at a Value cost. They are baking on keeping their cost to Cruise low much more than keeping past clients happy. I guess they think as long as it's affordable to cruise, those who have been loyal won't all of a sudden abandon ship....dangerous game they are playing but in reality I wonder what percentage of their Customers fit into this Veteran category.....

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I am not the least bit upset with the new program. I do have to wonder though how far Carnival will be willing to go with it. Currently they are limiting it to a specific number of cabins or so they say. If the program becomes a sell out is Carnival really going to turn away potential money or will we see it expand to allow additional cabins :rolleyes:


Beyond all of this I do think that Carnival needs to focus some of their energy on being able to train their staff on implementing the perks they currently offer. To say I wasn't impressed with how embarkation, debarkation and vip tendering were handled on our last cruise (Spirit to Hawaii) is a gross understatement. It was a total cluster..... Lots of confusion and chaos with many furious VIPs.


With all that being said I will never forget the ever so elitist gentleman with the beard who turned his nose down on everyone who was in his royal milestone path. Questioning people around them and dismissing them when he found out that they were mere platinum mortals was a real eye opener. From that moment I swore that no matter how many cruises I take or what my status is I will NOT ever use my card to lessen the value of any other passenger. While he may have had a milestone card to flash he lacked something a card can not buy!

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I am platinum, the new program doesn't bother me at all. I just can't get that upset as long as I'm on the ship when it sails, I'm a happy girl. If someone else wants tp pay to get on the ship/in their room a little quicker, well it's their money to spend I guess.

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I think another poster has this bang on...if anybody thinks Carnival has started this to make money short term you are 100% WRONG. By limiting the number of people who will be able take advantage of this new policy, how much money are they going to make per cruise? Top end they let 100 people do this, they make what, 5K? Really? That is going to boost profits? Hardly..


Another poster said they are probably testing the waters to see what perks passengers will pay for, and the more I think about it the more I think they are spot on with that!!! Clearly they are not concerned about long time cruisers as they have done little to keep you happy. They are not correct in this assumption but that is their thinking. They are targetting new families to cruising like mine, and do so at a Value cost. They are baking on keeping their cost to Cruise low much more than keeping past clients happy. I guess they think as long as it's affordable to cruise, those who have been loyal won't all of a sudden abandon ship....dangerous game they are playing but in reality I wonder what percentage of their Customers fit into this Veteran category.....


I agree with your statement in bold above. The cruising industry in general is experiencing tremendous growth over the last year. To quote an article placed today by Cruise Radio http://cruiseradio.net/regent-seven-seas-cruises-releases-earnings/ Regent, one of the most expensive lines in the market today has just posted a record breaking $131.5 million, same quarter for 2011 was $122.8 million.


Now if a line that charges thousands for an inside stateroom on a 7 day cruise is experiencing that kind of gain, you know that Carnival which aims it's sales ad middle income passengers is also realizing a huge gain in revenue dollars. These revenues are mostly coming from first time or second time cruising families that have found that cruising is a cheaper alternative to a land based vacation and so, to get them to return, they (Carnival) is now offering value based cruising where you will be able to purchase perks and services.

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Well here's they way I look at the whole thing, as a stage 4 cancer survivor, If this is the worst thing that ever happens to any of us in our lives that maybe someone gets to board the ship one place in front of us or gets to get on a tender boat one place ahead of us or maybe gets a dinner reservation that you "deserved'...... Then we have a pretty good life. I just thank God everyday I am able to wake up and see the sun and have a chance to go get on a ship. :):)

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I keep seeing this repeated, but I've never seen an example of it, and I've been cruising since 1994. Remember that Carnival is a for profit company whose policies are created to maximize said profits. I would like to read some examples of Carnival's implementation of policies that can be demonstrated to be "not always the best".


Carnival is the largest, most successful and most profitable cruise line in the world. They must be doing something right. Simply repeating statements such as the above does not make them true.


Kevin C


And simply not noticing it on your part doesn't it make it untrue either.


Consider the new loyalty program and how it was launched and implemented - I wouldn't call it a success (talk to some "milestone" cruisers and see how well they thought it went).


Consider things like priority tendering, which if you read CC regularly, you'll see a number of people complaining about how it is handled differently on every ship and sometimes not at all.


Like every company, no matter how much they make in profit, some ideas are great in principle but fall flat on their face in practice. While I don't have an issue with this new program, there is a lot if opportunity for it to be completely screwed up in it's implementation.

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All I can say is, we enjoy our Platinum perks and hope this does not take away from them. We are no better or worse than anyone who is not Platinum, but we did earn VIP boarding through our loyalty to Carnival. I just hope our VIP boarding experience remains the same......But I really don't see how that can happen, with this new program of theirs. I do wonder if there will be a separation of VIP boarding through the loyalty program and priority boarding through this new program. That would be the best way to handle it, but it probably isn't possible at most terminals. :rolleyes:

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I just dont understand the hate.. If you want the perk spend the 50 bucks if you dont..than dont hate on the people who do

I haven't read every post on every thread on this topic but I don't recall anyone "hating" on the individuals that have said they like this program and will take advantage of it. The disappointment and anger (and it's been expressed well by many people on this thread) is toward Carnival - not their fellow, future passengers. :)

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So, let me see if I have this right....Carnival had too many Platinum guests so they had to change the way you get to Platinum to contral the amount of people...so that they can now charge people to get the same perks?


I agree, they were making room so they could start selling perks. The man running things did not get where he is by being dumb. Why give things away when someone will always pay for them. I have also dealt with a having a bean counter in charge at home. Everything is for sale at the right price, it just depends on how many are willing to pay for them. Not Platinum yet, still need 3 cruises so this doesn't effect me. Never cruised for rewards but just wonder what we will be paying extra for in the future!

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Something to consider,


People who have been fortunate enough to have done a number of cruises have also experienced a number of embarks and debarks.


Personally, I see the potential for a big mess.


And I have seen them start embarking the zone one people almost at the same time as the vips.

I have also stood in line for three hours waiting for my turn to check in and it was exhausting and not fun.


The thing is that FttF may make the platinum folks wait a bit longer or get shuffled into the crowd.

And it will make the platinum line at guest services a bit longer.


But who this is really going to impact on is the people who are not platinum and did not pay the $50 fee.

They are all now members of the Slow to the Fun horde.:eek:

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And for the record, I'm Diamond and have absolutely no problem with it.


If Carnival wants to give us more perks, fine. If they want to take them all away. fine. I cruised with Carnival before there was a loyalty program and would continue cruising with them if the program disappeared tomorrow.


I don't cruise for perks and know that Carnival owes us nothing. I cruise because I like cruising. I also understand that the loyalty program is and always has been subject to change. Change happens.


I doubt I'll notice a change in the level of my service, yet Carnival has found a way to subsidize my existing perks. Brilliant! Meanwhile, I've gained two extra perks. Also, Brilliant!

Very well said. I say in the grand scheme of things, what is an extra few minutes of wait anyway, whether it is to get to your cabin or wait for your luggage. People are becoming way too impatient these days.

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I haven't read every post on every thread on this topic but I don't recall anyone "hating" on the individuals that have said they like this program and will take advantage of it. The disappointment and anger (and it's been expressed well by many people on this thread) is toward Carnival - not their fellow, future passengers. :)



If there was a Tripple Like Button on this forum I would click it for this post. :)

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This is a smart move by Carnival. I am happy to pay for this perk. I would be one of the people yelling though if I was Platinum. These are perks that it took quite a long time to establish for a cruiser and a first time cruiser can just buy them now for a pretty cheap fee.


I completely agree that this will make the entire cruise a little less convenient for those who have not purchased FTTF. I know that if it exists on my cruise and all the slots are filled so that I cannot buy it, I would cancel my cruise and find another.

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I haven't read every post on every thread on this topic but I don't recall anyone "hating" on the individuals that have said they like this program and will take advantage of it. The disappointment and anger (and it's been expressed well by many people on this thread) is toward Carnival - not their fellow, future passengers. :)

I agree. It has nothing to do with "hating" those that wish to participate. I posted in a thread yesterday that we got perks early in our cruising by buying in to the Carnival vacation club. We didn't do this for status, but because my husband was physically limited and could not stand in lines for long periods of time. I see nothing wrong with buying in early, especially if you have physical limitations or traveling with children.


Here is the rub, and has nothing to do with those buying in. As platinum or diamond we earned these perks. It was an incentive to be loyal. When we bought in to the Carnival Club we paid $500 dollars twice for the silver package. This covered our "special perks" for four cruises until we reached platinum status and it was no longer needed. Mind you this was for two people.


Now, they are allowing the same benifits to other cruisers for $50. That is per cabin, so for two that is $25, and a cabin of four only $12.50 each. In addition to having paid so much in the past for the same perks, now I feel they have put a monotary value on what my loyalty is worth. It is extremely insulting if you ask me. Not only did we do the time but we paid for prime.


I know we wern't the only ones that bought into the Carnival Vacation Club. They used to sale the packages on board just as they sale the credit card now. I saw many in the VIP check in. How do others who paid for their perks early feel about having these same perks go for peanuts, and if you have reached platinum or diamond since, don't you feel a bit cheated, devalued?


I can't lie and say I won't enjoy early access to my room now or priority luggage delivery. So we picked up a couple of perks. That only takes the sting out of those we lost, so as far as I am concerned, we are still far from even.


I reiterate, this has nothing to do with those that choose to buy in. We did the same thing, and the fact that you are getting such a bargain is not your doing. I am glad you have the opportunity at an affordable price.

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And simply not noticing it on your part doesn't it make it untrue either.


Consider the new loyalty program and how it was launched and implemented - I wouldn't call it a success (talk to some "milestone" cruisers and see how well they thought it went).


Consider things like priority tendering, which if you read CC regularly, you'll see a number of people complaining about how it is handled differently on every ship and sometimes not at all.


Like every company, no matter how much they make in profit, some ideas are great in principle but fall flat on their face in practice. While I don't have an issue with this new program, there is a lot if opportunity for it to be completely screwed up in it's implementation.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Talk to SOME platinum/diamond members about priority tendering and the new program. You will always have SOME people that will never be happy.We have NEVER had a problem with priority tendering and also don't have a problem with the program :)

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Very well said. I say in the grand scheme of things, what is an extra few minutes of wait anyway, whether it is to get to your cabin or wait for your luggage. People are becoming way too impatient these days.


Not only impatient but greedy :) The program is being compromised everyday because everyday more people are turning platinum. Possibly more of those than the few f2f program they are selling on each sailing.

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Princess cabins are ready for everyone upon boarding. I would assume they would have everyone leave their cabins earlier like they do. It can be done. Really.


I think someone mentioned that Princess also employs more cabin stewards. CCL cut back on theirs remember??? Unless they have hired more back (whcih could be..but I doubt it)

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Very well said. I say in the grand scheme of things, what is an extra few minutes of wait anyway, whether it is to get to your cabin or wait for your luggage. People are becoming way too impatient these days.



LIKE...I have never understood why everyone is in such a hurry to get on a ship that isn't going to move until it is sail away time..PERIOD....but we did see some of the "VIP ROYALTY" on our last cruise.....we were actually in Zone 1 and the VIP ROYALTY was separated by a mere rope and maybe 10 feet from us "commoners" and hubby and I were sitting there people watching and talking to the people around us and just enjoying looking outside at that ship, knowing I would be sailing on that beautiful floating resort for the next 5 days.....all of a sudden "PRINCESS NO MANNERS" came up to where we were all sitting and ask us if we were VIP and the guy sitting next to me just looked at her like she lost her mind and told her," depends on what day it is and if his wife allowed him to be that day" and all of us really thought with the good mood we were all in that it was funny...and then he seriously told her that it was right past that rope and pointed toward the area where the VIPS were sitting and now standing up against the wall, because there were no more chairs....that woman had the nerve to tell the guy that all of us would be moved to make room for the VIPS to sit down.....and he calmly told her that we were sat down from a Carnival representative and told us this was Zone 1 and as far as he was concerned, this was where WE were supposed to be, and then he just kind of turned away from her and started talking to his wife....the "VIP PRINCESS" says under her breath..."we will see about that", and takes off to Lord knows where, but comes back with a Carnival Rep and is basically demanding that we be moved so there is more room for the standing VIPS.....the Carnival Rep looked at her with the same look the guy sitting with us gave her, and proceeded to tell her NO....because in order to move us, he would have to go down the line moving EVERYONE, and that wasn't going to happen, and she was more than welcome to either go past the rope and stand or there were several empty seats all the way back to the end of the zones area,and Oh My Gosh, you would have thought the Rep sentenced her to a dungeon, and her words to him were "and how are we supposed to get on the ship before all these people"?...and you could tell the Rep was getting very perturbed at her attitude, especially when she started throwing out how many cruises she has been on with Carnival.....Blah, Blah, Blah...so my conclusion that day, after all this time reading on the boards about VIPS and their perks....that some of you on here are correct , maybe Carnival is gearing toward the newer cruisers, because they are tired of the same old complaining from those who think they are so derserving every cruise. I have made myself a vow to quit cruising if it comes to the point where I have to tell people how many cruises I have been on....because no one cares, but me...and I vow to quit cruising when my vacation time turns into nothing but griping about someone else having an opportunity to enjoy their cruise by paying $50 for the same things I may not be having to pay for...big Whoop.....

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The classism expressed in some of these posts from VIP customers is eye-opening. .
Classism is in the mind of the insecure here.

Thundering herds, hordes....cattle class on air planes. I have been among those and never felt like I was 'less'...maybe I just am not insecure. One thing I do know is that when I was among the hordes and thundering herds in the long lines at check in, I would think "Can't WAIT to be Platinum so I can avoid all this!!!"

If anyone out thereclaims they haven't felt like this then they are saints....or liars.


The people who were part of the hordes and thundering herds one day make it to the finish line and find that they still might have to wait in lines because Carnival has opened up the priority lines for anyone who wants to spend $50.


I don't know how many times or ways this can be explained but if you don't understand their disappointment in working for somethign and looking forward to it just to have it be cheapened, then you'll never get it.


You may not agree with the feeling these people have but it should at LEAST be acknowledged. That is what a decent human being does....



LIKE...I have never understood why everyone is in such a hurry to get on a ship that isn't going to move until it is sail away time..PERIOD.........




Angry much??? And everyone is supposed to feel that way???


I get on a ship as early as possible. I love exploring it before everything goes into full swing. I usually cruise with a group and we get the party started long before sail away. Tha time on the ship right after boaring is my absolute FAVORITE time on board because the whole cruise is ahead of us....




The problem with most of the posters here is they feel eveyone should feel like they do. To all of you, I feel sorry for your total lack of any empathy or understanding.

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I think someone mentioned that Princess also employs more cabin stewards. CCL cut back on theirs remember??? Unless they have hired more back (whcih could be..but I doubt it)


Don't know how many Princess has compared to Carnival. And honestly don't care. The point is it has been proven that it can be done. I will not assume anything otherwise.

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